Chapter 7

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Click. Clack. Click. Bam. Groan. Click. Clack. Click. Clack. Thud. Grunt.

Click. Clack. Click. Clack. Click. Thud.

"Aww." That one really hurt my bum and my back was starting to hurt badly as well. Apparently it wasn't really healed yet but I couldn't give up now. Tomorrow was going to be the interview and Mrs. Wales was patient enough to teach me after class but then she also had to go. Nessa and Ria had other classes as well but for me, this class of walking with heels would be my class for the whole day. I was alone in the huge room, walking with my ridiculous high heels. My feet ached, I was thirsty and my whole body was exhausted from falling and walking. I don't know why I couldn't get it.

I stood up again and concentrated hard on my aching feet and walked slowly on a straight line. By my fifth step I started wobbling, then bam for the hundredth time. I sat down for a while and sighed caressing my bruised knees and scratched elbows. I bet my face was also dirty, since I also fell on it a few times. Jeez, what a failure I am. I couldn't even walk in high heels.

I should have convinced Mrs. Wales that I really couldn't go in that interview with high heels but she insisted because all princesses must show off what they could do. I told her earlier that I would rather breakdance but the witch shook her head and replied that the chairman would be displeased and a lot of mentors too. And all because of high heels, pathetic right. But I'm even more pathetic I realized.

Maybe I just needed water, then I remembered Nessa added something inside my water bottle. She said it was an energizing drink, probably what I needed. Standing up again, I held on the sides for support since I didn't really want to fall again. When I got to the marble table where the water was, I sighed relieved because I didn't fall. I mentally applauded to myself even though I cheated.

I looked around for my blue water bottle but it was nowhere on the table. Confused, I looked underneath. There was nothing, just the shining tiled floor. Huh? Where did it go? I'm pretty sure water bottles don't have legs.

"Looking for something?" A familiar voice broke my confusion. I glanced by the doorway and glared at the culprit. Gavier was leaning by the wall with my water bottle in his hand, his face looking amused.

I groaned. "Yes and you have it. May I have it back please?"

"Nope," He replied opening the cap of my water bottle. Oh no, what was he going to do?

"Hey! That's mine!" I growled and began to surge forth, running towards him at full force.

The jerk ignored me and began chugging my water. My water! My energizing drink! How dare him!

I quickly snatched my water bottle from him breathlessly. I basically sprinted, and he was so far away across the room. "You jerk, that was especially made for me!" I glared at him as he smirked back.

"No wonder it tasted sweeter." He licked his lips.

I groaned, realizing his mouth had been all over my water bottle. Oh, my poor water bottle, it must have suffered greatly.

"Didn't someone teach you not to touch or use other people's things without permission?" I hugged my bottle to my chest as I crossed my arms over it.

"No one stopped me before." He shrugged.

Spoiled prince, I should have known. "Well Mister, even if you're a prince I'm still not letting you touch and use my things as you please. Do you want a rewind of our pleasant meeting before?"

"Maybe I want a rewind" He smirked then put his hands on my waist gently. "Want to get started?"

"Ugh! Can you just torment me later, I still need to practice." I pushed him away with one arm.

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