Chapter 18: ARC-V - PART 4

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"Yuya, are you sure you're alright?" Yoko asked her son. She, her husband, and everyone was still a little worried after what had just happened.

"I'm fine, Mom. Really I am." Yuya said, trying to sound reassured. He then saw Yuri, whom no one else can see but him. They both decided that they would keep their new "coexistence" a secret. Everyone had been freaked out enough as it was. They would not take it well if Yuya was now sharing his body with the person that hurt him and was targeting Yuzu. Of course, neither of them had any idea that Yugi and his friends already knew.

"That's a huge relief." Yusho said.

"I'm also glad you're okay, Yuya. But now..." Yuzu said as she now turned to face Yugi. "What the heck just happened?! What was that thing that came out of Yuya?! How did you get rid of it?!" She shouted angrily.

"I would very much like to know that myself." Reiji said. Yugi felt really hot under the collar now. Aside from his own friends, everyone stared at him with such scrutiny that he felt like he'd rather be anywhere else at the moment. Yugi cringed.

"Uh, well... the creature you saw and how I destroyed it are a couple of the topics my friends and I will explain at our meeting." He said meekly.

Yuya wanted to ask Yugi about the "other Yugi" he saw helping him. He was sure he saw two of them before he blacked out. In the end, he decided to wait to ask him about that. He had far more important questions that demanded answers. First of all, who were the three new people that he saw with Yuzu's dad earlier? Whoever they were, they appeared just as concerned for Yuya's well-being as everyone else. Then he remembered Yuzu talking about who had been keeping her dad company for the last two days.

"You guys... Are you Judai Yuki, Yusei Fudo, and Yuma Tsukumo?" Yuya asked the trio. The three nodded.

"Yep. He's Yuma, that's Yusei, and I'm Judai. Nice to finally officially meet you, Yuya." Judai said as he pointed to himself and his allies.

"Hi." Yusei said with a smile.

"Hey." Yuma said. Yuya looked at each of them, especially at Judai. 'So that's the guy that Yuri was so afraid of. He doesn't seem frightening at all.'

"You weren't there when it happened." Yuri said to Yuya in his mind. "When he confronted me before, he displayed a power I've never seen in my life. He may seem harmless now, but you're only seeing one side of him." Yuya couldn't imagine a nice looking guy like Judai having a scary side.

'Judai, Yusei, and Yuma... They are the ones that stopped you in your kidnapping missions. You wanted revenge against them.' Yuya recalled overhearing that. Yuri nodded.

"I did; I never encountered such bothersome people in the past. Now though, looking back... I guess I deserved what I'd gotten." Yuri said, now sounding remorseful. Yuya remembered something else about the trio.

'The instant I saw them with Yuzu's dad, I felt incredible anger and blinding fury I've never experienced. I at first thought it came from you. But then... I saw that thing...'

"Whatever that creature was, it shared my hatred of them. Actually, it may have hated them more than I did..." Yuya thought that as well. Before he could ask anything else, Reiji butted in.

"About that meeting... i strongly suggest we head inside now before we say anything else. My father's forces could strike at any second, and I do not want us to be in the open." They all agreed as finally walked inside the LEO Corporation building.

While walking, Shuzo told Yuya they would have a "little talk" about his feelings for Yuzu when this was over. Yuya didn't seem to look forward to that. He would much rather talk to Yuzu herself alone. Yuzu could tell from the way he looked at her. "Yuya, I know you want to talk about it, and so do I. But can it wait until we're both in a safe place?" Yuzu asked softly. Yuya sighed.

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