Chapter 12

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No one's POV
At the Mikaelson Compound
Hayley is in her bedroom quickly packing up a bag of clothes when Klaus enters the room. Davina walks by Hayley's room with Jade in her arms. "What do you think you're doing?" Klaus says as Hayley continues packing. "Elijah said they're on the road. So, I'm going to go to them and get my daughter. She can also bond with Jade maybe." Hayley says as she wanted her daughter back and as she wanted it so Jade someone to play with. "Hayley..." Klaus says but Hayley cuts him off. "Do not tell me that it's not safe! I'll tell you what's not safe: blowing up a house just to keep your evil brother from finding her!" Hayley says as she knew that was not safe. Klaus sighs and says, "We will deal with Finn." He sounded determined that they will. "And then what? Every time you kill him he's just going to jump into another body." Hayley says as she raises her voice. "We tried running. We tried hiding. Neither will work." Klaus says as he knew Finn was crazy. "So what's your bright idea?" Hayley asks as she wanted to know Klaus' idea. "As it happens, I am working on a plan as we speak! One which will be bolstered greatly if you just calm down and keep your eye on the prize!" He says as Hayley decides talks over him. "Do not manage me, I have every right to..." Hayley says as Klaus interrupts her. "Hayley, you are getting married today. An act which will seal the loyalty of all the wolves that answer to Finn!" He says as Hayley gives him a look. "You will be queen to an army." He says as he takes the bag out of her hands and sets it on the bed. "And a queen does not run." He says as Hayley knew he was right.

Davina's POV
I had got up and went to get Jade. I had called Josh over here to the compound. Klaus was fine with Josh being here as Jade loved Josh and since Josh was Jade's godfather it was ok for Josh to be here at the compound. Josh seemed to have been holding his head. "Well, you still don't look so good." I said as he is holding Jade in his arms. "Ugh, this is worse than the Halloween Hangover of 2011." He says as I giggle and Josh sighs. "I went after Aiden, didn't I?"He says as my smile falls slightly and I kneel in front of him to look him in the eyes. "You know, he was up all day all night with you until Marcel called and said that the spell was broken." I say as Josh nods while holding Jade and sitting on the couch in the living room of the compound. "You guys totally saved my ass." He says as Kol walks into the room and I roll my eyes playfully. "Yeah, well, don't mention it!"Kol says as he tosses Josh a blood bag. "There you go, here's a little go-juice. So, you should be, well..." He says as he gestures toward the door. " ...going." He says as I giggle and give Josh a hug but before he leaves he hands me Jade. "Bye." I say once Josh has left. Kol walks into the living room towards me and Jade. I hold Jade in my arms.  "So, where were you yesterday?" I asked as I was wondering where my boyfriend was. "Well, you know, being a hero, saving the day, the usual!" He says as Jade reaches for him and he looks at her reaching for him. "Ah. And you didn't think I could help?" I say as I would have wanted to help my boyfriend save the world. "Well, you were with your mate and Jade!" He says as he looks at Jade who is still reaching for him. "You couldn't have called me? It takes ten seconds." I says as he gasps mockingly and grabs Jade from my arms and into his. "Oh-ho, this is a right proper spat we're having? It's almost as if we're, uh... oh, what is that phrase? "Going steady?" Plus Jade seems to love me." He says as I roll my eyes. "You wish. Of course she does Kol you are her father after all." I say as he holds Jade and I sit there on the couch. "Ah, maybe! Maybe I could make it up to you? By, uh, well... finishing a mystical dagger? What do you say? And we put Jade down for her nap together?" He says as I nod and we go to put Jade down for her nap.

Me and Kol are in the Claire tomb preparing to do the Kemiya spell to turn the silver dagger into gold so it can be used against Klaus. Kol lights a bunsen burner as Davina sets up the ingredients. Jade was asleep back at the compound as Rebekah was watching her. Even though Rebekah was in a different body she still was Jade's godmother and aunt and she was the only one I trusted with Jade other than Josh, Hayley, Elijah, Jackson, Aiden and Marcel. "Are you ready?" Kol asks as he was wondering if I was ready. "I don't know. Never done this before, remember?" I say as I knew I haven't done it before. "I've never actually completed the spell itself, but, then, I've never had an accomplice as powerful as you." Kol says as he pulls the silver dagger out of his trunk and holds it up as he smiles at me. I giggle as he returns to me. "So, let's do it, then!" I say as he stands in front of me. "Let's do it." He says as we both are holding onto the handle of the dagger as we  hold it into the flame of the bunsen burner as we cast the spell. A Loki gae la lidi. A Loki gae la lidi." We chant together. "A Loki gae la lidi. A Loki gae la lidi." We say as the dagger becomes so hot that both Kol and I drop it onto the floor. We look down at it in shock before I kneel and pick up the dagger which has turned from silver to gold. I smile at him proudly. "I think it worked!" Kol says as he is amazed it worked. I can't help but chuckle in amazement. Kol looks at me in the eyes before leaning forward and kissing me gently. I pull away briefly to set the dagger on the table before I wrap
my arms around his neck and kiss him more passionately.

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