07. the last Christmas

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(before mum died - flashback)

"Alexander, get the oven NOW, before we blow the house up!"

Mum had been screaming at dad all day. In fairness, it was their first-time cooking Christmas dinner since I was born. Granny always had the whole family round. But for some reason this year, mum wanted it to just be us in our own house. Except for granny of course, who again, for some reason agreed to let the rest of our family fend for themselves. In the back of my head, I knew mum was sure this would be her last Christmas. We all were.

Everything was going just fine, until after dinner when we started pulling Christmas crackers. She lost to everyone round the table, even granny, who at 76, should've been an easy challenger. We all knew it was because she was ill and weak, and this just frustrated her more. Its why she pulled out another box and forced everyone to keep going against her. Dad stopped trying, so he could let her win, but it was too obvious, and this just made her angrier.

"You're not fucking trying Alex! Do you think I'm an idiot? What just because I've got cancer, I'm suddenly an idiot now too? I can't do anything for myself?" she started to yell and with that, the last Christmas we ever had was ruined.

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