Chapter 27

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When I wake up Serena is changing Phoenix "when did he cry?" I ask groaning god that nap was nice I have been waking up at 5 am to go to the school to have summer football camp and that little bit of nap I just got felt so good "he wasn't crying for long I was already up so once he whined I got to him" I sit up and nod "plus I could tell you were exhausted I think we both are pushing to far" she walks over over and hands him Phoenix who smiles at me "hey Nix" I kiss his fat cheek Serena climbs in bed and throws her leg over mine he had her nose and blue eyes he did have my chin "oh by the way your phone was ringing" she says I nod

"Hello" I say "hi is this Kenneth Crawford" a woman says "yes this is?"
"I'm Martha King from Highlands nursing home, your mother is Sherry Crawford correct?"
"Yes she is"

"I'm very sorry but she is not longer with us" I swallow hard and nod "uh ok thank you for telling me"
"You're welcome to come visit her before she goes to the funeral home" I nod "did you call my sister?" I ask "your number was the only listed I'm sorry"
"Ok I'll uh be there thank you bye" I hang up

Serena looks at me I didn't realize I was crying till she wiped a tear away "what happened?" I sigh Phoenix grips my finger in his tiny hand "mom died" she just blinks "can we go see her?" I nod "I have to tell Aubrey" her hand comes and rubs my hand I take it and squeeze it when I get to Aubrey's contact

"Hello?" She says "uh mom she died" a deep breath escapes her "you going to see her?" She asks "yeah do you want me to get you?"
"Yeah see you soon" she hangs up I look at Phoenix "Elaine is at work?" I ask
"Yeah" I groan and hand Phoenix to her "I'm going to get ready you coming?"

Elaine ended up leaving work when I told her to call me on break and she is driving up here, after we left Phoenix with Josh and the girls we head over to the hospital, there I sat on one side of mom and Aubrey on the other as we cried Serena rubs my back Kade did the same for Aubrey "I'm sorry" he says "it's life" I tell him kissing moms hand then stand up "love you" Aubrey says then kisses her hand also Kade takes a look at her and nods "thank you" he says softly

"Do you want to go get food?" Aubrey asks after Serena's belly growls "please" she says still crying "well uh let me know if you need help with anything" Kade says Aubrey looks at me "how about you come with us we can roadhouse" I say "yeah" while I know Kade didn't treat mom well it's because dad talked about her but I knew she helped him more then we know, especially after his biological mom died I always chose to look at how he was in his 20s and now how he is now, "I can?" I nod "yeah"

"Didn't expect you to do that" Serena says as we sit in the parking lot of roadhouse so she can feed Phoenix "I think he still thought like my dad in away about my mom but he means good I know it" she smiles as she pulls Phoenix away and moves her shirt up and burps him "you ready?" A loud burp comes from Phoenix and she smiles "let's go"

A week later

I hold Phoenix who faces everyone he didn't like to be over a shoulder he wanted to see everything Serena comes over handing me a drink I smile softly we decided to have a celebration of life for mom, who didn't want a funeral only to be cremated and then have a party for her "I'll take Phoenix to be changed so you can stay and talk to people" i nod watching as she picks him up and walks upstairs

"Ken" I look back and see Melissa "hi" I say she holds her arms out and I can't help but to hug her "I'm so sorry" she says softly while the way we ended wasn't the best I still went to her grandmas funeral "thank you" I say Elaine walks over and hands Melissa a cup "thank you for coming" she nods I knew mom may not of wanted her but I can't kick her out not with all these people "my husband I hope you didn't mind he came"
"That's fine"


I walk back down to the living room and see Ken talking to an Elaine look alike, Melissa? That's her name Elaine would cuss her mom but she got money from her, I walk over to Elaine who sits next to Phoenix "hey let me see him" I hand the baby off to Phoenix and sit on the other side of him "hey name sake" I smile
Melissa walks over and looks at Elaine "hi you must be Serena" she holds out her hand I shake it "hi" she looks at both Phoenix's

"He looks like you" she says I nod "yes he is my twin" I smile "congratulations" and with that she walks away I look over at Elaine who shrugs "she's not petty or anything I think she really meant that" Phoenix starts to whine and immediately he's back in my arms

As people start to say their one last sorry for your loss, Ken, Aubrey and Kade all shake hands and hug people on their ways out, "everyone is gone" Josh lays out on the couch making me smile "move over fatty" Willow tells him "hey you two" Aubrey says Kade stands next to her "you guys leaving?" Ken asks
"Yeah Willow has a game in the morning out in Hampton so" Ken nods "their softball team is good, so Willow beat their ass" Willow smiles

Ken climbs in next to me he comes and lays his head on my chest and I feel my shirt start to get wet, I rub his head and soon he is asleep

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