Chapter 29

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Oh my god!

What should I do now?

What should I say to Vince if I get expelled?


I don't want to get expelled either!

Will that girl really get me expelled?

But, it wasn't even my fault.


I hate such people. Acting all entitled and snobbish.

"Arianna, where are you lost?", Leah snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Just thinking about the mess I just created for myself.", I replied.

"Why did you even slap her?", Leah asked.

I stiffened at that. I couldn't possibly tell Leah the reason. And most importantly, I know why I slapped her and I don't regret it an ounce.

But the thing I'm tensed about is Vince's reaction to this mess. He particularly told in one of his rules to not get into trouble at school. And I ended up doing just that.

I don't regret what I did. I'd do that again if that stupid girl speaks bad about my sister. But, how will I say that to Vince?

"Arianna!", Leah jerked me by my shoulders.

"Yeah!", I replied.

"You've zoned out like for the hundredth time in the last five minutes, if that is even possible.", she said exasperatedly.

"Sorry. Just have a lot on my mind.", I said, feeling guilty for getting her tensed too.

"It's okay. I understand.", she waved her hand dismissively.

"Is there a way I can get out of this?", I asked, hoping out of hope that there is a way.

Leah sighed and looked at me with a soft expression.

"I wish there was, Arianna. But, Elena's father is a powerful man. He's also one of the important trustees of this school. There is no way out of this. Wait, there is a way.", she said. Her last statement filling me with hope.

I'll do anything to get out of this!

"Tell me what is it. I just want a way out of this.", I said eagerly.

"Apologizing to Elena.", she said almost in a whisper, but I heard it clearly.

I stopped in my tracks hearing that. 

Apologize to her?

For what?

For teaching her a lesson for badmouthing my sister?



I'll face the consequences but I'm not going to apologize.

"No. Let's just go have lunch first. I'll think of it later.", I said and started walking.

Leah sighed but didn't say anything. We walked down the hallways to the cafeteria and found Julia and Mae, sitting at the same table we sat yesterday.

We took our lunch and went to the table and sat down.

"What's wrong? You both look tensed.", Mae asked.

"We've got a situation.", Leah answered.

Julia raised her brows, indicating Leah to continue.

"I don't know what exactly happened, but as far as I know, Arianna slapped Elena.", she said and sighed.

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