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okayyy so i heard empires s2 is coming the 25th so now i have to end this so i can make another sequel(??) book to this for s2- it'll probs end with the same way empires ended tbh- anywaays enjoy

CW ; violence, some death

also sorry im no good at fighting scenes haha :'D

Jimmy was nervous, extremely nervous. Today was the day wher him, Gem, Joey, Sausage, Lizzie and Joel, and Katherine and Shrub would get Scott back; their Scott, not the Scott that was terrorizing everyone.
They'd all gathered in the Crystal Cliffs Academy of Magic in the main hall where Gem and Jimmy did a run through of plan, what to expect, and why the boots were so important. "So he's being a dick because of some Frost Walker boots?" Joey interrupted. "Don't swear in my school, and, yes, we believe the boots have a part in this." "Well if Lizzie hadn't given him those boots we wouldn't be here," He scoffed, glaring at the ocean queen, he was sitting outside the window since she was too tall. "Joey, I said I was sorry! I didn't know they were that powerful," Lizzie defended herself, although Joey didn't seem to care. "I don't care if you're sorry, you gave him the boots so it's you fault!" "Do not blame my wife for all of this, Joey," Joel hissed. "Why can't I? We all know it's her fault!" "Guys, come on, stop fighting!" Shrub said, but she was too small and was ignored. "Lizzie, I think-" "Hey!" Jimmy yelled, silencing the blonde. "Joey, I get that you're salty-" "That's putting it lightly," he muttered. "I get that you're angry at Scott for what he's doing, but we've already discussed where the boots came from, and Lizzie's already apologized, so let's focus on the bigger issue: Scott." "Fine," he sighed. "Anything else, Jimmy?" Gem asked, turning to the boy. "Yes. Gem, remember when you got me from that cave in that blizzard?" "Yes?" "Well, a few minutes before,," he hesitated, eyeing Sausage and Joey. "Xornoth was there. "What?!" everyone gasped in unison. "Yeah, but Scott did something." "What did he do?" "He froze him and put him in some sort of necklace thing." "Hm.. okay. What does the necklace look like?" "It's just a red crystal." "Alright. If anyone gets close to Scott, grab the crystal and bring it to me, we don't want him releasing Xornoth on us." everyone nodded. "Finally, is everyone sure they've buffed their armor? Are we sure we're ready?" "I don't see why we're still talking. If we wanna change Scott, we should do it now," That was the first useful thing Joey had said. "I agree with Joey." Gem nodded, grabbing her staff. "Everyone grab your elyras, Lizzie?" "Hm?" "If you're swimming there, be careful. Joel, are you going with her?" "Yes," "Okay, you two be careful." With that, everyone left to go to one place: Rivendell.


Scott was perched on top of his palace watching the ground and the waters carefully, he knew they'd be here today. It amused him that they thought they could "change him," or whatever they wanted to do, he knew they would fail, especially if they had Jimmy leading them. No, Jimmy's strong. "Shut up, Scott." the elf hissed at the voice in his head, it was so annoying. Then, he heard the crunch of snow. Looking down, he saw GeminiTay, Sausage, Joey, Shrub, Katherine, and Jimmy. He smirked, what a pitiful bunch.
Jimmy shivered as they entered the kingdom, being here brought back some bad memories. "Is everyone ready?" Gem asked, sticking her staff into the snow. Everyone nodded. "Remember, we're not here to kill Scott," she glared at Joey, who rolled his eyes. "We just need to get those boots and get the necklace." Jimmy had a strange feeling in his chest, but he ignored it. "jimmy," "Hm?" "I know you have a connection with Scott, so I'd like you to try to talk to him, please." "I'll try," Jimmy sucked in a deep breath. "Should we have a code word in case things go south for me?" "yeah,," "What about safe word?" "That's stupid," Joey snorted it. "It'll work," "What-" "Joey, shut up. Jimmy, we believe in you." she smiled kindly at him as he left them just outside the village, which seemed deserted but he could see the villagers cowering in their homes, they were scared. A few of them looked at Jimmy like he was their last hope, and maybe he was. That made him ever more determined to get through to Scott.
"Well well well, what do we have here?" Scott's voice echoed around him, although he couldn't find him. "Scott, I wanna see your face when I talk to you," The elf emerged from the frosty winds in front of Jimmy, his cyan hair was pale like the snow, his skin was even paler, though. His eyes seemed lifeless. "Are you here to cry again? To tell me just how much you love me and that you think this isn't me? This ISN'T me! I said shut up! "No. I mean, yes, but this time, I'm not backing down." "Oh really?" Scott inched closer, his icy eyes shot deadly daggers into Jimmy's heart, but he stayed still. "Then tell me, what is it you want to say, hm?" "Scott, I don't know why you wanted those boots, but they've changed you. They've made you into a monster," it hurt Jimmy to call him that, but he knew it was true. "And I don't care what you say, but it's not you, and today I'm going to do anything to get the old you back," he glared back at Scott, who's face hadn't changed. "Is that so? Well, good luck with that." just then, a spike of ice errupted from beside Jimmy, cutting his arm. he jumped away. "Safe word!" he yelled as Scott sent another spike up from the ground. Almost instantly, everyone ran in to help. Katherine stood behind Sausage for protection as she used her powers to bring vines up from under the snow, it seemed to be quite draining, and Shrub was doing the same thing. Joey immediately went for Scott, swinging at him with his sword. Scott laughed in Joey's face and separated him from Joey with a massive ice spike, which probably would have impaled Joey if Joel hadn't arrived and yanked him back. Scott groaned. "Why are you all so set on trying to change me?!" this was all irritating to him. "Because we love you, Scott, and we don't like seeing you like this!" Gem said. This was all Jimmy's fault, he organized this. Anger clouded Scott's mind, but it wasn't his anger. "You're all idiots! I will kill you all!" about 10 ice spikes shot from the ground, everyone tripped and fell trying to avoid them. "If you think you're going to change me, think again!" Joey growled and lunged at Scott, managing to get him on the ground. "Someone get his boots! This jerk's gotten stronger, I can't hold him forever!" Jimmy was about to grab the boots but a tower of ice shot up as Scott pushed Joey away, then Joey screamed in pain. "Joey!" Gem exclaimed as Sausage ran to help him. Another spike shot up, decapitating the jungle ruler. "JOEY!!" Shrub cried, covering her face with her hands.
"You'll pay for that-!" Sausage was cut off by a tower of ice, which he narrowly avoided. Jimmy growled and ran for Scott, but he just flew up into the air, more towers of ice erupted from the ground, but Gem used her magic to force them back into snow. One of Katherine's vines grabbed Scott's ankle and started dragging him down, but he was very strong. Suddenly, Lizzie towered behind Scott, he was flying just above her head. She grabbed him and shoved him into the snow, holding him down. "Get the boots!" Jimmy rushed over and started pulling the shoes off, but Scott kept kicking at him, Jimmy winced at Scott kicked him in the mouth, then the stomach. He got one boot off and threw it to Gem. Scott wiggled out of Lizzie graps and impaled her hand with ice, she screamed. "Scott, these are you friends!" Jimmy cried. "Not anymore! They never were!" "That's a lie! You know it is!" Jimmy challenged. "And what makes you think that, Jimmy?" "Because I know you." he stated before tackling Scott to the ground. Ice towers shot up all around them as Jimmy wrestled Scott for his boot, earning some good kicks to the mouth and the stomach, but he wasn't giving up. "Guys, help!" he called. Sausage came to hold down Scott's torso, Katherine's vines held his hand, and Lizzie knocked down any ice tower while Joel tended to her hand. Scott was not giving up without a fight, but Jimmy had already gotten the second boot off, but it still had a hold on Scott. He headbutted Sausage away, impaling him with a tower, and fought Katherine's vines until he could stand. he was sick and tired of Jimmy ruining his fun, he decided it was time to end it. He pulled his sword from its sheath and ran at Jimmy. "Jimmy look out!" Gem warned. Jimmy turned around just in time to dodge Scott, but he fell face first into the snow. Scott kicked him so that he was sitting. "I'm tired of you ruining my fun, Jimmy, so I'll end it. Jimmy froze as he saw Scott's sword rise over his head. He knew what was happening, so he turned and threw the second boot over at Gem just as Scott's sword impaled his lower stomach, he gasped in pain. He pushed Scott's sword out of him, doubling over. Gem started reciting her spell, Scott knew what was happening. As he ran Gem, another tower of ice shot up and covered Jimmy's left side in ice, another small one impaled his right arm. He laid there, covered in ice as he watched Scott go to stop Gem, but she was too deep into the spell. When Scott got close enough, a purple barrier shoved him back. The boots started floating as Gem spoke in a different tongue, Scott tried to break the barrier when suddenly, he collapsed, and Gem finished speaking. The ice towers disappeared, Jimmy was dropped into the snow, bleeding out. Scott's hair was his normal cyan and his skin was no longer covered in frost. "What.. Gem?" "Scott? Are you okay?" "What happened?" "I can't explain right now." She ran over to Jimmy, who was surrounded by the others. Scott's face changed to one of horror. He pushed through his friends to get to Jimmy he was being fed a healing potion by Shrub, it seemed to be working. "Jimmy?" he whispered, tears burning in his eyes. "Scott? You're you again.." he smiled, the scar on his chest started healing, the blood drying up. "Jimmy, I'm.. I'm sorry.." he muttered, pulling the fish into a tight hug, Jimmy nearly cried, it'd been so long since he had hugged Scott like this. "I'm sorry everyone. I don't know what happened." "It was those Frost Walker boots, Scott," Gem explained. "They had some curse on them, it wasn't your fault." "What's that necklace, Gem?" he pointed to the red gem on the chain. "Oh, it's Xornoth. You captured him when you were, you know-" "You little bastard!" Joey's angry shouts filled the air as he stormed up to Scott. He shoved Gem to the ground as she froze as she heard a cracking sound. "You fucking killed me, Scott!" "Joey, it wasn't him that killed you-" "I don't care, Jimmy, he killed me! And Sausage!" Scott stared at the ground. "Joey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill you, I'm sorr-"
"Um, guys?" Gem's shay voice interupted them. Suddenly, the ground started shaking and opening up to reveal lava. "Everyone inside! Now!" He ordered as he picked up Jimmy and carried him inside. Suddenly, fWhip came bursting through the door, he was covered in ashes. "fWhip!" Gem gasped, running over to him. "What happened to you?!" "uh, well,, I was trying to do some experiments and um,, i kinfa blew up the Grimlands.." "And the entire server!" Joey added. "How??" "Well, a while ago Jimmy wanted me to help him get his Codfather head back, so I've spent a while figuring out so, then I tried putting cod and salmon in the reactor and, yeah," "Oh my gosh," Gem groaned. "guys,," Scott looked outside thw indow. "He's out." "Who?" "Xornoth, he's free!" everyone looked out to see lava and corruption tentacles surrounding Rivendell. "How? I had the neck- Joey!" "What?" "You pushed me and the necklace must've broken!" "Excuse me-" "Guys, this is not time to argue!" Katherine interrupted. "I'll be right back." Scott ran upstairs into his room, searching frantically for something. He opened up a barrel and pulled it out. "Guys. I need to go." "What?" "I need to kill him." "Scott, no!" Gem guarded the door. "You can't!" "Gem, I know how to, please, move." she stared at him for a minute, then moved. "This is a rune blade. I found it a while ago before the boots toke over, I think this should kill him." he explained. "Scott, please, be careful." Jimmy said. "I will, Jimmy, don't worry."
Outside, Rivendell was covered in lava and corruption. He walked around until he saw Xornoth standing on a spiral of corruption. "You!" "Hello, Brother., I hope you don't mind the remodeling I've done." "How- how could you do this? This was your home! This was our home!" "Was being the key word here, brother. Not that there is much left to call home." the demon cackled. "How did even get out? We trapped you!" "Not very well," he scoffed. "That pathetic excuse of a wizard has a lot to learn if she thinks that's magic, but, she won't have time to learn anything when I'm done with her. They all won't." "Don't you dare hurt them, I'm not gonna let you!" "Aw, do you care for them? You couldn't even help them when I wasn't here, what're you gonna do? Throw a snowball at me?" he mocked. "If you haven't noticed yet Brother, fire melts ice. Don't worry, though, I'll make sure it hurts when I get them all. Especially that one fish boy you're fond of," "You-you leave Jimmy alone!" Scott went to attack him, but a dome of red energy surrounded him. "Now now, Brother, I thought I was the one with the temper. But I know you're going to be a thorn in my side if I don't deal with you first. So let's sort that." The demon snapped and they both appeared in a circle of corrupted blocks with fire surrounded by corrupted tendrils. "Wha-where are we?! You need me, Xornoth, you can't kill me or you die!" "Oh, I know that. Why do you think I didn't bother you much the first time I came here? And don't you recognize the layout of the spell you and your friends used on me?" he smirked. "I had plenty of time in the crystal to figure out how it worked, and work out a better one. I had to speed up my process when that idiot set off an explosion in which the tremors broke the ice you put me in. But, I think I whipped it up pretty well considering the time I had. You're going to be trapped away forever, Brother, but don't worry, I'll make you watch as your friends beg for me to finish them off." "I-I won't let you get away with it!" "What're you gonna do? Your ice magic doesn't work in here. Your friends are trying to stop the destruction of their own empires. You have nothing. You have no one." "Well.. I have this." Scott pulled out the rune blade, glaring at the demon standing across from him. The demon backed away. "Wha- where di you get that!?" "So you know what is, then. You know what it does." "Well, you're stuck in there, you can't kill me with it anyway." "That's the difference between you and me. I don't always put myself first, and, sure I've made plenty mistakes and I've hurt people, but I always did my best. And, for the first time, in a long time, I finally know what I need to do for my friends, because I don't need you in here to kill you," Scott gripped the sword, his stare on the demon intensified. "I don't need you here to kill you when I'm right here." "NO!" Xornoth screamed as Scott impaled himself with the blade, everything went dark.

Scott suddenly woke up in Rivendell but.. it was different. It wasn't filled with corruption or lava and broken down or covered in snow. "What? Where-where am I?" he groaned as he rubbed hi head. He walked up the path, confused as he looked around. "Is this.. Rivendell? But-" he froze, his brother stood in front of him, but he was normal. He had his magenta hair and his normal attire, he was a demon. "Come on, Scott! What're you doing wandering about, we have stuff to get done!" "Wha-what?" "You alright, Brother? You're acting like you've never seen your own brother before." "Where-where are we?" "Uh, Rivendell? The empire you rule, the one we were born in?" "Uh yeah," "I'd say you're being weird, but you often are." "Hey! I'm not weird!" "There's the little brother I love to wind up! Anyways, I need to take stuff over to the sheep. Mum and dad will eb back from their trip in a couple of days, so we need to make sure everything is good to prove we can run this place! Now go, get stuff done!" "Yeah, sure." he watched his brother leave, confusion even more prominent. "Did-did the sword work? I just remember thinking of a happy life in Rivendell, a world where Xornoth didn't get corrupted, and then I plunged the sword into my chest and woke up here but.. it worked? It worked!" "What worked? What you on about now?" Scott turned to see jimmy, slime covering part of his hair. "Jimmy?" "Yes! Now, come on inside, I've made food! And if you let it get cold, you're on clean up duty for the next week," he huffed and walked inside. "I-I'll be right there! Huh.. I guess happy endings do exist.."



Im so stoked for season 2-

i don't think this ending makes that much sense but i wanted to keep it true to how the empires were destroyed and xornoth was free. probably should've have mentioned the rune blade earlier and I know i just came back to updating but this book is over until the next book comes out for season 2!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed the book and aren't mad at me for ending it here D:

i love you all so much and I appreciate all the awesome comments and support ont his book!

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