The diagnosis

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"Oh my gosh!" I gasp.

Bran was hooked up to at least ten machines.

One was an IV with clear liquid pumping into his arm.

The other one was directly in his left was full of blood, blood being pumped into him!

I sit down in one of the plush green chairs next yo him.

I breathe it all in.

This is Bran, the only boy that I have ever really liked, the only boy who has really taken care of me and loved me, and I'm going to loose him.

"Bran?" I croak, with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Kam?" He says. It was so muffled that at first I thought I was hearing things, but then he said it again.

"I love you," I blubber, "you can't leave me, I don't know what I'll do if you leave me," I cry.

"It's going to be okay," he whispers.

My right hand is intertwined with his while my left is raking through his hair.

He grips my hand and his head slowly starts to tilt down to meet the pillow.


His machines go crazy, they start beeping, each and every one of them.

I run through the halls, past the waiting room and into the room where Brandon's doctor and Linda are talking.

"Doc!" I yell as I fling open the metallic door. "Bran's machines are beeping like crazy!"

He looks at me for a second, and then bounds up and sprints down the hall.

Linda and I follow him, matching his speed, it's like a race, we all need to be there first, me, to see if he is going to be okay, the doctor to make sure he isn't dieing, and his mom because that's what mothers do, be there for their children always, no matter what.

Doc Marin lunges into the doorway and immediately stabs a shot into Bran's peck, right above his heart.

"What the heck are you doing?!?!" I scream, my voice comes out raspy and high. I lunge towards him and start punching him.

Linda grabs me from behind but I rip through her arms. I run to Bran who is now convulsing on the bed.

"Why!!! Why!!! I cry hysterically. Linda joins in behind me and starts yelling at Doc Marin.

I sit there helplessly and watch Bran convulse. His body is spazing all over the place.

His eyes roll into the back of his head and he shutters one last time.

Before he opens his beautiful brown eyes.

"Bran!" I whisper, my voice barely audible from all of my screaming.

"Hey beautiful" he says with a weak attempted smile.

We say nothing else as we sit there and hold onto each other.


"So what the crap was that?!?!" Linda exclaims shoving her finger into Marin's ribs.

"It's almost like an epi-pen for the blood stream. When the blood stream stops producing more cells, the whole body operation shuts down, so what we did was put a medicine in him that lots of cancer patients use to increase the cell production." He says calmly.

"Then why the heck did he start convulsing?!?!" Linda yells again.

"Sometimes the medicine hits the heart too fast and it doesn't have time to regulate the blood cells before they begin their rapid production rate. That means that too many cells are bing made, and there isn't enough cells dieing. The heart is what regulates that, so when the heart gets behind, the nerves of the human body react by sending signals to the brain to get the bloodstream back into a regular flow." He says again, super calmly.

He used a lot of big words, I wasn't even sure what half of what he was talking about was, but I'm so glad that Bran is okay that it doesn't even matter!


"I love this feeling," says Bran.

"What?" I ask, it's been almost an hour that we have spent just laying here cuddling silently.

"The feeling I get when I realize that your mine, forever." He says with a smile.

"And don't you forget it." I say with a wink.

He chuckles and kisses my cheek.

"So are you finally going to tell me what happened or...." I trail off, I didn't want to keep nagging him, but I also really wanted to know what happened.
"Well I was asleep. And I woke up at like three because I couldn't breathe. My lungs were filled up with snot. I know that sounds really dumb, but my disease is pretty serious. I pretty much have a continuous runny nose all the time, but it's not just snot. It's chemicals that my body produces at such a rapid rate that there is too much excess fluids that my body drains it. However, when the chemicals mix, it becomes like a rubber cement type substance, and if I don't drain it within the first hour of the production, it gets in my lungs and hardens. So what happened was I fell asleep and I hadn't drained, because I haven't had anything in a long time considering the medication I was taking. So when I fell asleep, it began to produce, and it hardened and I couldn't breathe or move or speak. My mom comes in every now and then to check on me usually, but she hasn't been lately because I had been doing so well. So at five o' clock she finally found me, and you know the rest." He says with a yawn.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper into his sleeve, but he's already asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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