No Brainer

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Adam and Ellie were sat in her room working on their Biology homework, waiting for Ellie's mom to call them down to dinner. Eden Hall didn't mess around when it came to the amount of homework they gave. The two had been going to private schools their entire life, but none of them compared to Eden Hall. 

"I need your advice," Ellie tells Adam, taking her eyes off her homework and focused on her boyfriend. Ellie had been wracking her brain, trying to figure out what she should do about this whole captain situation. She felt honored that Coach Orion thought she would make a good captain for the team, but at the same time it almost felt wrong. 

"What's going on?" Adam had noticed that Ellie had been slightly off since they got home from practice. He had been wanting to ask her about it, but he didn't want to say anything until she was ready to talk about it. Whatever it was, he could tell it was really bothering her. 

"After practice, Coach Orion asked me if I wanted to be captain of the team," Ellie shares the news with him. Adam's face lit up with excitement. She would make a great captain for the JV team. 

"That's great, babe! I'm so proud of you." She worked just as hard as he did when it came to hockey. He thought it was about time she got recognized for her talent. 

"I told him I'd think about it," Ellie continues. The excitement on Adam's face falls. He couldn't understand why she didn't say yes right away. This was an incredible opportunity for her. "I've been going back and forth since he asked me."

"Why wouldn't you say yes?" Adam asks. To him, it seemed like a no brainer. However, he could also understand why she would be hesitant. Ever since they joined the Ducks, Charlie had been the captain. 

"Charlie... and the rest of the team. Charlie's been a great captain for our team, so why should I mess with that. Coach Orion thinks the team listens to me, which they do, but it's not that same as Charlie. He's already struggling enough as it is with Orion as the coach; I don't want to be the one that steals his C away from him. You don't see him at practice, Adam. He gets so frustraded and today he just snapped. I can't imagine what he'd do if he found out Orion asked me to be captain." Over the years, Charlie had become one of her best friends, so taking his postition as captain wasn't something Ellie could agree to easily. 

"We're not kids anymore, Ellie. Bombay isn't the coach anymore, Orion is. If he thinks you deserve to be captain over Charlie, then Charlie will have to get over it. Change is hard for a lot of people but if you agree to do this, I'm sure Charlie and the rest of the team will come around eventually. But ultimately, you need to decide what's right for you. You have the biggest heart out of everyone I've ever met. You put everyone and everything above yourself. Maybe it's time you put yourself first." 

In this moment, all Adam wanted was to be back on the JV team. He wanted to be able to stand up for her if she decides to take on the captain role. He also wanted to be back with his friends. The Ducks now refuse to talk to him now that he's on Varsity. Ellie is the only person he has left. 

"I don't know. The team is different enough already with you gone. I don't want to create any unnecessary drama that could be avoided. Besides, it's Charlie. I'm sure he'll warm up to Orion eventually and earn his C back." 

The Charlie that was acting out at practice wasn't the usual Charlie. He was still hurt that Bombay had abandoned them with a new coach. He wasn't good with change. But what fourteen year old is? Ellie was struggling with being at a new school and having her boyfriend no longer play on the same team as her. She loved playing hockey, but the reason she joined a team was because she finally got the chance to play with Adam. 

"Well, you know I'll be by your side no matter what you choose." With his arms wrapped around Ellie, he places a kiss on her cheek. This was a great opportunity for her but based on what she was telling him, he was thinking that she was going to turn down being captain. The team was in shambles, feeling incomplete without Adam. He wanted to be with them but unlike Ellie, this wasn't an opportunity he was willing to pass up. 

"Thank you, Adam. For everything. I don't know what I would do without you." They may joke around tease each other, but Ellie was dead serious this time. Adam had always been her person, ever since they were four years old. But in their almost four year relationship, Adam had been her rock. The only person who kept her stable. His support was what got her through life. She wouldn't be who she was now without him. For that, she was forever grateful. 

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