Happy Birthday, Cake-Eater

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The first round of playoffs were here and the Ducks were taking on the Hornets. The only person who had been in this position before was Adam. Everyone was excited at the possibility of advancing to the next round, but there was also some nerves going into this game. If they lost, then their season would be over and no one on the team was ready for that. The Ducks wanted to go all the way, proving to themselves and everyone else they were worthy of the championship title. 

"You ready for today?" Adam asks Ellie, as they sit in their tree. This experience was all new to her. Adam knew it was a lot to take in and adjust too. For Ellie, it was always just the two of them for the last four years and a half years. Being on a team and playing in the playoffs was something she has yet to experience.  She had some idea of what it was like from watching Adam, but actually participating in it was a whole other story.

"Yeah. I'm excited we made it to this point, but I'm a little nervous too. We've been working so hard the last few weeks and I would hate to see it all come to an end." She had been secretly wanting to be in this position for years from watching Adam play, but actually being here was slightly terrifying. "What about you?"

"I just want to make it to the championship so we can kick some Hawk butt." After being dissed by McGill and Larson, Adam felt like he had something to prove. He didn't need them or the Hawks. He and the Ducks were ready to go to battle, ready to get their revenge on the Hawks. 

Being the first to score a goal for the Ducks was an amazing feeling for Ellie. She wasn't sure how playing on a team was going to go, but she's proud of herself for what she had been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. She was contributing to the team, helping them win games and she was making new friends. The best part of it all was having Adam by her side through it all. She couldn't help but be in awe of him as he had scored twice in the game, but also of how he was putting himself out there. He was really trying his best to befriend the Ducks. The only person who was still iffy of him was Jesse, who was afraid Adam would turn their backs on them if they were to play against the Hawks later in the playoffs. 

The Ducks beat the Hornets 5-3, advancing to the semi-finals where they would be versusing the Cardinals. Ellie couldn't believe just how close they were to the championship, she could almost taste it. They were just one victory away. 

Adam and Ellie's parents had taken the two kids to a celebratory dinner, proud of how far they had come. Ellie's mom was watching her daughter blossom into this incredible girl. She was coming out of her shell, pushing herself towards her goals. Most importantly, she was happy that Ellie was making friends with the other Duck players. Of course Ellie was always going to have Adam, but she wanted her daughter to be able to rely on more than just Adam. Having a good group of friends who will always be there to support you was one of the most important things in life. 

"Stay here," Ellie tells Adam before running into the house. Her parents were already inside, letting the two kids talk before it was time to come in for the night. As quick as she had disappeared, Ellie was back again, but this time holding a gift. "Did you really think I would forget your birthday, Banksy?" 

Adam never really liked his birthday, always seeing it as just another day. His parents would always try to throw him a birthday party, but the only thing he would really want to do is spend time with Ellie. She was the only one who made his birthday enjoyable. He opened up his gift, revealing a signed Wayne Gretzky poster. Ellie knew he was his favorite player, and finding this was not easy. After months of searching she had found one, and she knew this was going to the perfect birthday present for Adam. 

"How did you get this?" Adam was in shock. He had gotten some amazing presents over the last eleven years, like his first hockey stick, but nothing compared to this. Wayne Gretzky was one of the best players in the NHL and had been Adam's idol since he was five years old. His dad had took him and his older brother to a North Star's game and that's when Adam saw Gretzy play for the first time. Ever since that day, all Adam ever wanted was to be like him. 

"I have my ways." In that moment, Ellie wasn't sure what came over her. Maybe it was all the excitement from the playoffs or maybe she just couldn't get over how cute Adam looked in the moonlight, admiring his new gift. She leaned in and kissed Adam, not on the cheek like she had done in the past, but on the lips. Her first kiss. She was a little in shock when he had kissed her back, though she was unsure of what this would do to their friendship. "Happy birthday, cake-eater." 

Ellie was scared of what Adam was going to say next, scared that she had just destroyed their entire friendship, so she took off running into her house. She ignored the questions her parents were asking as she ran up the stairs to her room. Ellie sat on her bed, finally being able to breathe. She couldn't believe that she had just done that. She had her very first kiss with Adam Banks. 

Adam stood in the yard, right where Ellie left him after running off. She just kissed him. His best friend, the girl he had been crushing on for the last two years, just kissed him. He didn't know what to say or how to react. He brought his pointer finger up to his lips, still in disbelief of what had just happened. This was the best moment of his entire life and a birthday he was never going to forget. Adam was hoping it wasn't a spur of the moment thing, and Ellie was actually feeling the same way he was. After standing for a few minutes, still in shock, Adam made his way into his house and up into his bedroom. He knew that he and Ellie were eventually going to have to talk about what happened, so he spent the rest of the night trying to figure out how he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend. That night Adam Banks dreamt of Ellie and what their future together might look like. 

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