Chapter 2

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Jade's Pov

Planning this event over the past week has been stressful. I had to teach the girls how to greet the guest and then we finally came up with a menu that was approved by the Alpha. The first couple of ideas earned us a few slaps from him. He said the ideas were so stupid he would hope it could knock some sense into us. The festivities start tomorrow and everyone was nervous. My birthday was in two days and my headaches were getting worse. Working through them was getting harder to hide. I was running out of excuses to tell the girls when they would ask why I was in so much pain.
"My feet are killing me" I rubbed my feet and let out a loud sigh.
"Rose, I'm scared" Skylar blurted out and I shot her a confused look.
"My birthday is in two months and I know you've seen it too. The girls here turn eighteen and if they don't mate they disappear," She put her hand in her face and I rushed to give her a hug.
"Nothing is going to happen to you. We are going to find a way to get out of here safely. Together okay?" She looked up at me. She gave me a small smile and then it disappeared.
"How are we going to do that?" I looked up at the ceiling and shrugged my shoulders.
"After the party, we will figure it out. For now, let's just relax because these next three days are going to be tough"
She nodded and we laid down on our mattresses. I groaned as yet another headache hit me.
"Are you sure you're feeling well? You have been getting a lot of headaches lately," She questioned me.
"Wait a second," She sat up and stared at me with wide eyes.
"Isn't your birthday in two days?" I sat up and looked at her worriedly.
"How old are you turning?"
I was lying straight through my teeth and I hope she didn't catch up.
"I learned that when you are getting closer to turning eighteen you start feeling your wolf coming in. I don't know what the symptoms are, but do you think maybe it's early feelings?" She examined me closely and I looked at the ceiling.
"Did you feel anything or are feeling anything? Your birthday is coming up soon as well you should be feeling something as well?" I looked at her and she was deep in thought.
"I've never felt anything weird" She shrugged and laid back down. I laid down and let go of the breath I didn't know that I was holding in.
"It's probably just a sickness," I said to her.
"Werewolves don't get sick that easily" She argued and I laughed.
"We aren't werewolves yet so that doesn't apply to us" She scoffed and the room went silent.
"Do you think we are going to be okay?" I smiled even though she couldn't see me.
"I know we are. I'll do everything I can to make it happen"
She didn't say anything anymore and soon I heard her soft snores coming from her side of the room. I felt bad for keeping all of this a secret from her. She was my best friend. She was brought in a couple of days after me and they bunked us together. We've been each other's family for these past eleven years. There had been times when I wanted to tell her, but I was too afraid that someone would be listening. I don't know the process of the wolf transformation, but I knew I had to tell her soon.


No matter how fast I ran I couldn't get away from the wolf that was running behind me. I was running out of breath and I felt myself start to slow down. The loud footsteps were getting louder and closer every second. I tripped over a branch and I fell down with a loud thud. I groaned in pain and held my leg to my chest. The wolf was two feet away from me slowly stepping out of the shadow. It was a big beautiful gray wolf with a hint of purple around it. As it walked closer I noticed it had purple eyes similar to mine. It laid down beside me and rested its head on my legs. Suddenly, I wasn't scared anymore. I ran my hand through its fur and it leaned into my touch.
"You're so beautiful" I whispered.
"Thank you"
I froze when I heard the voice in my head. I looked around and didn't see anyone around me.
"It's me"
I looked down at the wolf who was now looking up at me.
"I must be going crazy. Am I dreaming?" I asked no one in particular.
"Technically it is a dream, but it's an introduction dream between wolf and person"
I looked at the wolf in shock. So this is my wolf? She looks breathtaking and fierce.
"Do you have a name?"
"How does this work?" I continued stroking her fur.
"I am in your head. Only you can see and hear me when we are not in wolf form."
"How do I turn?" The forest around us slowly started turning into a field of flowers.
"You just give me permission"
" Just like that?" I questioned.
"Well, you just have to learn to control your temper. Other than that I can't come out unless you let me,"
Sara closed her eyes and settled against my thighs. Everything around us started blurring out including Sara.
"Wait I have more questions!"
"This won't be the last time you see me," She disappeared and everything went dark.
I sat up from my mattress with sweat on my forehead. I went up to the sink to splash water on my face.
"That was a weird dream" I mumbled to myself.
"Yeah, why did you run away from me?" I jumped when I heard the voice.
"Seriously you still get scared when you hear my voice?"
"I'm sorry. I'm not used to it" I whispered
"It's fine, give it a couple of days. By the way, you don't have to whisper. I can hear your thoughts" She chuckled and I rolled my eyes.
"We are basically one person. I can hear, see, and feel everything. Can you see or feel me?"
"I can't see you, but I can feel you walking around. Is that normal?"
"Yes. I just told you we are one person. Connected." I laughed and she laid down in the back of my head.
At least I wasn't getting headaches anymore. I woke up Skylar so we can get ahead on our tasks for the day. Soon all the girls woke up and started on their tasks. The Beta informed us that the guests would start showing up soon. He gave me some temporary clothes to hand out to the rest of the girls so we can look more presentable.
He instructed us to line up by the front door as soon as we were ready so we can guide the Alphas to their rooms. Alphas with their Lunas came in with some of their pack members. It was mesmerizing seeing other packs here. Alpha Roy, Beta Alfred, and Gamma Richard were all greeting guests at the front door and passing them to us.
"Here, Rose will help you find your room. Please don't hesitate to ask her for anything," Alpha Roy said and smiled at me. I knew the whole 'being nice' attitude was an act, but at least it was better than his anger. I smiled and went up to the couple.
"Alpa. Luna." I bowed and motioned for us to start walking.
I started walking towards their room when my senses caught the most amazing smell. It was a mix of coffee beans and wet soil? I turned around and spotted the next Alpha walking in through the front door. He stopped for a second and looked around. For a second, his eyes met mine and I felt like my heart was going to burst. I felt Sara jumping around and wagging her tail.
"Rose?" I heard a voice behind me.
"My apologies, right this way please" I quickly turned around and felt my cheeks warm up.
"Would you like anything before I leave?" I smiled as I opened the door for them.
"No thank you, sweetheart. Are you feeling okay?" The luna asked me. It took me by surprise when she called me sweetheart I haven't heard that in a long time.
"U-uh yes" I could feel my heart race and I began to feel lightheaded.
"Are you sure? You look a little pale. Plus it sounds like your heart might explode" The Alpha chuckled and I forced a smile on my face.
"You need to calm down." Sara's voice echoed in my head.
"Y-yes I'm alright." I smiled "Dinner will be served at seven. Please let anyone know if you have any questions or concerns Alpha..."
"Alpha Alex. This is my mate, Luna Celeste" He smiled at the beautiful lady standing next to him. You could tell they were so in love and it brought a smile to my face.
"Well, you know my name is Rose. Just ask anyone for me and I'll be here right away"
I excused myself from them and walked away. As I made my way to the kitchen I caught the amazing smell again and walked towards it. I turned the corner and saw the Alpha from earlier.
He was being guided by Ruby to his room. I can see the back of him and he was walking with two other men around the same height. He stopped walking and looked around. I quickly walked away before he can see me. Once I got to the kitchen I spotted Skylar and I ran up to her.
"Rose! It feels so overwhelming having all those Alphas here" She laughed and I stayed quiet.
"What's wrong?" I walked over to some of the dinner plates.
"I saw the most handsome man." I smiled and she wiggled her eyebrows at me.
"I thought you said you would never fall for anyone?" I rolled my eyes and started wrapping the silverware.
"I didn't say I was falling for him. I simply said he was handsome" She laughed and helped me wrap.
"He had the most amazing scent of coffee beans and wet soil" She made a face and giggled.
"That's an...interesting smell" I felt Sara growl inside me and then lay down.
"I thought so as well but now it's all I can think about" I laughed and she shook her head.
"Oh girl you're in love" I playfully smacked her with the napkin and she laughed.
"Let's go set the tables"
I grabbed all the wrapped silverware and headed toward the dining room. We all set up the tables and made sure everything was perfect. One of the girls dropped a decoration that shattered and she looked up at me afraid.
"I'm s-sorry it s-slipped and I-" her eyes began to water and I walked over to her.
"Hey hey it's okay. Don't worry about it. We will get this cleaned up and figure it out. Are you hurt?" She shook her head and wiped her tears. Once everything was settled we went back to the kitchen and waited for dinner time. Beta Alfred walked in and we all stood up.
"One of the Alpha's said their room was too hot. Why hasn't that been fixed?" His voice was so low it made my legs shake.
"Answer me!"
"I'll go up there right away to check it out" He turned around and walked towards me.
"That should've been fixed as soon as he found out" I bowed my head and he grabbed my
"Go up there now and don't let it happen again" He squeezed my wrist so tight I felt like they were going to break. Sara started whimpering and my breath hitched.
"Yes Beta" He let go of my wrists and walked away. I looked down and saw bruises start forming.
"Don't worry. You have me now those will heal faster" Sara said.
"Girls, I'll be right back okay? Hold tight" I smiled at them and they nodded. I walked away to go fix the situation before it got worse.
"He didn't even say what Alpha it was"
"Don't worry I'll figure it out" It was still weird talking to someone in my head. It made me feel crazy.
"You're not crazy. It's normal everyone does it" She laughed and I rolled my eyes.
I asked around until I found someone to fix the air conditioning in the room. Once I made sure everything was settled I went back to the kitchen to help serve dinner.

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