Chapter 6

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"Welcome home.", Vincent's voice brought me out of my staring session.

He started walking towards the mansion's door, with me following him like a lost puppy. By the time we reached the door, it was opened by a guard. I also noticed there were guards everywhere around the mansion.

Why do they require such high security?

We walked into the mansion and my breath stopped for a second. It was so beautiful. Every corner screamed luxury and richness. As we walked further, an elderly woman greeted us.

"Good evening, master.".

Vincent just nodded and said, "Sofia, this is Arianna. Take her to one of the guest rooms.".

"Yes, master."

Vincent looked at me and said, "Arianna, your new room will be ready in a few days. Till then, you will stay in a guest room. You can go and rest. I will discuss the rules tomorrow.".

With that he walked away.

I looked at Sofia and she was already looking at me and she looked surprised, more like shocked. Why is she shocked?

I cleared my throat, feeling uncomfortable with her continuous stare. She got out of her trance and smiled warmly at me.

"Good evening dear, I'm Sofia, the head maid."

"G-Good evening, I-I'm Arianna.", I smiled a little at her.

"Such a lovely name. Please follow me Miss, I'll walk you  to your room.", she smiled at me.

I nodded and followed her.

"The residential area is on the east wing of the mansion and the west wing is used for masters' work. As of now you're not allowed to the west wing, unless until master allows you.", she explained as we climbed the stairs.

We entered the second floor of the mansion and I saw there were a few rooms, around eight or nine.

"This floor has everyone's rooms. The other floors contain gym, game room and all those. I will give you a tour tomorrow. As your room is still not made, you will have to take the guest room.", saying this she lead me into one of the rooms.

The room was amazing. The room had a theme of white and brown. There was a large queen sized bed in the middle, a table for working and a few stands, probably for keeping books. Then there was vanity. There were two doors, probably leading to the bathroom and a walk-in closet. Overall, the room screamed money.

"The doors lead to the bathroom and a walk-in closet. You can settle and rest here Miss. I will bring your dinner to the room. If you ever need anything, you can call me using the intercom placed near the bed.", Sofia said and looked at me.

"O-Okay.", I answered.

"I'll get going then, Miss.", she smiled at me and I nodded.

She walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.


This all seems too much to take in. It just feels like a fairy tale. In just twenty four hours my life changed completely. I am just scared.

Will they accept me? Will they abuse me? Will I ever be able to blend in? Where is my father? Did he not want to meet me?

All these questions started flooding my brain. My head started pounding badly. So I decided to take a shower to relax myself.

I walked into the bathroom and stared at it in awe. It was really great. I could spend my whole day in here. I giggled at my own thoughts.

I then stripped out of my clothes and took a warm shower. It felt relaxing. My muscles and back were still sore from yesterday's beating, but it was healing. After the shower, I took the ointments from my backpack and applied it. I wore my tracks and t-shirt and walked out of the closet.

Just then someone knocked on my door.

"Come in"

"I am here with your dinner, Miss.", it was Sofia.

I took the plate from her and she walked out, leaving me to eat my dinner. The dish looked delicious and I immediately dug in. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning and I'm utterly hungry. I completed the whole plate, drank a glass of juice and finally completed my dinner.

After a few moments, Sofia walked in and collected the food tray.

"Miss, master has asked you to not come out until said so.", she told me with soft smile.

I nodded.


Maybe he didn't like me. Or he didn't want to see me or meet me. That thought hurt. Although we know each other for just a few hours, I'm still his sister. Maybe they didn't like me and that is why they left me at the orphanage. 

Sofia cleared her throat, bringing me out of my thoughts and I nodded.

"Good night, Miss", she wished me with a small smile and walked away, closing the door.


Will I ever have a normal family?

With all the thinking and the exhaustion, I slept, hoping to wake up to a better tomorrow.


Today, when I was working in my office, I got a call informing me about my sister. I was shocked. How can I have a sister and not know about it? I then thought maybe dad had a daughter with some woman, we didn't know of.

But again, he's not a person to keep his daughter in the dark.

I walked out of my office and headed to the police station where my supposed sister is kept.

Many thoughts were running in my mind.

Who is she? Why didn't we know of her? Did dad know about her? Who is her mother?

I've been informed that she was adopted by the couple from an orphanage.

Was she born out of a one-night stand? Why was she in an orphanage? Did dad really not know about her? Did her mother leave her at an orphanage? 

All these questions were bugging me. All through the journey to the police station, my mind was clouded with questions and I was getting restless each passing second.

Finally, I reached the police station and walked inside. As soon as people spotted me, they stopped whatever they were doing and bowed their head, looking at the floor. That was the most common reaction I get, so it didn't bother me. I was getting impatient to meet the girl.

An officer, whose name I think is Robert lead me to his cabin where the girl is waiting.

I stepped into his office and looked at the girl, who stood up looking at me.

The moment I looked at her, I froze in my spot and it seemed like the world stopped for a second.



So, here is the next chapter.

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What are your thoughts on Vincent?

Your thoughts on Arianna.

The next chapter introduces all the other characters and the other most important character,


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Yours lovingly, 


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