Chapter Fourteen

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  Floorboards creaked beneath her feet as she made her way down the hall, warm lights flickering beneath doors as she went. Not many in the Order were sleeping.

  Everyone's anxiety had been building over the last week, their departure date running towards them at full speed. Part of her couldn't believe they were actually leaving tomorrow morning. The mere thought felt like a dream she couldn't quite get a grasp on.

  To think, she'd spent all those months in the past trying desperately to get back. To see everyone again. Yet she'd spent her entire time here wanting to go return.

  She knew they needed to. Both journeys were necessary. However, Delilah kept trying not to let herself wander down the path of curiosity.

  Wondering what she'll do once this was all over. Wondering where she'll go. If she would even make it that far. She had evaded death enough times already, one could only hope her luck hadn't run out.

  Reaching her destination, she gnawed at her lip and considered. Not wanting to do this, yet knowing she'd hate herself if she didn't.

  With labored breath, she raised a hand and knocked once. The sound of feet shuffling along the floor meeting her ears before there was a click and the door opened.


  She smiled up at Blaise, "can we talk?"

  He opened his mouth, barely a breath passing, before he pressed his lips together and nodded. Stepping aside to let her walk in.

  His room was neat, as she expected. He had always been a rather meticulous person when it came to his living space. Wanting the finest decor and everything had to be in the right place, not an inch off or he'd spend a whole afternoon correcting it.

  She could only imagine he wasn't the happiest at the fact he had to stay in a small, old room that had aged and mixed matched design. Unlike the rest of the house that smelt of dust, his room smelt of expensive cologne. Delilah couldn't help but smile however as she spotted a few of Luna's things hanging up inside his wardrobe.

  "So, what brings you here?" He asked, shutting the door and leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. His dark eyes watched her carefully as she looked around the room for a moment.

  Biting at her cheek, she willed herself to look at him. Memories of their school years flashing in her head like some joyfully morbid picture show.

  "We're leaving tomorrow morning."

  His jaw tightened, his face unreadable and she longed to know what he was thinking. All he did was nod his head once, "I know."

  "If we could stay longer I would but—"

  Blaise rubbed at his eyes, lifting a hand to pause whatever she was going to say. "It's alright, you don't owe me an explanation. You're doing what has to be done."

  Her lips pressed into a smile that felt too painful to wear, "I'm going to miss you." She had only just gotten him back, albeit their moments at the house were few and far between. Their friendship wasn't the same as it once was, and she knew it never would be again. But she couldn't help the slow cracks of heartbreak that began to show themselves on her heart.

  He offered her a smile in return, though it was dejected. "We'll see each other again, one day."

  Delilah nodded, her eyes beginning to feel pressure that made her lightheaded. She wouldn't cry, the thought of it almost seemed selfish.

  "Yeah, one day."

  Because that was the truth of it. Although they could work out as many formulas as they like, there was no guarantee she could get back at an accurate date. Time moves differently, one can never tell.

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