Chapter 19: Virtue Itself Turns Vice

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Part IV


There was a sort of tension that rose between Belwyn Monttevi and Tobus Arcadia after the fateful mission-that-was-almost-a-failure-due-to-some-unforseen-circumstances. 

No one knew what had caused the two boys to... well, not turn on each other, per se, but rather, they were not as amicable as they used to be. 

Throughout the years, it became somewhat of a familiar sight to see Lord Arcadia and his gaggle of followers and cats turn away at the mere sight of Lord Belwyn and his own entourage. 

Neither Heir Protectors explained their sudden distaste for one another, but the men and women of both their Houses figured it had to do with that terrible mission that got Uranus Stella kicked out of Vesna. 

The feud between the Calyptos and Monttevis was once again ignited, brawls becoming more common in the streets and in the alleyways. 

It was unacceptable. 

Eartha griped with this fact and glared at his most promising heir, who had chosen to silently side with the Monttevis. 

Mercury had been fond of Lord Belwyn, and while he didn't partake in any brawls, it was obvious he favored his friend's House. 

And now, at the age of eighteen, he was to begin his first mission as an agent. 

Eartha closed his eyes and willed himself not to throw a candleholder against the wall. 

Lord Arcadia had proven his capabilities over the years and had become one of the best agents among the ranks. He would keep his nephew safe, regardless of the mission outcome. 

The only issue with sending Mercury with Lord Arcadia was Lord Belwyn. For some gods-awful reason, the man had stubbornly remained under Lord Arcadia's leadership. Despite his qualification to lead his own unit, he clung to Lord Arcadia and fiercely fought against any agent looking to replace him. 

And they were supposed to be rivals. 

Eartha had to concede despite him being Cat and Peacemaker's superior. 

At the very least, Cat's unit was efficient. 

Poppy Field and Hydrangea had already left to lead their own unit, but their position was quickly filled by Otto, one of Cat's followers, and now Mercury, his most promising nephew-and-heir-who-sided-with-the-Monttevis-but-was-thankfully-neutral-in-his-actions-or-else-he-would-soon-end-up-like-Uranus. 

Otto, codename Siamese, was one of the many "kittens" Cat had raised. The name really spoke for itself, now that Eartha thought about it. It was no wonder the Calyptos smirked and giggled in their sly little ways when asking Cat about the children under his care. 

Well, Eartha thought, looking at the group before him. 

They weren't quite children anymore. 

"Lord Arcadia, what is the meaning of this?"

The young man in question had his daggers unsheathed and was staring at him with the familiar disinterest that Eartha had come to be familiar with. 

A man dressed in Monttevi blue was lying on the ground. He groaned in pain.

To punctuate his ire, Lord Arcadia gave him a warning stomp square in the chest, cutting off whatever it was the man was trying to say. 

Eartha pinched the bridge of his nose. 

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