Chapter 14

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Davina's POV
At the Mikaelson Compound
In the morning
Rebekah and I enter the room that Klaus and Elijah were in but Rebekah looks tired. I held Jade in my arms as Rebekah rubs Jade's back. "Can we stop talking so loudly?" Rebekah says as she sees the pot of coffee and sighs in relief. "Yeah I agree with Bex but you are lucky Jade was up because she wasn't I would have told you both to shut up so she could sleep." I say as I hold Jade and she holds her arms out for Elijah. Rebekah sees coffee and Elijah takes Jade from me. "Give me that." She says as she walks over to pour herself a glass. I can tell that Jade loves her uncle Elijah and also her aunt Rebekah. She also loves her aunt Freya. "What's the matter? New witch body not up to last night's bender?" Klaus says amused as Rebekah rolls her eyes. "So? I had a few." She says as she sits down at the opposite end of the table from Klaus. I sit down next to Elijah who has Jade in his arms. "It's not every day you lose your father at the hands of your brother. Again." Rebekah says as Klaus laughs heartily. "Whoever said opportunity only knocks once, eh?" He says as Elijah, Rebekah and I stare at him blankly and silently and Klaus scoffs. "Oh, come on! We all fled Mikael's tyranny together for centuries! I would have thought the mood this morning might be a bit more jubilant! Well expect for Davina." Klaus says as it was true. "Under normal circumstances, the annihilation of our father would be rather commendable, Niklaus. Unfortunately, we have a greater threat to contend with." Elijah says as Klaus hops onto his feet to pour himself another drink. "You know, for someone who's been invited to a celebratory breakfast, you're proving quite the kill." Klaus says as Elijah sighs deeply. "Well, Niklaus, if anything indeed has kill the..." He says as he makes air-quotes with his fingers. "... "buzz," as you say, perhaps it was because murdering Father alienated the one person who truly knows how to defeat Dahlia!" Elijah says as I know he meant Freya. "If Freya wants to be part of this family, she should be willing to accept us, warts and all!" Klaus says as I roll my eyes. "Elijah's right. Freya loved Mikael and you've likely ruined everything." Rebekah says as she agreed with Elijah. Klaus rolls his eyes petulantly. "Pity. Whatever shall I do?" Klaus says as I look Jade and she looks comfortable in her uncle's arms. "Whatever you please, apparently!" Elijah says aggravated as Klaus slams his hand angrily against the table which I had startled Jade. "Do not mistake my high spirits for lack of clarity! I know full well the threat we face. And I intend to deal with it... personally." Klaus says as Elijah looks down at his niece as she starts to cry. "Sh sh it's ok Jade." He says as he rocks her.

Rebekah's POV
At the cemetery
I join Freya in the cemetery with Jade in her stroller and Davina close behind me. I look unhappy as we approach her. "Freya? I am so, so sorry." I say as I grab Jade out of the stroller. "About what? Certainly not about our father. I alone mourn him, as I alone loved him. And now because of Klaus my father is taken from me once more." Freya says as I hold Jade and stare at the memorial. "I never knew the man you're mourning. He showed more tenderness to you yesterday than we have ever seen. All I can recall is his terrible temper, his awful cruelty. Especially to Klaus." I say as it was true and Freya just sighs. "That is not an excuse." Freya says as Jade looks at me. "Isn't it?" I say as Freya remains silent and looks away. "I know Klaus can be infuriating, treacherous even. But there is no one better to have at your side against someone like Dahlia." I say as Freya angrily stands on her feet and walks away but I stand with Jade and follow her. "Klaus wants to keep Hope safe as much as you want your freedom. We need to work together. Davina and I want to keep Jade safe because Kol wouldn't want any to happen to his daughter. If Dahlia takes Jade than Kol won't have a daughter to come back to." I say as I look at Jade and Davina nods her head. "How can you defend him? I was abducted by Dahlia, spent years under her control, and yet he acts as if I am the enemy! I have given you all every reason to trust me, and still, Klaus rejects me. He even rejects Jade and Davina." Freya says as that was true he does but I don't reject them. I did stand by Davinas side through her whole pregnancy it's one of main reasons why I'm Jade's godmother. Freya picks up a smaller stone with the same "gar" rune carved into it. "And honestly? I cannot understand why you would continue to trust him." Freya says as she sighs and walks past Jade, Davina and I but before she leaves the cemetery, she stops and turns back towards me. "You and Elijah have a choice: from now on, it's either Klaus, or me." She says as she leaves and I look conflicted and exhausted.

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