Chapter 6

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I've officially been babysitting Macie for two weeks now and my life has never been better. My quiet, empty life is now filled with happiness and laughter and business is booming. No one can say no to Macie when she suggests another treat. And her frosting skills have gotten a bit better so she's been selling some of her own cupcakes too.

This is everything I've ever wanted. I own my own bakery and I'm successful at it, but more importantly, I'm not alone anymore. I have Macie now, and even Brandon. He's a busy man, but he always makes the time to stop in and talk for a bit when he drops Macie off.

My phone pinged, pulling me out of my blissful thoughts and I rushed to grab it.

My sister came into town unexpectedly so she's going to watch Macie for the day. -Brandon

I tried not to feel too disappointed, Macie's aunt had a right to see her, but it still made my heart clench a bit. I know I'm not Macie's real family, but I love her and I've gotten used to having her around.

But I still had a business to run, so without my little assistant, I got ready to open up shop. I had just unlocked the door and flipped the sign to open when the door flew open and Macie ran in.

"Macie?" I exclaimed.

"I'm here," she panted. "Don't worry."

A woman, her aunt presumably, came running in shortly after. "I guess I should've believed her when she said she had a job."

I laughed and offered the woman a cup of water. She accepted gratefully and took a seat. By this point, Macie had put on her uniform and was standing on her stool at the counter (we had to get one so she could see over it).

"I told you Aunt Hailey," she sassed with her hands on her hips.

"That you did," she said and then turned to me. "I'm Hailey, Brandon's sister."

I took her outstretched hand and shook it. "I'm Lyra, Macie's babysitter."

"It's nice to meet you Lyra."

"You too Hailey."

"Ahem, are we gonna get to work or not?" Macie asked. She was feeling sassy today.

"You take the day off with your Aunt. Your daddy already texted me," I told her and the little girl pouted.

"Nooooooooo. I want to baaaaaaaaake."

"Macie," I warned. As much as I wanted Macie there with me, I didn't want to overshadow Hailey during her visit, but Hailey didn't seem to mind. "No, it's fine. I'm happy to stay. Put me to work," she said.

"Are you sure?"


Macie dragged Hailey into the kitchen and got her an extra apron. Then she started pulling out bowls and spoons and everything she'd need to make cupcakes. At this point, she knew the kitchen better than I did.

The bell up front rang so I left Hailey in Macie's very capable hands to make some cupcakes.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" I asked the woman standing up front.

"Do you have any of Macie's cupcakes? My friend said they were so cute I just had to come and buy some."

"Oh, wow. We don't right now, but if you come back in a few hours there will be plenty."

"Great. Can I place an order for three?"


I took the woman's order and went to the kitchen to tell Macie about her first real order. I was overcome with excitement and joy, but Macie was seemingly less happy than I was. I was actually a little concerned until she opened her mouth and said, "it's about time."

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