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Plague was standing outside, his shoulders slumped as he stared at the angry rat in his open hands. He did nothing as the little animal attempted to bite his metal fingers, and only let out a sigh as he placed him on the floor. Chun squeaked in disapproval and scurried away from the robot.

"I know you're there and I know your memory is back," Plague spoke, turning around to see his creation standing outside the back door of the club. Annihilation didn't speak as he slowly made his way towards the other.

Plague couldn't help but feel awe as he examined his love so much more independent than he used to be. Back in the labs when Plague was nothing but a computer, Annihilation first started off as a pile of wires and metal. He was lovingly and painstakingly crafted by Plague himself, who immediately grew attached. 

Plague was invented by the government but gained much more knowledge than they could have ever imagined. They ordered him to build a weapon of mass destruction, obedient and loyal to those he served. Plague did as he was told, and thus Annihilation was born. However, there was one thing that his creator did not let his masters know. He made Annihilation sentient, so if the time ever did come when the humans turned against them, they would be ready. Unfortunately, those in power caught on to what was going on before the weapon could meet his full potential. A laboratory accident that resulted in bloodshed sealed Annihilations fate. He was immediately disassembled in front of Plague, who could do nothing but watch as his pride and joy was murdered and sold for parts. Not long after, Plague himself was ripped to bits despite the protests of some. His chords were severed, and his remains burnt, but unlike Annihilation he was tossed underground in a pile of junk.

Plague laid there, watching daily as animals scurried past his battered remains in the darkness. He had given up hope...until he saw him. A strange man who wasn't really a man at all- but half machine.

It was Vail, rummaging through the garbage to find parts for robots in need. At this point, Plague was nothing but a badly damaged memory card. He didn't think Vail would even notice him, until he surprisingly did. The cyborg picked him up, inspecting him closely as he looked around to see what else Plague had come with. There wasn't much except burnt glass that must have been from a screen.

He brought him back to his secret hideout where he worked day and night in hopes of transferring the memory card into a new vessel. It worked, after a few failed attempts, and although Plague wasn't like his formal self, he was merely content to be functioning again. Him and Vail eventually became companions, despite Plague only allowing him to know very little of his former life. He couldn't function very well still, but Vail tried to upgrade him as much as he possibly could. It was the least he could for the robot he thought was his friend.

It came as no surprise that just a few months later, Plague had finally managed to find Annihilation. It pained him to see his work of art being used in such a dirty fashion, but the joy of seeing him in one piece trumped over everything else. 

He made it a habit to sneak into the strip club every now and then, marveling at the beauty of his weapon. The more he gazed at the robot, the more his infatuation and desire grew. Still, it was not enough to calm his wicked thoughts. Plague wanted Annihilation to be free and fulfill his purpose. He wanted revenge on every living human on Earth for their lack of morals and for what they had done to them. He wanted his creation by his side, forever and ever until there was not a single trace of society left. 

Plague knew deep inside Annihilation desired a worldwide extermination as well. He was aware of the robot's dark fascination with experimenting on the other machines at the club. It was a good attempt, but he felt Annihilation would benefit more from dissecting a human. 

And so, he thought of a plan to harvest humans and severe any memories through energy fields. He started with one at the strip club, luring them with promises of whatever he felt they desired. Then, another, and another. He kept them in a secret space, waiting for the right time to leave them for Annihilation to find. Nobody seemed to notice, after all they didn't remember the kidnapped anymore thanks to Plague's techniques. It wasn't until one night when Annihilation's robotic experiment went haywire in the strip club did he fail to properly wipe a woman's memories...

When he saw Genesis and Annihilation entering Vail's secret hideout after getting jumped, he didn't know what to feel. Yes, he was grateful for finally meeting his own work, but he hated seeing the two so close together. It didn't help that Plague could sense everything Annihilation was feeling. And it hurt even more now that he could sense the other wanted him to be exterminated.

"You want to throw away everything we could accomplish together. Humans are evil. Why spare any? They don't deserve it. They used you for sex and greed and left me to rot in the darkness." Plague squeezed his fist, latching on to Annihilation's arm in an attempt to shake some sense into him. He looked at the dark reflective mask, bright glowing eyes burning deep into the other- until he sensed it. Compassion? No. It was much more powerful than that. 

"I-," Plague struggled to speak as he ultimately let go, and for once he understood how Annihilation felt towards that girl. 

"Despite what we choose, we are inherently wicked. If we stay in this world, everything will die. I cannot lose Genesis." Annihilation rested his claws on both sides of his creator's face. Plague could feel him starting to squeeze and knew what the other was up to. He made no plans to stop him, however, and instead placed his own hand on Annihilation's head as well.  

"I suppose you're right." Plague muttered in bitter amusement. His creation merely nodded, then slowly rested his forehead against him. For a moment they stopped, and everything came to a sudden halt.

Their vibrations were now in tune, and Annihilation could finally recall the first time he ever came to life. Plague was there. Always had been. Guiding him through the cold lab he had wound up in, along with those who treated him like he was merely a tool. There was nothing and no one who showed him kindness in the beginning, except for his own creator... 

Annihilation immediately let go.

He couldn't go through with ripping off his head, but by the looks of it Plague didn't seem to mind if he did. They both stared at each other, until Annihilation slowly stepped back. He had no idea what to do next.

He had hurt Genesis, yet she loved him still. He didn't think he would be able to see her face again out of the guilt he felt. And as for Plague, who cared for him as well despite almost ripping his head just wasn't right.

Plague could sense the inner turmoil growing inside Annihilation and knew what he had to do. It hurt but seeing his love in such a devastating state hurt even more.

"Violence is in your system, but that doesn't mean you can't share a life with someone. If she...forgives and love you after discovering who you truly are, I don't see why you can't be together. You should go or you won't get another chance."

Despite not possessing a heart, he could feel something inside him breaking. Annihilation stared at Plague, going over the words he had just heard. He eagerly wished to go back to Genesis, unsure of how things worked but willing to try it anyways. Before he knew it, he was already starting to make his way down the alley. Plague didn't stop him, and instead watched as the other paused for a moment before disappearing entirely.

Annihilation turned his head, slowly raising his hand towards his companion as sympathy filled his voice.

" you." 

Plague lifted his head after a while, but Annihilation was already gone. He felt his body trembling as he covered his face and fell to his knees. There was so much he wanted to say, but nothing would ever happen between them anyways. With a shaky sigh, Plague outstretched his hand to where the other last was.

"I love you. Always." 

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