Chapter 42: Cut Him Out In Little Stars

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This chapter is brought to you by 絆ノ奇跡 (Kizuna no Kiseki) by MAN WITH A MISSION & milet. 


"He's back!" 

The newly formed Cat Retrieval Unit went into action. 

On the other side of the city walls, they could see Tobus riding toward the gate with two others flanking his sides. 

"Dreamer, report." 

Venus' voice rang through the communication stone. 

"Cat is escorting unknown figures toward the entrance." 

"I have the visuals," Pluto informed him, "They are not Mantle agents." 

His hand fell on his whip. He met the eyes of two of the Calypto mercenaries who had joined him--Lark and Wren. "Permission to apprehend?"

"Negative. Your objective is to secure Cat and bring him to the Tower immediately," said Venus. 

They were handling this joke of a mission like Tobus was a criminal. 

Mercury had no illusion they would win if Tobus went rogue and decided to fight them. 

He could kill his way out of the city and be done with them if that were to happen, and the city would no doubt be divided by his actions.

He had too many admirers, and his kittens, that brood of children he brought with him when he first stepped foot into Vesna, would follow him to the end of the world. 

Hence none of Tobus' siblings were informed of the matter, yet. 

All the crazy theories sprouted in his head like weeds, and Mercury couldn't stop thinking about the worst scenario possible. 

From a young age, he was taught to be wary and suspicious, and not to be too trustworthy of others. A city lord who ruled over a city of mercenaries was not a noble and wise ruler, but a fair and perceptive one. 

His duty was to protect the Houses within Vesna... and in doing so, he was protecting the people of the Empire. 

Tobus rode up to the gate while his companions stood a little distance away. 

When he spotted their unit and recognized them, his eyes narrowed with interest and a hint of concern. 

"Has something happened?"

Mercury shouldn't have been surprised that the first thing Tobus asked concerned the well-being of what was essentially the city and its inhabitants, but he was. 

The evidence from the investigation was so damning, but Mercury knew in his heart it couldn't be true. 

Tobus was not a person who was capable of brewing such complicated schemes. He would be the last person in the city charged with conspiracy because everyone knew he would rather solve his problems with brute force.

And yet--!

Protocol dictated they needed to handle the situation like he was a suspect. 

Mercury swallowed and showed him the emblem of the Tower of Truth. 

"You have been summoned to the interrogation cells under the orders of the city lord. Please remain quiet and don't resist. I will be your escort." 

There was a hushed silence as everyone awaited Tobus' reaction. 

He cocked his head, and then slowly, he stepped down from his horse and came forward. 

Mercury observed that his complexion was not good. Exhaustion lined his face, and his posture was rigid. 

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