Chapter 18

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Davina's POV
I was walking and pushing Jade in her stroller as I was looking for Angelica lower to help bring back Kol to Jade and I. We were in the witch market looking for it. "Hi. Do you have any angelica flower?" I ask a lady but she doesn't talk to me. "Ok. I know I've been shunned but you can at least look at me." I say as I hear Josh with my vampire hearing. "Hello. I'm in the market for some Angelica. Perhaps you've heard of it. No? Ok. Follow-up question... Do you happen to have any kind of comment box or complaint hotline? Because I got a few thoughts on your customer service that trust me you do not want to end up on yelp." He says as I walk up to with Jade in her pink butterfly stroller. "Josh, let's just go." I say as I was telling him it's fine. "Ok. Fine, but you know what? I'm taking these." He says as I pull him away with Jade in her stroller and he grabs something off the table.

Josh and I walked down the sidewalk while I pushed Jade in her stroller. "Davina, I called, like, a billion times. It's kind of enough to make a guy feel... I don't know... shunned or something. Sorry. Too soon?" He says as I look at him than look away. "Josh, I'm sorry I haven't called you back. It's just things have been really..." I say as he cuts me off and goes in front me and Jade. "Really yeah awful. No kidding. The thing is, this is kind of the whole reason you have friends so you don't have to do the terrible parts alone." He says as a car pulls up to us. "Whoa. Hey, should I be worried or like really excited right now?" He says as I didn't know. "Hello, Joshua. Ms. Claire, I assume you know who I am. I suggest you get in. We've much to discuss." A woman says as from in the car so she opens the door so I can get in. "I'll call you later, I promise. Watch Jade for me." I say as I hand him Jade's stroller and get in the car.

The woman takes me to a place and we walk into a room with what looks like a pool of a water with girls by it. "As you know from your own experience any vampire who seeks true power will inevitably require the aid of a witch. We Strix are no exception. However I have found that witches for hire can only be trusted so far, and so... meet the Sisters wayward souls with an extraordinary capacity for magic. Of course, when I found them, they were nothing but orphans and outcasts belonging nowhere and with no one until they found a home here with us." The woman says as she looks at me. "So the Strix have their own personal coven." I say as I didn't know that. "Think of them as consultants held on retainer. If your 9 covens are a burning candle what you see before you is a 5 alarm fire. In fact, they are the only coven in the world capable of casting this... The spell to raise the dead." She says as my eyes widened because I had one idea how this woman knew that I was trying to bring back Kol. "How did you know?" I ask as I was curious. "About your dogged desire to bring back Kol Mikaelson? That's what they're for. The Sisters search the unknown and reveal to me anything that may be of use for instance the leverage I need to make you my ally." She says as I did want Kol back not just for me but for our daughter Jade. "What do you want from me?" I asks as I didn't know what this woman wanted. "I'll make certain you're granted the power to bring back your precious Kol. In exchange you will take a vow of fealty and become one of my Sisters. It's all rather straightforward I assure you. Each of them faced a similar choice. That which you most wish for is within your grasp. The question is are you willing to pay the price?" The woman says as one of the girls look at me.

At St Anne's
I had told Josh the plan over text and he had brought Jade with him since he had her. She sat there in her stroller awake this time. I was putting salt on the floor of the attic. "So it's really just a simple suspension spell. The poison stops my heart, and the spell keep me from dying for good." I say as I get done with the salt. "Cool. Yeah. Now I'm totally on board, uh, just except for the part about the poison, your heart, and whatever you said at the end there about dying." Josh says as I see Jade look at him. "Josh, the witches won't even look at me let alone help me. If I'm gonna find out if that spell really works I need to go to the only witch I trust and that would be Kol." I say as I knew Kol was the only witch I knew that could tell if that spell works or not.
"Hmm, your dead boyfriend/baby daddy who currently resides in spooky witch purgatory along with all the other dead spirits who shunned you. Sure. What could possibly go wrong?" He says as I knew he overreacting. "Relax. I'm just gonna pop over and pop back. Easy. All I need to do is channel your power." I say as I go towards the bed. "No. Uh, uh. No, no, no. You see this foot, Davina? This is me putting it down for once ok for your own good."He says as I start to go onto the the chair to lay down. "Oh...Easy. Oy. Uh, and you already took the poison, didn't you? Ok. For the record, if you looked up "uncool" in the dictionary there would just be a tiny little drawing of what's happening right now. What do I need to do?" He says I'm sitting on the chair and I grab a knife to cut his hand. I cut his hand to make him bleed than I lay down as I grab his and breath heavily. "Whatever happens don't let go, ok? You're my link to the living." I say as I look at him and close my eyes. I wake up to look around to see if I'm in the ancestral world. I turn around and look at my body and at Josh who beside me. "Josh?" I question as I see him move and I walk out of the church.

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