𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠

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𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦𝑛'𝑠 𝑃𝑜𝑉

After an hour of hiking we made it to usual camping spot and my shoulder hasn't healed until it's popped back into place, a little difficult to that by myself
"Okay here we are. Antony if could lay down so we could set Sean down, please" I tell him softly, when he does what he's told Hank grabs Sean and helps him down
"Finally, I'm tired!" Gabato complained while plopping down to the ground
Kailani rolled her eyes at her dad's dramatics, grabbing the first aid kit which was in Sean's backpack
"Has the swelling gone down? And how's your shoulder?" Kailani asked as she gave it to Hank
"It's dislocated pretty bad, we might be here awhile" Hank stated
"And my shoulder it's fine. Just needs to be popped back into place" I tell her as I sat down leaning against the tree on Sean's left with Antony laid down on my left

She sighed as she starts to pull on her father's arm
"Okay well, we'll go get some water and food if we find any" she said
"Alright, good luck" I tell them as they left, looking over at Sean who looks to be in more pain than before
"We're gonna have to pop it back in buddy and Evelyn, I'll help you pop your shoulder back into place" Hank says to Sean then to me
"Okay. Let's do it" Sean says not happy about the incoming pain so I grab his hand and rub my thumb across his hand which made him calm down a little bit
"Alexander, I'll brace him. You do it on three" Hank explained to the grandmother
"Got it" Alexander confirmed getting on the other side of Sean's leg
Hank and I looked at Sean silently asking if he's ready to which he responded with a nervous nod. Hank looked at Alexander and asked if he was ready, Alexander responded with a nod
"1..." Hank started but was cut off
"AHH!" Sean groaned in excruciating pain as he squeeze my hand though it didn't hurt
"The hell happened to 2 and 3?!" I snapped at Alexander
"Yeah, what happened to 2 and 3?!" Sean asked as he panted upset that his own grandfather played dirty to him
"2,3. That wasn't so bad" Alexander said nonchalantly
"It wasn't very good!" Sean told him breaking heavily
"Alright Evelyn, your turn" Hank tell me as he kneels down next to me grabbing onto my left arm and shoulder
"Alright, I'm ready" I tell him while looking at the stars and humming a special song to me

"Okay on 3" Hank said, I responded with a nod
"1...2...3" Hank said then popped my shoulder back into place, I flinched a little but kept my composure, looking away from the stars to Hank
"Thanks Hank" I tell him with a thankful smile then look back to the stars
"Do we have anything for the pain for Sean?" I asked Hank continuing on with my humming while playing with my necklaces and choker with my right hand not noticing the deflated look on Sean's face when I let go of his hand
"There's nothing in here" Hank said while going through the first aid kit as Sean sighed as he laid his head back

"We have this" Alexander stated, when we all turned to him just to see him holding Gabato's ukulele
Alexander looks at Hank with a smile
"No,no,no. Don't worry, I don't sing under the stars and especially not in front of a cozy fire. It's not my style" Hank said ending it with a chuckle
"Good" Sean said as he sighed in relief
"You can sing?" Alexander ask Hank in shock
"Little bit, but I'm not the only one who can sing" Hank said, I looked at him and he gave me a knowing smile
"Brilliant! Music is nature's painkiller. Sing him a song" Alexander encouraged
"No" Hank quickly denied
"Yeah, come on. Come on!" Alexander insisted
"Okay but only if Evelyn sings after me" Hank said while looking at me trying to negotiate with me, Sean and surprisingly Alexander turned to me waiting for my response
"Alright, of course after you Hank. I'm really curious what you have in mind" I say to them already thinking of a special song in mind, Hank chuckled as we all turn to him giving him our full attention
"Don't worry. I got somethin' special for ya" Hank said making Alexander chuckle in excitement, why? Who knows
Hank stands up and sits by Alexander grabbing the ukulele from him, he started strumming it to find out that it's out of tune
"Oh, that's gonna make me feel better?" Sean asked sarcastically
"Slow it down. Just gotta get it in tune, takes a big man to play a little guitar" Hank says with a small smile and chuckle
"And an even bigger one to listen" Alexander jokes Sean laugh a little
'But that just reminds me of uncle Z' I thought
Hank began to play and sing
   I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and for you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful
I see giant bees and I could have told ya
Don't trust Alexander he's older than
And I think to myself, what a wonderful
The island that we stand on
Well, it's currently sinking
Sending those secret codes
What the heck were you drinking
Well it's all in the past
We wipe the slate clean
We're going to find
Nemo's submarin-in-ine
And you'll think to yourself
What a wonderful world

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