Chapter 17

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After Ash's warning yesterday, I decided it is better to ignore Angelina. I don't want him to get mad at me and bully me.


Why does this have to happen? Why do I have to stay away from the person who has been nothing but good to me since the day I walked into the house?

The answer is very simple. I don't want to get bullied or abused anymore. The rules Vince told me were reasonable. I also believe that these people are not going to abuse me like mom and dad did and I want to keep it that way. I don't want to give a reason for them to hate me and abuse me. 

I woke up in the morning, completed my morning routine and I'm heading to the dining room for breakfast. If possible, I just want to stay in my room and not meet anyone, but, there is also a rule in this house that everyone should have breakfast and dinner together.

I walked to the dining room. There, as usual was a guard standing at the door. He bowed a little to me and opened the door.

It isn't that hard to open a door. Why do they need so many guards? Something seems suspicious about the atmosphere here. Some things are very unusual. The huge number of guards and the people's reaction towards my brothers is something not common to all rich people. I really wonder what they do for a living and how influential these people really are.

I then shook my head to clear my thoughts and entered the dining room. I saw Dylan was sitting in his usual place with a scowl on his face. Ace and Ash were busy scrolling something on their phones. Vince and Theo have not come yet.

I don't know if I should just walk there and sit in my seat or greet them first. But what if they don't greet me back? People's ignorance is not really new to me, but, I want them to have a good impression about me. They are my siblings, after all.

But, Ash's warning yesterday proved that I'm far from being in their good books. They don't seem to like the idea of me staying with them. And the way they reacted when Vince told I was going to the same school as them is enough for me to know that they don't want me anywhere near them.


Is it my fault that no one likes? Is it me who I need to blame for my loneliness? Am I really weird? Am I not lovable? At least am I not deserving of someone's acceptance?

"Good morning, Anna.", Angelina's cheerful voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I looked to my right and found her near the kitchen counter and she was wearing an apron. She was smiling at me. I wonder how she has that warm smile all the time.

"Good morning.", I replied with a small smile and looked straight, only to realize Ash was staring at me with a cold expression. That's when I realized he asked me to stay away from her. Her smile is infectious. For a second there I forgot Ash's warning.


I just walked to the chair Theo asked me to sit yesterday and sat down. Dylan and Ace didn't bother to even glance at me, let alone greet me back.

"Guys, you didn't greet Anna.", Angelina stated with a little frown on her face.

Dylan scoffed and the twins didn't answer her.

"Guys", she called them.

They didn't respond. I wanted to tell her that it is okay and they don't need to greet me back, but words didn't come out of my mouth. I don't want her to force them. I don't want them to think I'm an attention seeker.

"Guys", she called them again. But they didn't respond.

"I'm going to tell Theo, you are being mean to Anna.", she stated.

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