Just a Check Up

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The last day of normalcy before Adella and Harvey go off on their honeymoon. He finally told her that they were going to the Ginger Islands so she can pack accordingly. While she's finishing getting her affairs in order, he's finishing his at the clinic.

Harvey had one patient scheduled for today that he dreaded seeing. Nathan. It was a routine follow up to see how well his nose is healing. He's thankful Adella understands that he has the professional obligation to treat him for his broken nose. It leaves him in this morally gray area where he should despise the very ground he walks on because of all the grief he put his wife through but also give him the right amount of care he trained for.

On the bright side, he had plenty of time to practice keeping his emotions to himself when being objective to his patients. Hopefully this time is no different.

Trying to keep his mind off of it, he goes over emergency procedures with Maru for the ten billionth time. She was just relieved when Nathan showed up so Harvey can finally stop explaining how an AED works.

The doctor takes him back and makes quick of examining his nose.

"Good news, Mr. Todd. You won't be needing this bandage anymore." Harvey preached disposing the bandage and hutches over his clipboard writing a note.

"Great," Nathan relaxed feeling around his nose, "Maybe this time I can get through to Adella without sounding so nasally."

Harvey's stomach dropped through the floor upon hearing his plans. He knew he looked visibly disturbed with his eyes wide and pausing in the middle of his note. He racks his brain for a follow up question then hears him continue thinking out loud.

"Maybe find her deadbeat husband to see what I'm up against."

Excuse you! She isn't some toy you can come back to when you're bored. You caused her so much pain that she had to changing her way of life just to physically distant herself from you. Also, "deadbeat husband?" If I wasn't professionally obligated to watch my language I would have a lot more colorful words for you, bastard!

"Don't you think it wouldn't be wise since she broken your nose?" Harvey finally asked piecing together that Nathan doesn't know he's married to her.

"I think I'll take my chances," he coolly states with a smirk, "If she tries hitting me again, I'll charge her with assault."

The doctor presses inward on his lips holding in his subjective thoughts as he completes his note. He takes him back out front to check him out, struggling to keep his cool exterior.

"What do I owe you today doc?" The lawyer searched through his wallet.

"Nothing," he stated calmly not looking up from the computer, "I comped this visit, if I can give you one last piece of advise."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Mr. Todd, as Adella's 'deadbeat husband' I don't want you to try talking to her anymore." Harvey ordered keeping the anger in his voice to a minimum.

A normal person would immediately apologize and vow to never do it again, but Nathan's god complex proved otherwise.

"What if I don't, Dr. Harvey?" He challenges peering up at him, "Are you gonna beat me up?"

Even though he would never entertain the rage fantasy of a misogynistic asshat through verbal spats, but he wouldn't be able to do it physically. Harvey is significantly taller than Nathan, but they are roughly the same weight. He knows the lawyer wouldn't have any trouble using his compact stature to his advantage.

Harvey also noticed during his first visit that he has some well healed possibly self-defense scars on his hands and arms. Nathan told him that they were from stupid incidents from his younger school days, but he couldn't help but shudder imagining him hit Adella.

"No, but she will." Harvey mentions assertively.

Nathan huffed out of the building without saying another word. Harvey exhaled deeply finally able to relax. He continued to work on the computer channeling his anger into the keys.

"I've never seen you this angry before." Maru commented.

"He was insufferable," he groans taking off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose, "I think I need a break."

"Yeah, go right ahead." She affirmed, "I can finish up here for ya."

Harvey thanked her before heading into his office to calm down. Maru picks up where he left off then turns her attention the sound of the door opening. She smiles seeing it's the farmer.

"I saw Nathan leave here and I wanted to check up on you guys." Adella leans up against the counter.

"I'm fine, but he..." she starts and shakes her head, "Is in a mood."

The farmer pouts, "Mind if I head back there to cheer him up?"

"Go right ahead," Maru motions her to go back, "He should be in his office."

Adella walks back towards his office and notices the door is open. She knocks on the door grabbing his attention. His face lit up seeing her in the doorway. Practically jumping out of his chair to hug her.

"How are you, my darling?" He holds her tightly in his arms like they haven't seen each other months.

"I'm good," she tells him muffled against his chest, "I heard you were in a bad mood."

Harvey released her from his grasp and gently holds her face in his hands. He gazes at her still amazed that this wonderful women is now his wife, "I can feel it change just by looking at you." He leans down cupping her face as he kisses her. Her hands glide on top of his sending a jolt of electricity through him. Just as when he wanted more, she gently pulled his hands off her face.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Adella voiced not giving a clear indication whether it's good or bad.

"Of course, honey." Harvey obliged.

She closed the door and they both take a seat in the small office. Adella looks down at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers formulating her next sentence.

"I finished my last packet of pills yesterday." She starts glancing up to see if he knows where she's going with this.

"Oh! I can still order more for you." He mentions sounding more like her doctor, "But unfortunately they'll be in while we're away." He leans forward onto his desk folding his hands.

"Actually, I wanted to discontinue them." Adella feels her face get warm, "I know we haven't discussed it before but I think we should start trying for a baby." She bites her lip holding back a smile.

Harvey's mouth was agape, searching for words as they are fleeing him. He manually closed his jaw assuming a thinking position.

He wants to be a parent just as badly as she wants to. It was inevitable one of them was going to bring up kids but he didn't think it would be this soon. There's also a bunch of things to consider when they're both so busy, but he's determined to make it work when they are blessed with a child.

"I am more than happy to give you a baby," Harvey exclaims involuntarily smiling, "But there's still a lot to discuss going forward. I mean, we have to wait for your body to fully flush out the effects of the pills, our schedules are hectic, especially when Marceline goes back to live with your dad." He pauses then lets out a long sigh knowing the list is endless.

Harvey notices Adella's smile disappeared from bombarding her with serious discussion topics. He gets out from behind his desk and kneels in front of her, "Honey, I didn't mean to upset you." He reaches up and rubs her arm, "I want this just as bad as you do, I just... I just want everything to be perfect for us."

Adella nods understanding where he's coming from, "You're right. It might be better to wait to see what fate has in store."

He stands back up smiling at her. He kisses one last time before closing up the clinic for the today. They walk back home to the farm excitedly waiting for tomorrow to come so they can enjoy the tropical breeze, white sand, and clear blue waters. As relaxing as it sounds, it made Harvey nervous to think Adella could get pregnant on their honeymoon, but their confidence to be parents assures him enough to enjoy themselves.

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