Chapter 11

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It'd been a week since the paparazzi incident and I was still staying at Brandon's. The Sweet Spot is back open and the paparazzi have left me alone, but Brandon still doesn't want me going back to my apartment. "Not until I figure out who sent them," he'd say anytime I brought it up.

But now I've really overstayed my welcome and I need to leave.

"Come on Brandon, I have to go back eventually," I said, trying to convince him once more.

"Not until I figure out who sent the paparazzi."

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. "They're gone Brandon. They haven't been anywhere near my apartment in days. I'll be fine."

"Just give me two more days," he pleaded, running his fingers through his hair.

"Brandon," I warned.

"Fine," he grumbled.

I did a silent victory dance in my head and went to gather my things. It wasn't that I didn't like staying here, in all honesty it had been the best week of my life. But it wasn't fair for me to invade Brandon's life like this and I needed to go before I got too attached.

So I gathered my belongings and said goodbye to Macie. She begged me to stay which warmed my heart, but ultimately I had to leave.

Brandon was waiting by the elevator when I got downstairs, presumably to say goodbye.

"Let's go," he said, grabbing my bag from my hands.


"Let's go. You want to go home so let's go." Brandon was noticeably in a bad mood.

"You don't have to drive me, I can take a cab."

Brandon gave me a look as if to say are you stupid and pressed the elevator button. "Like I'd let you take a cab by yourself at night."

It was a good point, cabs weren't always safe, especially at night. So I grumbled a thank you and followed Brandon down to his car. The housekeeper was there that night so we didn't bring Macie with us, it was too close to her bed time, and Mrs. Cool didn't mind.

My apartment was on the other side of the city, not quite in the sketchy part, but not in the fancy rich part. It was a good fifteen minute drive to get there.

Brandon was visibly tense. His knuckles were white around the steering wheel and I could practically hear his teeth grinding. I didn't know why he was so worked up over this; I mean yeah, it did scare me a bit, but I'm fine. And besides, it's just me. It's not like they showed up at Claire's door or something.

I shuddered just thinking about her. Macie had let it slip that Claire payed us a visit and might have suggested that she wasn't very kind which pissed Brandon off. I don't know what happened, but Claire hadn't been by the penthouse since.

The car stopped outside my building and I got out and grabbed my bag. "Thank you," I said to Brandon, expecting him to drive off. But instead he got out of the car.

"I'll walk you up."

I nodded and walked to my door. I pulled my key out to unlock it, but found that it was already open. Weird. I specifically remember locking it last time I left. I know because my hand was so shaky I could barely get the key in.

Walking up the stairs I could sense something wasn't quite right and I was glad I had Brandon with me.

There was no sound save for our footsteps and the occasional creak of a stair. It left an eerie feeling in the air.

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