Chapter 8: "You Can Entertain Me"

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A week had passed since the unfortunate incident at Heat. I'd gotten Jem's phone number, and we met about five times. I really enjoyed her company.

Connor and I worked on projects, but he was so quiet, I often wondered what was going on with him, but we weren't good enough friends for me to ask.

Davis was...


"If you turn it more to this side, it looks like a vagina."

Davis was always the same. It was comforting, really, my one constant.

I looked up from my phone. I had been trying to take a picture that was now wasted. "And if you squint really hard, it looks like a guy dicking another guy."

He snorted. "Gay humor, love it. Do it some more."

I rolled my eyes and slung my camera over my shoulder. "Did it ever occur to you that I was busy? I was trying to take a photo."

"A photo of a vagina? Uhh, all right."

I smacked him on the shoulder. "A photo of that couple over there."

"Gross," he joked.

"They look happy, you ingrate."

He followed me as I started walking back to the dorm, and soon enough, he was saying, "They look blissfully oblivious to the fact that one of them is going to cheat on the other, or they'll both get bored and find someone else in a matter of mili-seconds."

"You're not that cynical," I said, eyeing him.

He shrugged. "Maybe I am today."

"Well, that's their business. I was trying to capture the moment, not the likely outcome of their fall romance."


"What about you?" I asked. "Has Emma put her hooks in you already?"

He snorted. "You're joking. It's not like that."

"There's no shame in a fall romance."

"Jesus, you should write Hallmark cards," he said, opening the door for me, so I could enter the dorm building. "Have you ever considered that maybe romance is a lie that ad companies sell to make you buy a ton of shit on every big holiday?"

"Wow, you really got to the bottom of that one."

"Is that what you like, Jessie? Being on the bottom?" he asked, smirking, and damn it if that didn't make me feel hot around the ears again. Ugh.

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"You're not cute and you're not funny."

"All I heard is that I'm cute and funny."

"Davis, I'm serious. You can't talk like that with a gay man."

"Like what?" he asked, as I entered my dorm room and he followed, which I was used to by now. The desire to kick him out had started to wane.

I put down my stuff on the sofa and turned to face him. He seemed charmingly confused. "The jokes you make can be... misconstrued."

"I'm just talking to you. Who's gonna misconstrue them?" he said, plopping down on the sofa and starting to mess around with my camera, looking at some of the photos I'd taken. "Jesus, where did you even find that word?"

"In the dictionary," I muttered, taking my camera away from him. "And forget it, make whatever jokes you want."

He sighed and loped his arm around my shoulders. "I love it when we quarrel. It makes me feel like you haven't forgotten that magical night."

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