Chapter Two

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  Minutes ticked by, Delilah had pulled away from Tom and paced, tapping anxiously against her leg. He watched her calmly, eyes tracing the path she'd walk from a bin to the wall. Over and over again.

  Eventually she threw up her hands in exasperation, "what if they don't come?"

  "They will."

  "How do you know?" she snapped, and he refrained from rolling his eyes at her sudden attitude. He knew it was from stress. "They've only just realized you're alive, it'll be a bit of a shock. They have to be cautious in case it's a trap."

  Delilah deflated a bit and closed her eyes, "right. Of course. That makes sense."

  Leaning against the wall, he tilted his head as he observed her. "There wouldn't be any use in telling you to calm down, would there?" Her eyes narrowed, "no there wouldn't."

  Tom hummed, "thought so."

  Delilah felt incredibly nauseous, her stomach wound up in a tight knot and the back of her neck felt stiff. She also felt rather twitchy, her fingers shaking and she found if she stayed still her left leg would start to tremble.

  What was taking them so bloody long?

  The thought barely registered as there were two sudden cracks that erupted from the back of the alley. They both whipped around, eyes squinting into the shadows. Two figures were approaching hesitantly, and for a moment she saw a flash of sandy blond hair.

  "Merlin-" the word just passed her lips as her brother sprang forward, crushing her in a hug and she let out a sharp cry both from relief and shock.

  Delilah squeezed him so tight she was sure she was hurting him, Harrison didn't seem to mind seeing as he was returning the gesture with full force. "You're fucking alive- jesus christ you're actually alive." He said in a mess of jumbled words into her hair, eyes squeezed shut.

  She laughed breathlessly and caught sight of Kingsley behind him, her smile faltered at his expression.

  "Ms Meddows, I'm going to need you to slowly come towards me."

  Her brows furrowed and Harrison seemed equally as confused as he pulled away from his sister, looking over at Kingsley in question.

  "What do you mean, is this a security check? Ask me anything."

  His eyes flashed to behind her and she followed his gaze, landing directly on Tom. She had forgotten he was there for a moment, too caught up in the fact that Harrison was okay. He was there, in front of her. Her mind reeled back to the cave and the false image of him being broken and hurt.

  Realizion settled in quickly, however. Delilah paled and hurriedly stepped in front of Tom, who had gained a defensive look in his eye.

  "No you don't understand-"

  "Delilah that's..." Harrison's eyes widened as he looked at Tom, remembering how Harry had called them all down to look at the picture in the yearbook.

  "Step away from him." Kingsley said in a calm voice and she shook her head, reaching behind her to grab hold of Tom's hand. "Listen to me-"

  "Delilah back away, now." Harrison's features warped into a mix of fear and anger and he tried to reach for his sister but she dodged his hold.

  "He's with me for fucks sake, just listen!"

  Tom on the other hand appeared calm as ever, the sudden unfold of stress between the others not bothering him in the slightest. An easy smile graced his lips as he looked at the two men, "I take it there's no need for me to make an introduction, then?"

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