Chapter 4

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"All right Miss Macie, what should we do first?"

"Make cupcakes!"

I laughed. Cupcakes seemed to be the only thing that was ever on this girl's mind. But how could I refuse? Besides, the shop can always use some extra stock.

I took Macie into the back and we made a batch of cupcakes together. She and I both liked chocolate best so we made those and decorated them in rainbow frosting with sprinkles. The more sugar the better.

Customers started coming in and Macie kept trying to sell them her cupcakes. She stood at the counter, on a chair, and showed them her cupcakes. Most said no, but a few chuckled and bought one or two.

Macie turned out to be an excellent sales person, always convincing people to buy just one more cupcake or one more cookie. No one could say no to her puppy dog face and it worked to my advantage. At the end of the day when I counted my earnings, I'd made almost double what I made on a normal day.

Macie was magic.

Mr. Cole came back right after five while me and Macie were frosting another batch of cupcakes. She'd sold all of hers and needed to make another batch to take home.

"Macie?" He called out.

"Back here!" I called out.

Mr. Cole came back and his jaw dropped when he saw us. We were both covered in frosting.

"Look Daddy! I'm making cupcakes!" Macie exclaimed.

"I can see that."

I snickered a little at that and Mr. Cole's eyes snapped to mine. I just shrugged, trying not to laugh. Macie was looking back and forth between me and Mr. Cole and I burst out laughing. Macie soon followed and Mr. Cole just stared at us like we were crazy.

"Sorry," I said, choking down my laughs. "Sorry."

There were tears coming out of my eyes, but I finally got my laughter to stop and wiped them away, forgetting about the frosting on my hands.

Mr. Cole smirked and came up to me, taking the towel off the counter. The breath was sucked from my lungs when he came close to me and the room suddenly got like ten degrees hotter.

Mr. Coke stared into my eyes as he slowly wiped the frosting off my face.

"You had a little something," he said and backed away, snapping me out of whatever that was.

I blushed and backed up a step myself. "Thanks," I mumbled.

Mr. Cole moved onto Macie and cleaned her face and hands of frosting. She was worse off than I was but not by much. Especially after I got it all over my face.

"Did you have fun?" He asked.

"Sooooo much fun." Macie said. "I sold so many cupcakes."

"Really?" Mr. Cole asked, raising an eyebrow. I always loved it when people could do that.

"It's true. She almost doubled my earnings. No one can say no to her."

"Now I know that's true," Mr. Cole said, and I giggled a little.

Mr. Cole continued to clean Macie up while I boxed up her cupcakes to take home.

"Here you go," I said, handing the box to Mr. Cole.

"At this rate, I'm going to get diabetes."

I giggled and his eyes once again snapped to mine. "My deepest apologies Mr. Cole."

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