Chapter 27: Like, If Looking Liking Move

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This chapter is brought to you by Hollow Moon by The Crane Wives. 


Rowan couldn't help but scream as the light consumed him.

His stomach made an unpleasant flip, and he almost wanted to vomit. 

There was one thing Rowan detested more than the claymore and that was magic. 

He inherited his extreme sensitivity from his father. The direct descendent of his House's bloodline couldn't handle magic energy as well as others. Bel might have been the only exception to the rule, his resistance having come from his mother's side. 

"Are you sure he's ready?" 

The light cleared and he was suddenly in another room. 

Rowan had no time to admire the decor. He saw a bucket in front of him and he immediately leaned over it. 

"Are you sure he's ready?"

He heard a familiar voice ask. There was a hint of concern that made Rowan want to flush with humiliation as he puked into the bucket. 

Once he finished emptying the contents of his stomach into the bucket, he looked up and saw that the person holding the bucket for him was Tobus. 

Emerald green eyes stared down at him, almost judgementally, and Rowan wanted to do nothing but curl up and cry. 

"Sorry..." he said, ashamed of his actions. 

Tobus sighed. 

He pressed a wet handkerchief against his mouth and Rowan gratefully took it. 

"We never said he was experienced," Mercury winced when Tobus turned to him. 


The familiar endearment made Rowan look up. 

Tobus patted him on the head. 

"Be good. Stay close." 

Rowan didn't know how to answer. He didn't have time to when Bel was suddenly cutting in between them.  

"He doesn't need to be coddled, Tobus." 

Love you too, cousin. 

"Not ready," Tobus answered. 

Oh no. 

The room simultaneously went silent. 

Bel was glaring at Tobus. 

"What is the matter with you?"

Tobus didn't answer. 

"Rowan is more than ready. Sure, he can't use a blade to save his life, and his introduction might have gone better if he hadn't puked but could you cut him some slack? Not everyone has a talent for murder, Cat!" 

Oh, Bel. 

Rowan thought sadly. 

There was a minuscule flinch in Tobus' gaze, a crack to his demeanor, and a momentary shift to his demeanor. 

He stared at Bel, eyes wide with... something. The emotions that flickered across his face were unreadable. Then he blinked. Once. Twice. And finally looked away. 

Someone coughed. 

"I'm still here."

It was then that Rowan realized he was in an office. 

Not just any office, but Lord Eartha's office. 

The man was unimpressed by the display before him. 

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