22. leavers

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It didn't take much to convince dad to let me host pre drinks for leavers. Our agreement was everyone would come round at seven and we would leave and go to the bar by ten, before he got home from work. In all honesty, this was my last chance to stay connected with my year group. It was our last day of school ever today and I wasn't ready to go. I felt like upper sixth didn't even happen. I didn't get enough time with my friends, because I found it hard to leave my room some days.

Hannah and Olivia were ecstatic that I had the idea for pre drinks. They said it was going to be the best part of the night. We had thought of everything to make it the party of the year. Even if it was only a pre. We bought two bottles of alcohol in our school colours so that everyone could have a shot on arrival. Olivia had managed to borrow her younger brother's huge speaker. And everyone in our group had agreed to buy a bottle of spirit each so that there would be enough for everyone to get completely drunk.

I was also nervous though. Yes, I had always been popular-ish in school (mainly because I was in the right group) but I hadn't bothered with anyone this year. I hadn't shown to any parties since James' birthday and I barley lifted my head in the halls. Part of me felt out of place in our year group, even though they had all spoke to me today and a lot of people wanted to sign my yearbook. I was still worried we might not get a good turnout.

I left the side gate open and told everyone they could just walk on into the garden. It was good weather, and Connor had helped me put a marquee up, so there wasn't any need for anyone to be inside. I didn't want anyone touching anything that was mums. Angela had agreed to take care of George at their house, so I didn't have him to worry about either.

Shortly after seven o'clock, a lot of people started showing up. We ran out of free shots in less than an hour.  It was quite clear the night was off to a good start, thanks to us. Some people even bought me bottles of drink to say thanks for hosting. I think everyone was just happy to be invited. It was the first time everyone in the year was welcome at a party, and not just the popular kids.

That's what was special about the night, we were getting to see a different side to people we had spent years with. As usual, the rugby team were singing their chants and soon enough, they had everyone jumping around, throwing champagne about. This would be a night we'd never forget, if we managed to remember any of it by the morning.

"This is amazing!" I hadn't spoken to Harry Jones much since the first kiss incident. He had avoided sitting anywhere near me in maths for the rest of the year and we didn't share any A levels in common. I was glad of this, especially now knowing he lied about sending me flowers. Him and his girlfriend didn't last long either. They broke up after about a year and he ended up talking a random girl to our formal. Typical. For whatever reason, he had decided to approach me tonight. "Really great party, Ivy."

"Hi Harry," I smiled. 'Thanks."

"So, do you know what you're going to do next year?"

"I'm not sure. I've always wanted to become a teacher, but I don't think I'll get the grades this year. I might have to resit some stuff."

"I doubt it, you've always been one of the smartest in our year," he grinned.

"Yeah, maybe if I went to school more, I'd feel that way."

"Yeah... I was really sorry to hear about your mum by the way Ivy, and your granny. I can't imagine what you've been going through."

"Thanks Harry, I appreciate that. But I'm not really looking to talk about it."

"Of course, I understand that. Wanna grab a drink?"

Harrys sudden interest in me caught the attention of both Hannah and Olivia from across the garden, who shot me confused looks as he placed his hand on the small of my back and led me over to the cool box.

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