What Did You Do?

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It was time. The championship game that everyone had been anxiously waiting for. The reigning champions, The Hawks, versus the comeback team, The Ducks. The stands were packed full, the crowd ready for an intense game. The two teams stood on the ice, side by side, waiting for the National Anthem to finish playing. Dirty looks were given and trash talk was being spoken by both teams. The hatred between the two teams was electric. 

This was the first time Adam was playing his old team since he got traded to the Ducks. It just so happened that he was standing right across from his old friend, McGill. He looked at his old teammate once and put his down, just waiting to prove himself during the game. Adam knew Coach Reilly was going to put a target on his back. Reilly was still upset that Adam had decided to join the Ducks. The Hawks were good, Reilly knew this, but with Banks now on the Ducks, they had a chance at giving the Hawks a run for their money. 

The infamous win chant was echoing through the arena, the Hawks and their support in the crowd doing their best to intimdate the Ducks. There was no way the Hawks were going to give up their reigning title. The Ducks were going down, and they were going down hard. Hockey is a contact sport after all.

Once the Hawks had taken their spot on the ice, the arena was echoing with a different chant. Quack! The Hawks might think this is going to be an easy game, but the Ducks weren't going away silently. They came to win, and they were ready to play Duck hockey. Smart hockey. 

"Hey Banks, don't forget what side you're on," Jesse reminds him before they made their way to the ice. Ellie was sat on the bench, overhearing the entire conversation. She wasn't going to let Jesse talk to Adam like this. Adam has proved his loyalty to the Ducks over and over again. 

"Shut up, Jesse! He's already proven himself to the team that he's a Duck through and through. He wants this win as much as you do." The two boys turned their heads to Ellie as she spoke. Ellie wasn't usually one for confrontation, so Jesse was shocked that she had spoken up to defend her boyfriend. Adam nodded his head as thanks and made his way to center ice, ready to take the faceoff. 

Bombay stopped Jesse before he skated onto the ice. "He's a Duck, Jesse. He'll play like a Duck." Bombay just wanted to reinforce what Ellie had already said. Jesse might not listen to Ellie, as she would be biased toward Adam. However, Bombay was the coach and he knew Adam was going to play Duck hockey. At the end of the day, Adam just wanted to play hockey and he was going to play his best no matter what team he was on. 

The puck drops and McGill immediately shoves Adam, not caring about the faceoff. He pushes Banks toward Larson and they both shove him to the ground. Ellie winced as she saw Adam hit the ice. She knew the Hawks were going to play rough, but this was definitely giving her an indication of how it would be the rest of the night. 

The Hawks were targeting Adam the most of any Duck player. They wanted to make it known that he had chosen the wrong team. Ellie knew it was going to be a rough night for her boyfriend. McGill and another Hawks player had checked Adam into the boards after he had cleared the puck, but soon enough it was back in the Hawks hands. 

Goal. 0-1 to the Hawks. It was going to be a long night for the Ducks, as the hitting was being distributed to every player. Guy had managed to get all the way to the Hawks goal, but was greeted and knocked down by three Hawks player. The puck quickly got to McGill and had scored the Hawks second goal. 

The Ducks were giving it their best, but it was hard when you were getting shoved to the ice whenever you tried to make a play. The Hawks were playing dirty, all encouraged by Coach Reilly. He cheered as another player scored a goal, giving them a 3-0 lead. The championship was his, yet again.

First period had come to an end and Coach Bombay was giving them a pep talk. "Don't be scared of them, Ducks. That's what they want. Keep your heads up. Play proud. Let's fly! Come on, let's go!" The speech had got the team motivated and they all started to cheer. There was still two periods left and they had a chance for the comeback.

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