Chapter 36: ARC-V - PART 22

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"Armed Dragon, Direct Attack!" Manjome shouted as he had a darkened Dragon Monster deliver the final blow to another Obelisk Force soldier, who fell unconscious on the ground. "That's another one down!"

"Got another slime ball right here!" Kenzan declared, standing over a defeated Sector Security soldier before he too was out cold.

"There shouldn't be many left, right?" Tèa asked after taking down another Obelisk Force thug.

"Only a handful now, thanks to our new friends!" Asuka told her once she'd beaten her most recent opponent. Thanks to the help of Edo's reinforcements, the enemy Duelists in their area were just about wiped out. Strangely, they stopped disappearing from sight like they normally would when that strange energy field covered the whole city. In response, the Academia rebels simply tied up the defeated enemy Duelists until they could be sent back at a later time. The only opponents remaining were two Obelisk Force soldiers and a single Sector Security officer.

"How can this be happening?! We are supposed to win!" One of the Obelisks said in distress.

"Not today, not ever again! Direct Attack!" Shouted a rebelling Academia Duelist before striking down the masked goon. The other two enemies were quickly dispatched by the student's friends. "Great work guys! That was the last of them! We did it!" The boy shouted as everyone cheered for their victory.

"That'll show those chumps not to mess with Duelists like us." Manjome boasted.

"Definitely." Tèa replied.

"Hey guys! Is the party over?" Manjome and the others turned to see Judai and Edo heading their way.

"We just mopped up of the last of them." Kenzan said proudly.

"Edo Phoenix?! You're here too?!" Asuka said, surprised to see the former Commander-in-Chief

"I figured I would lend a hand here personally." He told her.

"Sir! All Academia forces here have been defeated!" The Academia rebels saluted as their leader approached.

"Well done, everyone!" Edo told them, pleased by the news.

"Woah, you two look a little beat up! What happened?" Kenzan asked in concern.

"Oh, we ran into a "wild beast" and he gave me and Edo quite a fight." Judai answered with a chuckle.

Edo gave a more proper explanation about their Duel against Battle Beast and Sanders.

"Sounds like this Battle Beast was a really tough customer. Good thing you'd won, or I wouldn't be so nice to you right now." Manjome said. Judai smiled.

"Good to see you're alright too, Manjome." Manjome smirked back.

"By the way, why are you and Edo here? I thought you were supposed to be preparing to board the Airship with Yugi and the others?" Tèa asked Judai.

"Yeah, and what the heck is with the sky?" Kenzan asked as he pointed up. Judai and Edo frowned.

"Things got a little more complicated." Edo said as he updated the team on the situation. The news shocked them.

"Wait, so we're stuck here?!" Tèa said in a panic.

"Our only chance to escape is for Yugi and the others to destroy the energy matrix, which is in the Professor's possession." Edo said.

"All we can do now is wait and hope they'll succeed." Asuka concluded.

"Relax. This is the King of Games we're talking about! Of course they'll succeed!" Judai said with a confident grin.

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