prologue, ❝like a babe in the woods❞

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prologue, ❝like a babe in the woods❞

or, an ingénue

You ever had those moments where your mind wanders off? Dancing in the darkness in the depths of your mind, lured in by your nightmares and fears, serenaded by their siren's call? It was like dancing with the devil, always lurking, watching, lying in wait, waiting to strike.

Fears and nightmares were enough to drive a sane man crazy, even though they were just pieces of your imagination. Spliced together from negative experiences you had.

And everybody thought they were just that. Imaginary. Fake.

That was, until they became real.

My brother called his fears and nightmare his demons.

Because even though fears and nightmares lingered in your imagination - sometimes you'd meet someone who made them real.

A demon. 

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"Please, please leave me alone!"

Leaves and branches crunched and cracked beneath my feet as I ran, the sound of gunfire and bullets zipping past my head. I could barely see a few feet in front of me, aside from my warm breath hitting the cold, freezing air of the night. My heart was beating fast, goosebumps scattered across my arms, my exposed skin slick with the water that coated the trees.

Branches scraped against my arms and legs as I ran as fast as I could, pushing them out of my way, trying to run in a sporadic pattern in a weak attempt to throw him off my trail. My feet hurt from the hard, jagged rocks littering the forest floor, the sound of his even faster, forceful footsteps following behind me.

"Fancy, where the fuck you going?"

His voice was loud, powerful against my pained, hoarse voice, the sound of my voice rattling out of my throat the more I screamed and pleaded. My throat hurt, and I knew I was pushing my vocal cords past their breaking point, but I hoped with the longer I screamed, the quicker someone would find me.

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