Chapter 5

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Katy wasn't sure how long they sat in the car entwined in each other's arms, but for the first time in a long time, she felt secure and happy. Even in light of the situation she was in and the impending wrath from her father, Katy made a mental note of this moment imagining that she would refer back to it many times in the future as a defining point in her life. Suddenly, she realized there was a world out there that she had never experienced. And, yes, it had dangers, but it was also full of adventure and love. She just had to have the guts to go after it.

The quick beep of a horn startled Katy and Zach, causing them to jolt and sit up in their seats. "Oh, it's AAA. Finally," said Zach, though Katy could tell by the tone of his voice and the fact that he still had his hand on her arm that he shared her feeling of regret that they were no longer alone.

Zach stepped out of the car and greeted the tow truck driver. Katy couldn't hear what they were saying, but the conversation brought her back to reality and the precarious situation she was in. She had to figure out a plan. Being dropped off at her house by a tow truck, cab, or loaner car driven by Zach was not going to work. The only answer was to ask Emily to pick her up and figure how to break the news to her parents later (if at all). Though, of course, this meant bringing Emily into all of this. But Katy trusted Emily more than anyone in the world, and she knew Emily would keep her secret.

Emily picked up her phone on the first ring. "Katy, it's you! It's about time. That must have been the longest interview ever. Who knew hockey players could talk so much," she giggled.

"Hi Ems. Yes, it's me. But please don't ask any questions right now. Just listen. Can you do me a huge favor?" Katy spoke in measured words, trying not to show her frayed emotions. "I know this sounds crazy. But can you pick me up in Wharton State Forest?"

"What?! The reception must be bad. Did you say forest?" Emily almost yelled.

"Like I said, I know this is very weird, but just trust me. I will explain everything when you get here. Just come to mile marker 3 in Wharton Forest."

"Okay, Katy, now you are scaring me! What is going on? Are you hurt? Did you get kidnapped or something? I'm calling your parents!"

"Settle down Emily. No, I'm fine. I know you have a good imagination. And this one will surprise you, but not like that. Just please get here as soon as you can and don't tell anyone," Katy said.

"Wait, are you there alone?" Emily asked. "Because that is not safe!"

"No, Emily, I am not alone. But I am fine and I will tell you all about it when you get here."

"You better! This is not like you Katy! I am on my way," Emily yelled. Katy could hear the anxiety and curiosity in Emily's voice. Emily was as sheltered as Katy, so this situation was going to shock her. Hopefully she could handle it.

Zach returned to the car and looked a little less worried. "Everything is set," he said. "The tow truck is going to take the car to a garage near the practice rink, so that will make it easy for me get it back once the repairs are done. The driver said he didn't think it was too bad, that he had seen much worse."

Katy was glad that Zach's car was going to be okay and that everything was working out, but this meant that in a matter of minutes, she and Zach would be going their separate ways. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she thought about never seeing Zach again.

"What's wrong, Katy?" Zach whispered as he sat close to her and placed his hand on her arm. "I told you, it's going to be okay. We'll figure out how to explain this to your father."

Katy didn't know what to say. She was afraid words would make her start crying again, and she couldn't risk showing her feelings to Zach. He was being nice because her father was his coach, but the stud hockey star would probably laugh her out of his car at the hint of hysterics.

"You are right," Katy said, with as much bravado as she could muster. "It will all work out. You will go back to your NHL life and I will go back to school. I called my friend Emily and she is on her way to pick me up. You have been so nice, but you have enough to deal with right now and you don't need to be worrying about me."

Zach was stunned. He liked Katy and thought they had a connection. He had figured they would have the ride back to her house to decompress and plan a time to see each other again. This was way too abrupt of an ending, and for once in his life, this "ladies' man" had no idea what to say to this adorable girl beside him.

Emily arrived just as the tow truck driver had finished loading Zach's car onto the flatbed. Katy didn't want to give Emily a chance to start firing questions at Zach, so she ran up to Emily's car as soon as it came to a stop. As she was opening the passenger car door, Zach knew he had to act fast.

"Hey, Katy, will you give me your number? So, I can check on you later and make sure everything goes okay with your parents?" Zach almost pleaded.

Katy looked up and Zach saw tears in her eyes. "Sure, I guess that would be okay, though you don't have to."

"I insist," Zach smiled, as he handed Katy his phone.

As Katy handed the phone back to Zach, their fingers brushed together and Katy felt sparks. They both smiled as their eyes met, and time seemed to stand still before they were brought back to reality by Emily tapping the car horn.

"I better go," Katy said. "Emily is going to have LOTS of questions."

Zach nodded and raised his hand as they drove away. All of a sudden, he felt chilled, tired, and alone.

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