Chapter 23

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Jade's Pov

We ate breakfast in an empty dining room waiting for Caden and Ayden to arrive and they never did.
"They got caught up with work," Lance said. I nodded and looked down at my almost empty plate. Even after always hanging out with Ayden I still miss him when we are not together.
"Maybe we can stop by his office to see if he is here?" Lance recommended and Skylar laughed.
"Last time we showed up in his office uninvited it didn't end well" She looked at me and I frowned.
"It's fine we can wait for him" I smiled. "What if we go check out a class?"
"I have another training class in a bit for the beginners. You should come. Caden was supposed to take over for me with you girls, but he isn't replying. You can't participate though." He shrugged.
"Do you think Ayden will be okay with that?" I asked
"Who cares! Come on let's go!" Skylar stood up and so did Lance.
I hesitated and then got up as well. We quickly cleaned up the table and headed over to the training room. It was the same room I was in last time when I tried to shift. I looked around and there were a lot of different people stretching and preparing.
"This is the beginners class?" Skylar asked. She was looking at someone who was doing flips on the mat.
"Yes, it is. Go ahead sit and watch from the side." He said and we nodded. We walked over to the side of the room and sat on the floor.
"Welcome everyone! Find a partner. We will start in a minute" Lance announced and everyone scurried around the room. The doors slammed open and familiar heel clicks filled the room.
"Is everyone ready to start?" She announced.
"What are you doing here?" Lance asked and she smiled at him.
"I want to help lead the beginner's class." She looked around and her eyes landed on us.
"Well, well, well what are you two doing here?" Everyone turned around to look at us and she walked over to us.
"We wanted to check out the class" I stood up before she got to us.
"Are you going to be joining or just watching from the sidelines like a weakling?" She smirked.
"Christina leave them alone. They are just here to observe" Lance said and she scoffed.
"Actually, no I would love to join the class" I smiled.
"Okay, we can be partners," She said and turned on her heel.
"No, I am going to be her partner," Lance said and I shook my head.
"It's fine. It's better for her because I might break her" she laughed as she walked away.
"You can't join the class. Ayden will kill me" Lance mindlinked me.
"It's fine he doesn't have to know," I said and walked over to the mat. I took off my shoes and faced Lance.
"How does this work?" I asked him.
"We are going to start off with basic moves,"
"Hit me." He said and I looked at him confused. He nodded and I lunged at him. He moved away fast enough and I stumbled forward.
"Whoa" I breathed out and turned around.
"Jade, you're really slow" He laughed and I rolled my eyes. I lunged at him again a couple of times and he dodged every single one of them.
"Okay" I breathed out and put my hands on my knees.
"I'm going to throw some hits and you are going to try your best to avoid them all," He said and I nodded. I stood up straight and got into position. He started off slow and then picked up the pace. He got my arm and I stepped back.
"Jade, I'm sorry" ance said.
"Aww, was the baby hurt?" Christina said from behind me. I turned around and she was standing there with her arms crossed. "Maybe you should stay seated for the rest of the class?"
"Let's take a turn together," I said and she smirked.
"No I don't think that's a good idea," Lance said and stepped forward.
"I think it's a splendid idea" She took her heels off.
"Christina, If she gets injured Ayden will get upset," Lance said and she rolled her eyes.
"What's so important about her?" She asked. "Everybody clear some space!"
Everyone moved away quickly and watched both of us carefully.
"This is her first class make sure you go easy," Lance warned and she smiled at me.
"Don't worry I will" She lunged at me and I moved away from her. She did it again and I dodge all of them just like Lance.
"We just started and you're already out of breath" She laughed. I lunged at her and she quickly moved and turned me around. She kicked my legs and I fell to the ground. She ran over to me and I rolled away. I stood up and looked at her.
"Didn't Lance say to go easy?" I said trying to catch my breath.
"Do you want to stop? I know it must be tough to go up against top warrior" She flicked her hair back and my hands turned into fists. I ran to her and she did a maneuver where she pinned me down to the ground. I fell to the ground with a thud and groaned. She was holding me down with her arm on my neck. I wasn't scared. If anything I was furious. I tried clawing my way out of her grip but it was no use.
"Okay, Christina that's enough let her go," Lance warned.
"No, she needs to learn how to respect and stay in her place." She said. Her face was inches away from mine.
"What the fuck is going on here?!" A voice boomed all over the room. Christina's head snapped up and I took the opportunity to push her off. She fell back to the mat and I was up in a second. Ayden was standing by the door with Caden by his side.
"Alpha" Everyone said and bowed.
"Do I have to repeat myself?!" His voice was low. I don't think he was in control anymore.
"Lance brought the stray," Christina replied and his head snapped in her direction.
"What did I say about calling her that?!" He walked over to her. She looked down and he looked over to Lance.
"And you! What the fuck do you think you're doing bring her here?!" He walked over to him and I stepped in front of Lance.
"It was my idea," I said. Ayden looked down at me. His breath was heavy and his body was tense.
"He had nothing to do with this. If you need to punish anyone punish me." My whole body was shaking, but I kept my position.
"Jade maybe you should step away" Caden was cautiously walking over to us.
"No, I will not let anyone punish someone for my mistakes," I said not breaking eye contact with Ayden. His eyes were darker than usual.
"Is she crazy? Why is she standing up for the alpha?" Christina's voice asked from afar.
"Everyone leave now!" Ayden growled. Everyone ran out of the room except Christina.
"I said, everyone!" He looked over at her and she rolled her eyes.
"I think being part of the council and being a top warrior should give me access to be here with you" She crossed her arms.
"Nope let's go" Caden grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the room.
"My shoes!"She shrieked. Skylar stood up and grabbed her shoes. She threw them at her and Caden shut the door.
"How could you be so careless?" Ayden asked his voice still low.
  " Milo?" I mindlinked Caden and he nodded.
"Milo, I wasn't being careless. I asked Lance if we could check out a class and he mentioned that he had a beginner's class starting." I said.
"I'm going to need you to move," He said and I shook my head.
"You have to promise you won't do anything to Lance. He didn't even want us to participate. I was the one who got furious when Christina started taunting me." I said.
"Jade I need you to step away from Lance now. Please" Milo was sounding so controlled but I knew it was hard for Ayden.
"I said no" I pushed. He sighed and stormed out of the room. I let out the breath I was holding in and I looked at Skylar. She gave me a thumbs up and Caden laughed.
"Give him a few minutes to cool down. He did not like coming in here seeing his mate pinned down by someone else" Caden said, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah this was fun" I looked back at Lance and he smiled at me.
"Are you?" I asked him and he nodded.
"Can we continue training?" I asked and Caden clapped.
"I want to join as well. What's better than the best of the best training us?" Skylar laughed and walked over.
We partnered up and began with some basic training. Nothing involving hits or flips. We didn't want to anger our Alpha anymore.
"Wow, it's exhilarating," I said and sat on the mat.
"Yes, it is! Thank you for helping us." Skylar said and sat next to me. Caden handed us water bottles and they sat in front of us.
"So is there any reason why Ayden wants to kill you all the time?" I asked and they shrugged.
"It's his way to let out his anger. He never really hurts us. He cools down and it all passes over his head." Lance said.
"You know, before you got here he was mad all the time. Never smiled or laughed so maybe your presence here is helping" Caden said. "This fated mates thing is like magic"
"Do you guys ever hope to find your mates?" Skylar asked.
"I would love to find my other half. Our souls are meant to be together for life. Moon goddess Evangeline chooses two perfect souls to be together." Lance said. Skylar was awed and I smiled at him.
"It's cool to have someone I guess" Caden shrugged and looked down.
"You're not interested in finding your mate?" I asked.
"I don't like talking about it," He said keeping his gaze down.
"You talked about it with Ayden a lot," Skylar said and he sighed.
"It's just not something I'm interested in myself. Can we drop it?" I had never seen him this serious. He was always laughing and making jokes.
"I think we should go find Ayden," I said trying to change the conversation. We stood up and walked out of the training room. We checked his office and he wasn't there.
"Can you meet me in the garden?" I heard his voice in my head.
"Ayden just called me to the garden." I smiled.
"What garden?" Skylar questioned.
"His mother's. It's outside. Can you take Skylar up to our room? I know my way to the garden" I smiled and they nodded.
"I'll see you later" I hugged Skylar and she walked away from them. I took the familiar path down to the garden where I saw him sitting on the bench in the middle. He turned around and I smiled at him. He crushed me into a hug and I laughed.
"Don't do anything without letting me know again. Especially if it might hurt you" He said.
"I'm okay now," I said sounding muffled against his chest.
"You've been through so much pain. I don't want anyone hurting you again."
"We continued training after you left and Lance said we both have so much potential" He pulled me away and looked me in the eyes.
"You continued training after I left?" His voice was low.
"N-no?" I smiled.
"I need to have a talk with Lance" He rubbed his temples.
"Stop being so mad. I want to do things to get me up to normal speed. Like, go to academic school lessons" I leaned up and kissed him. Our lips moved in sync and he placed his hands on my waist.
"As much as I hate to pull away did you say academic school lessons?" He asked. I kept my hands around his neck and nodded.
"Caden was supposed to ask you" I laughed shyly. He sighed and pecked my lips.
"I'll think about it" He connected our lips again. I laughed into the kiss and he pulled us closer if it was possible.
"Won't anyone see us?' I asked between kisses.
"Don't worry this place is off-limits to everyone. The garden is big enough to hide in here" He replied and picked me up. He sat us on the bench and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
"Doesn't it feel weird sneaking around in here?" I asked him and he groaned.
"I was doing fine until you brought that up" He laughed. "I still want to kiss you"
"Actually, I'm a little tired will you take me back to my room?" He pouted and I kissed his lips.
"Okay fine. Let's go" We walked back to the packhouse with linked hands in comfortable silence.

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