A Midnight Visit

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Genesis started to notice a change in A.

He had slowly started to drift away from her, and even Chun who he only dropped by to see every now and then. The only thing he had told her before beginning his period of isolation was that he had discovered who had infiltrated his memory core. He failed to provide her with details, and claimed it was too dangerous for her to get involved.

He would handle it himself, was what he told her. Genesis had no choice but to go along with it, despite her better judgement. She spent the days working at her job, hoping to find A whenever she got back. It was a deep saddening feeling to see him nowhere in sight, but she learned to get used to it.

The woman laid on her bed and spent the night wondering if A was safe. She had a feeling he wouldn't show up tonight, sighing heavily as she stared out of her window and into the night sky.

If there was one thing that hadn't changed as the year passed by were the heavens. It remained the same as it always had been. And for that, Genesis was grateful. There was at least one thing that man couldn't touch and destroy.

She laid face down, breathing in her pillow as she let out yet another muffled sigh.

It was lonely, and quiet.

The silence was much too deafening, at first, until she closed her eyes and forced herself to eventually try and get some rest. Tomorrow would be a new day, Genesis thought as she slowly started to drift into a relaxing sleep.

It wasn't until a few minutes later did the sound of rustling and gentle touch of her ankle snap her back to attention.

Her eyes flew wide open as her heart raced at the rather cold claw gently sliding up her leg, back, and eventually resting on her head.

Aware of what was going on now, Genesis whirled around in relief to find that it was only A. He had somehow hacked his way in again and this time decided to sneak into her room.

She rubbed her baggy eyes as she attempted to activate her lights until he stopped her. With a shake of his head, he slid a little closer to the confused woman.

Genesis watched him sitting on the edge of her bed, a little dazed yet still her heart raced. She tucked a strand of long black hair behind her ear as she asked him what he was doing there.

A took a while to respond, the gentle humming of his skull almost lulling her back to sleep.

"I came to check on you."

"Really? I thought you might have come for Chun. He's fine by the way." Genesis smiled despite it barely being noticeable in the dark. With her knees now tucked underneath her chin, she noticed A's hand still lingering beside her.

She didn't know if it was due to her exhaustion or just because she missed him so badly, but her fingers slowly started to inch closer to his large claws. They were sharp, and threatening, but somehow it didn't scare her. She only wished she could feel them once again, pressed against her body as they once were back at the club.

As if reading her thoughts, A suddenly leaned closer to her, resting his smooth face against her cold forehead.

The human felt her heart start to pick up speed, and it pounded heavily against her chest and ears. She could have sworn he could hear her blood pumping from how loud it was, but even if he did, he didn't seem to mind.

He could tell she was nervous.  Genesis was far from anything he had ever experienced before. Despite not being human, A himself could feel his fingers start to freeze as he hesitantly rested the palm of his hand against the woman's cheek.

She looked at him with longing, gently touching his own face. It was the sweetest gesture he had ever been shown, and he tried to suppress a moan as he grabbed both her wrists.

A gently placed them down, shaking his head as he attempted to clear his thoughts.

"Genesis, please. I cannot."

She nodded, regretting what had happened as she awkwardly smoothed the covers around her. With a forced smile, she added, "I take it you came here for a reason right? And I don't mean just to meet me."

A nodded, facing away from her as he soaked in the feeling of her small hands. He enjoyed it...

In fact, it was the first time he had ever enjoyed being touched.

"I have come to give you news."

Genesis's smile immediately vanished and she gave a nervous laugh.

"What is it? Is it bad news?"

"For you own safety, I cannot give you the details. However, I have found your companion."

Genesis nearly skyrocketed from her bed, and she eagerly gripped A's arm as she shook it aggressively, "Where is she!? What happened! Is she okay?!"

A didn't seem at all pleased with uncovering Cerci, for there was something Genesis didn't know.

"She is safe. However, she is not herself, Genesis."

The bright smile of the woman turned upside down, and her face contorted into a worried mask. It crushed A a little inside to see how quickly her mood had changed for the worse.

Genesis stood from her bed, kneeling down beside him as if pleading for him to tell her what was going on.

Despite the somber mood, A felt it was rather satisfying to see a human on their knees for him. It made him feel like a god.

"You must come see her for yourself. She is in your living room."

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