Chapter 24: "Don't Worry, I Got the Message"

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Jack phoned me on Monday, just when I was about to meet Jem for lunch. "Hey, lil' bro. You rule the world yet?"

I snorted. "Sadly, world domination is low on my list of priorities. Even though I do appreciate a good Beyonce song."

"Always knew you were a bit slow," he teased. "So listen, Care wants to know if you'll be bringing your boy toy for Thanksgiving."

I winced. Because of the way Davis acted on Saturday I hadn't been able to mention it again and Davis had been acting a bit cold all weekend. I felt like there was something seriously wrong, but he wouldn't tell me what it was, which in turn made me retreat inside myself and snap at people.

It was a mess.

"I don't know... I don't think he's keen on the holiday."

"What d'you mean? Everybody loves stuffing your face with turkey and, well, maybe not so much seeing their family, but the food is good."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for loving a good turkey more than you love me."

"Aww you're welcome, lil' bro. So you coming, right?"


"And your boy toy?"

"He's my boyfriend," I said even though right now I wasn't so sure, "and I don't think he's gonna come. Whatever." I managed to see Jem and wave at her. It was a relief to see a friendly person, even though I might have driven her a bit crazy on Sunday night when I had called her at ten pm and had a philosophical discussion about dildos in the early 20 century.

"Did you do something idiotic and break up?"

"No!" I shouted, a bit too loudly. Jem's eyebrows went up.

"So if you didn't fuck it up, did he?"

"Nobody is fucking anything up. Just... I'll be there, all right?" And before he could say anything else, I hung up on him.

It's what he deserved, the bastard.

"I'm guessing that was a telemarketer. They drive me crazy, too."

I laughed at Jem. "Mhmm, sure."

"Anyway, what's new since last night? Did you fall into a brand new internet black hole that I'd never be able to dig you out of?"

I shrugged. "Maybe."

"And why have you been spending your nights on Google exactly?"

"It's Youtube now," I corrected her.

"Okay, and why are you spending precious sexy time on Youtube?"

I ignored her. She sighed. We were heading to the canteen for lunch but suddenly, I felt like I was going to be sick. If Davis was there, would he be happy to see me?

"Jamie, you look pale. You sure you're okay?"

"Yep," I said and kept walking. Inside the canteen there was no sign of Davis but after we piled on some food, we saw him and Emma enter, and they saw us too. I froze in place.

Jem elbowed me. "Are you okay? Are we gonna run for it?"

"Don't be ridiculous," I said, trying to convince myself that my own boyfriend didn't flinch when he saw me. I half expected them to pretend we weren't there, but they did come to our table.

Emma smiled and said, "Hi guys."

Davis sat down next to me and kissed my cheek. Weird.

I was psyching myself out for some more weirdness when Davis whispered, "You busy tonight, baby?"

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