Bloody City

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Genesis sat on her bed, running her fingers through her long, dark hair as she examined the outside world from her window.

It was raining- had been all day. Despite that, every day was like any other. Stores were open outside, and all types of individuals were roaming the streets- especially the sleazy kind.

The woman was used to it at this point. She lived in the bad part of town due to it being all she could afford. Her run-down job as a waitress down the street was the best she could do, and she was grateful to at least have that. Robots and more sophisticated technology were slowly taking over everything, leaving a lot of unhappy people behind. There was, however, a rumor of a law being passed down that would open doors for humans to start taking their lives back again. Who knew if it was real, though.

Genesis turned away from the window, focusing her attention on her little Sex Machine figurine. She sighed sadly, thinking of the last time she saw him and how horribly things ended. She wondered what he thought of her, maybe he thought she was insane...would he tell everyone there about how weird she was?

She mentally slapped herself, trying to remind herself that not everyone was her ex. It wasn't her fault he was her first 'love', first 'boyfriend'. She scoffed at how silly those words were were when referring to him. If anything, he was nothing but a monster. A manipulative psychopath hiding under sheep's clothing.

Genesis shifted in her seat uncomfortably, chewing on her bottom lip as her nerves returned. It didn't help when her friend was still missing.

It had been about a week since she last went to the club, and had given up hope in ever getting any information from the manager there. Not even Sex Machine wanted to help... not that there was anything else he could do except be sexy.

She sighed, wondering what the robot was doing  as her imagination began to take over.

She loved sleeping on his chest. It wasn't rough or hard, surprisingly. Instead it was warm, heartfelt and gentle...she had never experienced anything like it before. If she could just drown in his touch again- just to forget the world...she would.

"But I can..."  Genesis wasn't even dressed properly and her hair was frizzy, but an exciting idea popped into her head. She wanted to see Sex Machine again.

There was nothing else to do, and her heart ached to be shown love and kindness like he had shown her. Something had to be done to make her feel okay instead of sitting in a lonely room thinking about how fucked up her life was.

Genesis got up from her bed and slipped on some reflective pants as well as a pair of waterproof boots. She grabbed a small circular device from the side of her bed and placed it on her shoulder as she made her way out of her apartment. It was like an umbrella, only hands free and invisible. She just hoped it didn't run out of battery along the way.


Sex Machine sat outside the back of the club, his attention focused on a large white and grey rat sitting near his feet. He inspected it with his hands propped on his knees like a small child, curious and enamored by the little being.

He had never seen a real animal before. In fact they were hard to come by now that humans were expanding every which way. Nature had become destroyed to make room for buildings and whatever else humanity thought more important.

Sex Machine scooped up the rat in his hands, bringing it close to his head as the two stared at each other for a long time.

"Hello? What is your name?" Sex Machine asked, wondering if the chunky rat could talk to him.

It didn't, and instead gave him little kisses as he pressed his nose against his face. Sex Machine held the animal close to his chest, carefully patting his soft head as he closed his beady eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing out here?" A thunderous voice caught the robot off guard as he protectively shielded his new pet, sitting up abruptly with his back still turned to Xavier.

"Get your ass in there. I don't see why I give you special treatment when you're just as useless as the rest of them...go!" The large man grumbled angrily as Sex Machine carefully placed his rat down, watching as he scurried away.

"No," the machine responded, his fingers twitching as he eerily faced his owner. Xavier slowly turned away from the door he was about to enter, a wicked glint in his eye.

"Come again?"

"Nothing." Sex Machine responded, raising his hand ever so slightly as his claws glistened underneath the neon lights outside.

Xavier spat at the robots boots, laughing in a mocking tone as he resumed his walked inside.

Sex Machine followed after, glancing behind him to see if he could catch a glimpse of his new friend before he left. Unfortunately, he didn't.

"There's some guy here spending good money to have a night with you. Heard he's some big shot up in the city. Do whatever you gotta do to- well, fuck this shit."

The two were back inside the main floor, and it didn't take long for Xavier to notice the next customer walking inside his club. He grimaced, hunching down as he tried to avoid looking at Genesis's direction.

"He's at the bar just go over and get him ready. Along the way tell that bitch I'm not here."

Sex Machine lifted his head, focusing on a peculiar, wet girl as she shyly shielded her face from everyone.

He didn't even wait for Xavier to tell him  anything more before he carefully lifted himself up on the stage. The robots vision remained focused entirely on Genesis as she looked around and ultimately met his gaze. For her, there was no way of knowing if he was staring directly at her or not, but it didn't stop her from making her way over to him.

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