❄️Frozen Nightmares❄️-A Stort Story

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Y/n was sitting with her brothers and sisters, chatting and laughing how they usually would. But she decided to get up, and go get a game for them to play.

Once she found one, she walked back towards the games room, only when she did, things seemed...off, to her. Everything had gotten quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

Y/n was confused, but made it to the games room. But when she arrived, the others were gone. "Uh...guys?" She called out, putting down the game. She started to look around for them, but they weren't there, and it started to become unsettling. "Come on, guys this isn't funny." She sighed, not liking this.

She looked down at her hands, and tried to summon her powers in an effort to locate Zane. But when she tried, her powers were faulty, and Y/n started to get a piercing headache. "Ugh, come on not now." She huffed, trying to make the pain go away while she returned to the halls.

Y/n started looking everywhere: the Ninja's rooms, the kitchen, training area, library, everywhere. But there was no sign of her brothers or sisters.

She ended up in the courtyard, where things didn't seem right; it was cold, but the sun was shining on the monastery, plus it was the summer. Y/n really didn't like this, but walked up to the main gate, thinking the others might have left.

She grabbed the door handles, and pulled open the doors...and she was frightened by what she saw.

The land in front of her was covered in ice and snow, and a harsh snowstorm was kicking in, one which was all too familiar to her.

"Wait...no..." Y/n gasped, not wanting to believe it. She quickly turned back around to the monastery, but when she did, it too was covered in ice and snow.

Y/n froze; this was all becoming like the place she hated, and the place where she lost herself. She wanted to leave, but she couldn't.

Suddenly, a frost-bitten roar was heard from behind the monastery, and Y/n knew too well who it was.

Boreal appeared from behind the building, and climbed onto the roof which was barely holding him. "N-No...this can't be happening." Y/n told herself, trying to find an escape. She looked back at the monastery gates, and they were still open.

She ran for them to get out, but Boreal screamed and shot an ice blast at the entrance, freezing it over and trapping Y/n in the courtyard.

Zane suddenly woke up, sensing something wasn't right. He sat up, and let this sudden strange feeling linger; it was connected to his powers, with a hint of fear and dread. Then it hit him, and he knew what was happening.

He quickly got out of bed, and made his way to Y/n's room, careful to keep quiet as the others were still asleep. When he reached her door, Zane knocked, but there was no response. "Y/n?"

Y/n heard her name, but she didn't know where it was coming from. "Zane?! Zane where are you?!" She desperately called out as Boreal started to walk towards her. "Gah! No, no, no, no, please no!"

Zane felt his powers becoming stronger, and he soon noticed ice creeping beneath Y/n's door. He looked closer, and saw ice seeping through the cracks in the door.

Zane realised Y/n was having a nightmare, and he quickly tried to get through the door, but it wouldn't open. He didn't like what he was about to do, as it would certainly wake the others, but Zane didn't know what else to do.

So, he back up, and rammed into the door, trying to get it open.

Y/n heard banging coming from beyond the monastery's walls, and only became more frightened. Boreal was in front of her now, and looked down at her. Y/n's splitting headache started to get worse, and she was struggling to stand.

She fell to the ground, feeling lightheaded and weak. Y/n looked up at Boreal, and he was charging up an attack. She was losing her strength to do anything, and started pushing herself back against the wall in an effort to get away from the dragon.

But it didn't work, and Boreal was ready to strike. Mist started falling from the creatures mouth as Y/n braced for the attack...

And then it hit...

And Y/n woke up in a cold sweat, shakily gasping for air. She noticed her room, and it was covered in ice with spikes growing in the corners. Y/n was too panicked to do anything, but then she noticed the banging, and looked towards her door.

Just then, Zane managed to break through, and looked straight at her. "Y/n!" He rushed over to her, climbing on her bed and gently holding her arms. "Y/n, are you okay?" He asked, but she was ice cold, and was staring off in shock.

Zane knew she was in pain, but not the extent of it. Y/n's breathing quickened, indicating she was still frightened. Zane quickly pulled her into a hug, and turned on his heater to warm her up. "Y/n. It's okay, I am here now. Nothing is going to hurt you, alright. Just, breathe, please, everything is going to be okay."

Y/n tried her best to calm down, and the heat mixed with the sound of Zane's heartbeat seemed to help. But that didn't change the fact how scared she was. She gripped into Zane's chest, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

"It is going to be alright. I promise you." Zane sighed, stroking her hair. His eyes wandered around her room, and he saw how badly Y/n's powers had acted up. He thought for a moment. "Would you like to sleep in my bed with me for the remainder of the night? I would prefer you not to be alone, and I assume you do not want to be alone." He told her, backing away to see her face.

Tears were falling down Y/n's cheeks, and she was still in shock. She managed to snap out of it, and wipe her eyes before looking up at him, finally seeing how worried he was. "Y-yeah, if you're okay with that." She shakily responded, making Zane nod. "I am perfectly okay with that."

He gently took her hand, and eased her out of bed before walking the two of them down the hall. They made it to Zane's room, and walked in. At that moment, Y/n was surprised how clean it was and the sudden change felt somewhat nice.

Zane climbed into bed, and held open his arms for her. Y/n hesitantly walked over to him, and climbed into his arms, snuggling close while he pulled the blanket over them.

Once Zane was settled, he looked down at Y/n. "I will not be offline, I will be on standby. So if anything happens, please, wake me up and I will help you. You know I will, alright?" He told her, holding her cheek. She nodded, soon wrapping Zane in a tight hug.

He didn't deny it, and hugged her back, trying to be as comforting as possible as the two drifted off to sleep.


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