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//f i n a l l y an update to the tragedy that is jimmy and scott's relationshippp

The blizzard wasn't giving up and Jimmy wondered if Scott was keeping it going just for fun. "Scott, you can stop the blizzard now," he sighed. "Who said I started it?" "You're telling me you didn't start it?" "No, i didn't, snow just follows me," "Well that's just great," Jimmy sighed heavily. It was dark and he was freezing, he was using his elytra as a jacket at this point. "What's wrong, jimmy, can't take a little cold?" Scott taunted with a smirk, he seemed perfectly unbothered by this hellish blizzard. "Sh-shut up," he rolled his eyes. "Fine, freeze to death for all I care," "You pr-probably d-don't care, do you?" there he goes again, letting his emotions get the best of him. "i don't. your point?" "That is my point, you don't c-care about anything. all you want is for everyone to s-suffer," "God, must you always be so emotional?" Scott rolled his eyes. Jimmy bit his tongue, this would go on forever if he kept talking. He just wanted Joel to be here, he just wanted to leave and never see Scott again, at this point he didn't care about him anymore-that's what he told himself, anyways.
Jimmy was starting to doze off, he was tired and cold and sad. Scott wasn't saying anything and the silence killed him. Then, they heard something. It sounded like something burrowing through the snow, Jimmy perked up, was Joel finally here to save him? He jumped and ran to the pile of snow but immediately fell back in horror. Standing right in front him was Xornoth, Scott's demonic brother. "Wha-what are you d-doing here?!" he gasped, crawling back. "When I found out my brother was doing the things he's done, I just had to pay him a visit," it grinned. "Xornoth," Scott greeted him. "Ah, brother, how have you-" he didn't get to finish before Scott ever so effortlessly froze the demon. He then touch it, turning it into a red crystal with a chain connected to it. "Wh-why did d-do that?" jimmy asked, his wide eyes started up at Scott, his piercing eyes glared down at him. "Just because I'm "evil" doesn't mean I want him around. He'd ruin my fun," and here Jimmy was thinking he'd had a change of heart. He sighed curling up against the wall. he felt like he was going to freeze to death if Joel didn't hurry. And if he did freeze, who'd help him? It was obvious Scott didn't care, but what if Joel never foudn him? What if Scott left him to die after the blizzard ended. It felt like hours before a familiar voice echoed through the cave. "Jimmy? Where are you?" instead of Joel, it was Gem. "G-Gem?!" he called out. He felt too weak to stand, he was hungry and cold. Gem ran into the cave with a torch in hand. "Jimmy, there you are! What happened to you?!" "N-nothing, just c-cold is all," Gem noticed Scott sitting in the corner. "What did you do to him?" "Oh, so just because he's cold and weak from hunger means I've cursed him, hm?" Scott said sarcastically. "Please, I'd never waste my powers on him. If we're being honest, he probably would have been dead in the next five minutes if you'd not arrived." Gem scoffed and turned to Jimmy. "We're gonna get you home Jimmy, okay?" He nodded tiredly. "Got f-food?" She pulled a healing potion and some bread out of her bag, he drank and ate as they stood. As they left the cave, Scott uttered a sentence that haunted Jimmy: "see you soon, Jimmy,,"


"Gem, please, there must be something we can do to help him!" Jimmy pleaded, wrapping a soft white blanket around his cold body. "You don't think I've been trying to figure that out? I don't even know where his powers came from!" "Wait- what if it is his powers?" Gem froze, thinking. "Jimmy, you're a genius! If we find out how Scott got his powers, maybe we can help him!" Gem ran into her library and started looking through a barrel with a bunch of books. "What're those for?" "These are journal logs I kept of Scott to monitor his prgress, maybe I can find out from here where his powers came from," she explained as she flipped the pages frantically.
(please i legit had to go all the way back to the deal with destiny episode to find out where he got his powers😭)
"Aha! Found it!" Gem exclaimed, holding up one of the books. "Really? Let's read it!" She brought the book over to Jimmy. He skimmed through the pages. "He got them from some boots Lizzie gave him?" "Mhm, he thought they just had Frost Walker on them, he wanted to live out his Frozen dreams as Elsa or something," "Well that backfired," the blonde muttered sarcastically. "Do, do you think if we take the boots he'll be him again?" "That's the plan, but we may need some magic," "For what?" "To break the boots. If they're that powerful to imbue its enchantment onto a person then we need something stronger." "Ah," "Jimmy, I'd suggest buffing up your armor and weapons. I don't know about you, but I don't think Scott's gonna give up those boots without a fight," "Good point. Should we get back up? Like from other emperors?" "Perhaps. Send a letter to everyone and we'll see who shows up." "Right. When will we do this?" "Well, it usually takes me a few days to make a spell from scratch, so we'll give it about a week." Jimmy nodded and grabbed a pend and paper and started writing.

To whom may be interested,

Gem and I believe we may have found a way to help Scott return to normal, but we need your help. If you are interested, buff up your armor and tools and meet us at the Crystal Cliffs Academy of Magic, or send a letter back to Gem or myself.

Cod's Blessings,

Jimmy tied up the letter, Gem used magic to multiply the letter and sent them to everyone except for Scott using magic. "that's done, now I have to make this spell." "I'll leave you to that. Good luck," he left and flew home. It took a while to buff his armor, but he did. Within a few hours, he had at least four letters on his desk from Joey, Sausage, Lizzie, and Katherine. He read each one individually.

Dear Jimmy,

If there's anything I can do to get that bastard from freezing over my jungle, I'll do it. See you in a week.

Joey G.

The next was Sausage's.

Dear Jimmy,

Hello, Jimmy! I'm so ready to help you fix Scott, I really don't like that he's freezing all of my beautiful builds! If you need anything before next week, write to me!
Best regards,

Sausage was always so supportive, and ever since he broke free from Xornoth's control, he's been better.

Dear Jimmy,

Upon further realization, I've come to find out this is mostly my fault, I had no idea the boots were that powerful, but I'm so glad you're ready to help Scott despite everything he's done. Joel and I will back you up no matter what.
Again, I'm so very sorry
Love from your Seabling,

It made Jimmy sad to see Lizzie blaming herself for this mess, but she was willing to make it right, and so was Joel, and that made him happy.

Dearest Jimmy,

I, Katherine of House Blossom, have decided-along with Shrub of the Undergrove-to help you with Scott, we miss the old him so very much and if there's anything more we can do for you, please let us know.
Lady Katherine or House Blossom

All of the encouragement and support from his friends fueled him with courage, they could do this, and they were going to bring Scott back to his normal life, no matter what. He was going to get his friend back, and for once, Jimmy actually believed in himself.
 in rivendell,,
Scott set the paper down on his desk. How did he get Jimmy's letter? One of his owls, Orion (IM BRINGIN HIM BACK) stole it from Joel and brought it to him. "So, they wanna take my powers, hm?" he muttered as he rand his hand through Orion's feathers. "Well, let them try."

||Word Count ; 1396||

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