Chapter 19

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Ayden's Pov

Sometimes these council meetings can go on forever. Once Jade becomes Luna this council thing will go away. Hopefully. The only reason this is a thing was because they thought I wasn't capable of being Alpha alone.
"Alpha Ayden is there an update on our Luna?" They asked and I groaned.
"I'll update you on that later. How are the residents doing after repairing their issues?" I quickly changed the subject.
"They are very pleased. Thank you Alpha Ayden" One of the people at the table told me.
"Okay if you'll excuse me I have to dismiss the meeting early." I nodded.
"Why have you been leaving meetings earlier than usual?" an all too aggravating voice spoke up.
"Personal reasons Christina" I got up and she smirked.
"What could be more important than a council meeting? Aren't you worried about the people's concerns?" She stood up.
"Of course I am," I said and she crossed her arms.
"Would you care to share what has you rushing out so quickly?" She asked. My hands turned into fists and I took a deep breath
"Christina, I suggest you stay out of my business as it is none of your concern. Next time you ask I might reconsider your privilege to be in these meetings." I said in a low voice. "Everyone can go" I walked out without looking back. I went straight back to the room where Jade and Skylar were.
"Caden!" I hissed. He fell from his chair and woke up from his nap.
"I was sleeping!" He groaned. I slapped him in the head and he gasped.
"Why would you fall asleep while you are on guard with the girls?" I sat down next to Jade and fixed a hair strand that was on her face.
"Don't worry nothing can get past me" He smirked and I rolled my eyes.
"You didn't hear me when I walked in and you fell off your chair" I scoffed.
"I knew it was you. I knew they were safe. I wanted to finish my nap" He shrugged.
"Caden I just walked in and you're giving me a headache" I rubbed my temples and he laughed.
"You can't blame me for that headache Christina gave you at the meeting" He chuckled.
"How did you know about that?" I questioned.
"Someone mindlinked me that Christina was throwing a hissy fit at the other pack members after you blew up on her," He said and I groaned.
"I don't know how to get her off my back."
"or out of the pack" Caden snickered.
"You have to announce our Luna" he shrugged.
"It's not that easy" I laid back and played with the ring on my finger.
"I need to make sure she is okay with everything. I don't want to bombard her with all these responsibilities."
"I'm just saying everyone would feel better if you just told the truth"
"Who is everyone?"
"Mainly you."
"I don't need to present her as my luna to be okay. I am okay"
"Ayden, I've known you my whole life I know something is wrong."
"It's the heat. I can feel it radiating off of her and it's making me crazy."
"She's warming up to you. Give her a few more days. Either way, you said the council gave you a month."
"Yeah you're right"
"Of course I am. I'm always right"
"Why can't you take a compliment like a normal person?"
"Why be normal when you can be fun?" He laughed.
"What happened?" Skylar woke up and held her head.
"You're okay. After Dr. Bour gave you the shot you needed time to rest and heal" I explained to her and she looked around.
"How long has it been?"
"About a day. How do you feel?"
"I feel fine. Hungry"
"I'm on it" Caden winked and stood up.
"Bring some for Jade she might be waking up soon as well please" I called out as he left.
"I can feel myself stronger. Like something inside me is changing" She said to me.
"It could be the medicine doing its job. Do you feel any pain?"
"Not even the stomach pain that I have been feeling for days now" She smiled.
"It's like magic" She laughed.
Caden came back with the food and handed it to her. She began eating and finished quickly.
"Whoa, I had never eaten anything so fast. I have never eaten so much." She looked at the food Caden had in his hands and licked her lips.
"Give it to her. We can go get more food for Jade." I said and he nodded. She ate the food quickly again and burped.
"Wow! That was the best meal ever" she laughed and laid back.
"I'm glad you're able to eat full meals now," Caden said and she nodded.
"It hurts" I heard another voice say. I looked at Jade and she was waking up already. I went to her side and caressed her face.
"What hurts?" I asked right away.
"No, it's not pain." She said and I looked at her confused.
"It burns," She said and Caden snickered behind me.
"Okay, Jade I have to tell you something that you might be experiencing for a while," I said and she looked up at me. She bit her lip and moved her hair out of her face.
"Alpha. My Alpha?" Her sweet angelic voice said and I nodded. She leaned up and kissed my lips. After a couple of seconds, someone cleared their throat behind us and I pulled away. Caden was smirking and Skylar was looking away with a pink shade on her cheek. Jade whimpered beside me and grabbed my shirt.
"More" She begged and I ran my hand through her hair.
"How's the heat?" Caden asked and I glared at him.
"What's going on?" Skylar asked.
"Jade is in heat," I said. She laid her head on my shoulder and whimpered again.
"Is she hot? Why don't you turn on the air conditioning?" Skylar asked and Caden chuckled.
"Oh darling no. Jade is in heat because they haven't marked each other. They are mates and usually by this time mates have done it. If not they start going into heat and that happens" He motioned over to us. Jade was kissing my neck and I had no idea how I was able to control myself. My pants were getting tighter.
"It just means that Jade and Ayden will be sexually attracted to each other?" She asked and I nodded.
"Not only to each other. Other male wolves will be able to sense it" He explained.
"They will be sexually attracted to our future Luna" I growled and Jade's head snapped up.
"Do that again it sounded so sexy" She said. Her voice sounded different. It was a flirty voice. She pulled on my shirt and brought me close to her face. She sniffed and her eyes lit up.
"Caden, please take Skylar to a different room" I didn't take my eyes off of Jade. I heard the chair squeak and some noise.
"Come on. We need to give them some space." Caden said. I turned around and he was helping her off the bed.
"Ayden you aren't going to hurt her right? She's been through so much and she almost died. I can't lose her please." Skylar begged and I locked eyes with her.
"Skylar trust me when I say this. I will never ever hurt her. She is mine. She is my mate and I would kill anyone that would ever try to hurt her again." My voice was changing between mine and Milo's. Caden grabbed Skylar and pulled her out of the room. He shut the door and I looked down at Jade again. I raised her head so I can look at her beautiful eyes. I can see so many emotions running through them and it pained me.
"It burns" She whimpered and I kissed her head.
"It's the heat my love. You have to control it" I said and she pouted. She kissed me and I couldn't help but kiss her back. She tugged on my hair and I moaned. I pulled her onto my lap and she moaned. I pulled away and rested our foreheads together.
"We should stop. You need to cool down." Every time she whimpered I wanted to grab her face and kiss it, but I knew I had to stop for now.
"Do you not find me attractive?" She asked.
"Baby trust me, You are the sexiest person I have ever seen. everything about you is attractive." I said and she looked up at me.
"I want you" She begged. It was so hard to keep control, but I knew it had to happen. I didn't want to cross the line for her.
"My love, we can continue another day" I played with her hair and she leaned into my touch. I laid her head against my chest and she sighed. I rubbed circles on her back to help soother her.
"Are you hungry?" I asked and she nodded.
"Don't worry. I'll have Caden bring you something"
We stayed in that position for a while and I called Caden to bring her something. Feeling her on top of me kept my dick hard, but at least she had calmed down. There was a knock on the door and Caden peaked his head in and hissed.
"Ouch the room is hot" He joked and came in Skylar following behind him. Jade sat up and looked at the food. Caden handed it over and she began eating right away.
"How are you?" I asked Skylar and she smiled.
"I am feeling a lot better Thank you for asking" I nodded and looked back at Jade.
"I brought you a popsicle," Caden handed me something. "I figured it might help the burning" I glared at him and took it from his hand.
Once Jade finished her food she looked up at me. She quickly scooted off of my legs and I frowned.
"S-Sorry" She looked down.
"You didn't seem so sorry right now" Caden snickered and she looked up at him in shock.
"Okay, that's enough. I already called Dr. Bour to come to check up on you girls." I said and they nodded.
I got off the bed as he did the checkup. I stayed standing up near her just in case. The whole time I kept stealing glances at Jade and she looked so much better. The faint bruises on both their bodies were already gone and they didn't look as pale as when they first got here.
"The injection worked. Both of them are already stronger and healthier." Dr. Bour smiled and I nodded.
"Thank you," I said and he rushed out of the room.
"What's the plan for today?" Caden asked.
"To make sure the girls are okay. I don't want to do anything that overworks them" I said and he rolled his eyes.
"How boring" He laughed.
"What if we let you and Jade have some personal time while Skylar and I hang out?" he winked at Skylar and she blushed.
"I have an idea?" Jade said in question.
"Do you think I am strong enough to shift?" She asked and Caden looked at me.
"We could try." Caden shrugged and I shook my head.
"No, the first transformation can be painful," I said and she frowned.
"Oh come on Ayden. You don't want to make her sad right?" Caden said and I crossed my arms.
"I don't want to stress her out. The injection might still have some effects. What if we try in a few days?" I said and she stood up.
"Why can't we try it today?" She asked.
"I don't think it's a good idea," I said and she stepped closer.
"How do you know if you won't let me?" She asked.
"Like I said we can try in a few days," I said. She was so close to me I could still feel the tension from earlier.
"Please?" She begged and smiled up at me. I sighed and smiled down at her.
"Okay fine, but the second I see you overworking I am calling an end to this," I said and she laughed.
"Jade mind if we borrow you next time that we need a favor?" Caden asked and I growled lowly.
"It's just shocking seeing Ayden give in so easily." He patted my back.
"Let's go before I change my mind," I said. I place my hand on Jade's back and led her out of the room.

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