Chapter 19: "I Want to Have Its Babies"

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Disclaimer: There's gonna be some steamy scenes here, so go ahead and put on your smutty glasses again. :D

After that day on the beach it was pretty much sex all the time.

Davis would sneak into my room in the morning and wake me up with a hand job or a blowjob, and if I were awake enough, I would jack us together or 69 him. He was more active in the morning, so it made sense that he initiated things. I couldn't be bothered that early, but I loved being woken up in this delicious manner.

My god, having a boyfriend was the best invention, ever.

Then we would have breakfast or just go our separate ways, until later that day when we would hang out somewhere, or just watch a movie and make out, and at night, we would spend hours making each other crazy, doing anything short of penetration.

We hadn't crossed that bridge yet, and I couldn't wait.

The weekend after the beach, Davis surprised me with breakfast on Saturday morning. He was making some fancy omelet thing while I was trying to wake up with a cup of coffee he'd brought me.

"You should have woken me up properly," I griped.

Davis laughed but said nothing. He was chopping things and adding things and frying things, and I could barely keep up.

"Uhh, have you changed your vocation?"

"No, I just wanted to make you something tasty for a change."

"I like scrambled eggs and pancakes."

"You'll see, this is my dad's recipe. I think I can do it justice."

I smiled. "You really do love your dad."

"Mhmm," he said, as always avoiding the subject altogether.

I sighed. "So what are we doing today?"

"You're so sure you'll get lucky today, are you?"

"Yep. But I'm not sure you will."

He shook his head. "Brat. Don't distract me."

When breakfast was finally ready, he gave me a plate like it was no big deal and pretended not to care, but I could see he was side-eyeing me, waiting for a reaction. I snickered.

I made a show of taking a bite and – stopped. My eyes went wide. "Oh god, are you kidding me? How is this that good?"

He chuckled. "You really like it?"

"I want to have its babies. Sorry, we have to break up."

"Cruel boy," he said, smiling, watching me. Eventually, he did start eating himself and nodded like he was self-congratulating.

But it was well-deserved.

I had to stop myself from licking my plate, but I couldn't resist a second serving, since Davis had made more than enough.

He was looking at me curiously, and I couldn't help but ask, "What? Do I have something on my face? Like another face?"

He laughed. It seemed all we did was laugh these days. "No... actually, I was doing some research the other day. You know, because I am so studious, and I realized that gay men refer to themselves as tops or bottoms..."

I smirked. "You mean you were watching porn."

"Erotic books, actually." He winked. "Anyway, which way do you lean?"

"Which way do you think I lean?"

"If I say bottom, will you take offense?"

"Being a bottom is too delicious to be offensive," I said, trying to ignore the fact that I'd just lied by omission. I'd never had penetrative sex, so I really wouldn't know which I preferred, although of course I knew what I thought I would prefer.

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