Leaving Me Dazed

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With the wedding date rapidly approaching, Emily is rushing to get the final details done on Harvey's and Maru's suits. As Marceline is making their boutonnières, she curses under her breath running out of thread. She checks her phone to call Haley but her phone is dead, and Adella is busy doing her farming to run over to her place to get more.

"Marci?" Emily sighs grabbing her attention, "Can you run to my house and grab my thread case?"

"Uh yeah," She puts down what she's working on, "What's your address?"

"2 Willow Lane," Emily answered, "It's the reddish house. My bedroom is off from the kitchen and it should be on the table right when you walk in."

"2 Willow Lane, reddish house, from the kitchen, on the table," Marceline lists off to herself to help remember, "I think I got it, I'll be back shortly."

"Thank you!" She calls out to her as she leaves.

Marci heads into town following Emily's directions. She had her phone and earbuds in her pocket and puts them in to not only keep herself entertained, but also to have an excuse to not talk to anyone.

She puts on one of her favorite bands and starts to quietly hum along with the lyrics. The red house that Emily described continues walking toward it.

As she turned the corner, Marci wasn't aware that someone was trying to get her attention until someone crashes into her.

One of her earbuds got knocked out and she can hear him frantically apologizing. Before exploding at him to watch where he was going, Marci's rage got stuck in her chest realizing it's Sam.

"Are you okay?" He got up then held out a hand to help her up.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," She takes his hand and yelps a bit as he pulls her up surprised how strong he is, "Are you ok—!" Marci slips on his skateboard.

Sam tightens his grip on her hand and wraps an arm around her waist to keep her from falling, "I'm okay, are you sure you're alright?" He softly chuckled gazing down admiring her freckles.

Where this boost of confidence came from, is still a mystery but a smile creeped upon her face as she coolly told him, "I am now."

Blush spread across both their faces and Marci at least noticed it got warmer between the two. She has a vice grip on his jean jacket and with one swift tug she could be kissing him. The moment was short lived when another person wearing all black approaches them.

"Hey Romeo, are you done flirting with your girlfriend yet?" He quipped with a smirk.

"She is not my girlfriend," Sam pointed out letting go of Marci and picking his skateboard, "I was just being nice and helping her up."

"Sure." His friend nodded not truly believing his story and stuffing his hand into his hoodie pocket.

"Whatever man," Sam ignored his response before turning back over to Marci, "In case you haven't noticed, this is my best bud, Sebastian." He smiles putting his around around him, "And Seb, this is Marci. She's Adella's cousin and is in town for her wedding."

"Cool." Sebastian nodded with a slight smile.

"Hey! We're having band practice today if you wanna watch us." The blond offered remembering.

"Really? That's so cool, yeah!" Marci grinned only to quickly fade away remembering what she was over here for, "Oh wait... uh, I-I was supposed to grab something for Emily..."

"Oh, that fine," Sam tried to not sound too upset, "Maybe next time when you're not busy then?"

"Yeah that would be fine." She smiles.

"See you around then." He and Sebastian leaving going into his house next door.

Marceline had a goofy smile plastered onto her face as she walked into Emily's house. She leaned back onto the door reliving that short moment wrapped in his arms. Like that moment, her daydream was interrupted causing her to jump.

"What was that all about?" A blonde woman asks with her arms across her chest. Marci figured this is Emily's sister Haley.

"I-I'm sorry?" Marci asks surprised she was greeted with a 'what are you doing here?'

"That whole thing with Sam," Haley clarified walking into the kitchen, "Sorry, I'm nosy."

"I-it's fine. He just uh... bumped into me." She explains following her, "I'm here to... to pick up something for Emily." She further mentions.

"Be my guest." Haley ventured making a cup of tea.

She goes into Emily's room and right as she described, the thread case was on her table. Marci takes it with her and waves at Haley before the house. She noticed she had a smirk on her face as she left. Did Haley watch them for the window? It would make sense as to ask that when she first got into the house. Marci felt beads of sweat form on her forehead just thinking about it.

Marceline finally gets back to the farm and her face is beet red. Adella was back from her work and was helping Harvey with his suit when she noticed.

"What happened to you?" She asks her cousin concerned.

"Oh nothing," Marci tries to calm herself handing Emily more thread, "I literally bumped into Sam..." She mumbles.

"Are you alright?" The farmer pressed stopping what she was doing.

"I'm fine," She confirms crossing her arms, "I'm perfectly fine," Repeating herself she heads back to the door. Marci tucked her hands into her armpits feeling completely uncomfortable from everyone staring at her, "If you need me, I'll be out in the barn."

The door slams behind her and Adella glances over at the others, "She is crushing hard."

"You think?" Harvey chimes in, "She's acting how I was when I first met you."

"Oh she's got it bad then." Maru states shaking her head. She giggles seeing him blush.

"It's not— okay I wasn't that bad." He pleaded blushing heavily.

Adella lightly laughs and kisses him, "It was cute though." She smiles.

"I'm glad you thought it was cute because it was enduring for me." Harvey mentioned, "But I'm glad my awkwardness finally got to you." He kisses her temple.

"Maybe Marci's awkwardness might win Sam over." Adella ponders.

"That'll be something."

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