Three Years Too Late

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With the wedding over and their honeymoon quickly approaching, Adella spent every moment she can with Marci to show everything around the farm. She still didn't know where they would be going, but all that Harvey told her is that they'll be away for two weeks. Adella was certainly appreciative that he planned it, but the fact that she couldn't pack ahead of time made her think he was up to no good.

The temperature kicks as the seasons change, and Adella is taking Marci to Pierre's to pick out their summer seeds. Marceline was pretty excited to run the farm. Before the whole incident with her mom, Marci excelled in her science classes at Ferngil Republic College. Even though she majored in marine biology, her agricultural studies professor told her that she has a real gift with plants. It wouldn't take her long to establish a routine on the farm.

Adella let her pick out the fertilizer as she went up to the counter for the seeds.

"Whatcha got new this season, Pierre?" She leans up onto the counter.

"Nothing much really," He exhales bringing up a few sample bags, "Still got red cabbage seeds though."

"I'll take four dozen of everything you got."

"You got it." He smiles ringing her up.

Adella turns her attention to plastic scrapping against the floor. Not surprised to see Marci dragging over two large bags of fertilizer over to the register. Once she was by her groans and pants loudly.

"Can't... believe... we have to ...carry these the farm." She wheezed in between breathes.

"I have a trailer you can probably hitch to your horse." Pierre chimed in bagging the seeds.

Still catching her breath, "Perfect..." she nods before turning to her cousin, "Why didn't we bring Diesel?"

"I can carry these bags," Adella motions at them as she pays, "And soon will you." She hands Marci the paper bag filled with seeds.

"Muscle can't grow that fast!" She protested.

"See you've been reading Harvey's journals." Adella grunts lifting a bag onto her shoulder, "Thanks again, Pierre."

As she starts to lift the other bag onto the opposite shoulder, the chime in the door signals another person has walked in. She drops the bag stunned seeing an old face walk literally into her life.

"Hey there, Adella." Nathan nasally waved over at them. The bandages were still on his nose making him talk like that. How could anyone take him seriously when he's talking is beyond reason and she needed to get out of there before he goes to see Harvey for something else.

Adella bites her tongue quickly carrying the bags toward the door. But the silence was short lived.

"Do you need any help with tha—"

"No thank you." She growled exiting the store.

Once back outside, the women thought the were free from the tension that hung around him. As wishful thinking goes, it wasn't long till he was hot on their heels.

"Adella please!" Nathan begged, "I want to talk to you!"

"Funny!" She sarcastically hollered, "Cause I don't."

They continue making their way out of town but he circles around standing in their way. Adella sighed loudly as her patience wore thin. She let the bags drop to either side and folded her arms across her chest.

"Marci, go on without me and start tilling." She ordered, "I'll be there to help shortly."

Still keeping her stance, she waited till Marceline was a ways away before letting it rip onto Nathan.

"Listen I—"

"No, you listen to me." Adella snarled stepping forward into his face, "I don't know what your plan is, but I want to make something perfectly clear. I am married now, and whatever you were going to say to me should've been said 3 years ago. Do not bother me, my cousin, or my husband while you are here, cause if you do, I'll do more than just slam a door in your face. Is that understood?"

Nathan gulped being put the fear of Yoba into him. He couldn't verbally response to her demand only shook his head in agreement.

"Good," Adella nodded through gritted teeth, "Now leave. Me. Alone." She hissed each syllable.

She glared at him as she picked up the bags. He was too stunned to move from his spot afraid if twitching a finger would cause her to explode. Adella marched back to the farm as fast as she can not waiting up for him, but she was fairly certain her message came across crystal clear.

Once back home, the two women got to work planting the seeds for the season. Marci was able to pick up on Adella's routine quickly and they managed to get the seeds planted just after lunchtime.

With the sudden abundance of free time on their hands, Marci read some of her book then started to make dinner before Harvey got home, while Adella spent her time passed out on the couch.

Demeter's barking from outside signaled that Harvey's home.

"Whatever is cooking smells amaz—" A snore disrupted his train of thought, "Take it you ladies had a long day?"

"No," Marci stated taking the food off the stove, "Adella showed me how to run the farm and we ended up finishing early. She's been asleep since two." She mentioned as she played the food.

"I see." He nods hanging up his jacket. Harvey walks over to the quietly kneels beside her kissing her forehead, "You're gonna get a stiff neck if you keep lying on the couch."

Adella groaned turning away from him, "Five more minutes..."

"Dinner will be cold if you keep sleeping." Marci caed out from the kitchen.

"...fine." She turned back over and they all sit down at the table.

Tonight, Marceline made fried bass with fresh vegetables and grits. The newly weds kept praising her on the food saying it's the best fish they ever had. Even with the great food, Adella couldn't hide her annoyance for long.

"Thinking about what Nate said to you?" Marci questioned not realizing she set off a bomb.

"The absolute nerve of that asshole!" She starts slamming her silverware on her plate, "Thinking he could walk back into my life after what he did is fucking ridiculous! I hope I don't have to see that rat faced bastard ever again." Adella huffed letting that last bit anger steam off.

Harvey reached over to hold her hand, gently rubbing his thumb over her knuckles, "You're letting him win every time you think about him. Don't give him the satisfaction that he still has a hold on you."

He was right. Ever since Nathan stepped foot into town, she has been paranoid about him ruining everything she built here. Adella didn't want to lose everything she got in her new life to some sleazy lawyer. Hopefully she can resume her peacefully after they return from their honeymoon.

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