Caught On Camera

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(Y/n's POV)

Over the next couple of days, Jamie treats me like nothing less than royalty. On more than one occasion does he greet me with breakfast in bed, he cooks dinner, he puts up with movies that I know he absolutely hates, and each time he runs me a bath it seems to be a different colour or fragrance.

We gave up on him staying in the spare room. As he ended up coming into my room almost every night anyway, I suggested that he just moves his things into my room. My room becomes our room. He officially moves in with me. The only other room-mate I've ever had is Gary, and he was a total slob. He and Jamie are polar opposites in every way. Whilst Jamie does sometimes get angry, it's never at me, and he always apologises for giving me a scare.

I guess we're in the honeymoon stage of the relationship? I only hope that it lasts.

He must not want to leave me anytime soon because, one morning while we're lying side by side in bed, he says "I want you to meet my family."

I'm shocked. And excited. And nervous all at once.

"But..." he starts.

Oh god. Is he ashamed of me? Embarrassed?

"They live in Australia," he finishes.

My sigh of relief comes out as a chuckle and he looks surprised, as though he couldn't tell what he'd said that was so funny.

"Nothing," I say in response to his reaction. "But yeah, I'd love to meet them.!"

"Really?" he looks ecstatic.

"Of course!"

"Phew," he laughs. "I was so scared you'd say no."

"How could I say no to your gorgeous face?"

"Well many have tried but, to this day, none have succeeded," he jokes.

There's a clamour from outside.

"Tell me the reporters aren't still here?" I complain.

Whilst I didn't mind them too much at first, it's grown tiresome and I've had enough.

"Sorry baby," Jamie sighs as the doorbell rings yet again. "You stay here, I'll deal with it."

The volume increases as he opens the door, but dims again as he closes it behind him. I hate that he still has to deal with those creeps. The bruise from that one reporter has finally faded - he had a particularly strong grip.

Keeping all the curtains closed to try and maintain some privacy, I start to potter about. I use the bathroom like normal, I get dressed like normal, and I tie my long hair into a topknot that exposes my neck. I need a haircut.

I just finish making some tea when I realise that Jamie is still out there with the press, so I go to see what's taking so long.

As soon as I open the door, I see Lily Collins pull Jamie into a deep kiss.

"Y/n, wait-!" he shouts as he pushes her off of him.

But I can't.

I shut the door in his face and lock it firmly behind him before my panic attack is caught on camera.

Well shit.

10 minutes earlier

(Jamie's POV)

"Sorry baby," I sigh as the doorbell rings yet again.  "You stay here, I'll deal with it."

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