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Collecting Supplies 3

 After a night of training, Ye Lanshan finally broke through the second level of Qi training and entered the third level of Qi training. Ye Lanshan happily left the space.

  At 8 o'clock in the morning, Ye Lanshan drove the small truck into the largest flower and bird market in the city. Because it was not a weekend, there were not many people in the flower and bird market. Ye Lanshan quickly collected a lot of fruit tree seedlings, apples, grapes, peaches... As long as there were fruit tree seedlings in the market, Ye Lanshan asked for five of each type. , I also bought a lot of racks by the way. In the future, grapes and many vegetables will need racks.

  As long as there are fish in the market, I also bought 10 small fry each. Ye Lanshan even bought a lot of small crabs and shrimp. Thinking that everything can be self-sufficient in the future, Ye Lanshan couldn't help but turn up the corners of her mouth. In the end, Ye Lanshan also bought a box of bees. Without bees, those fruit trees would not be able to bear fruit, and a set of farming tools.

  Ye Lanshan slowly drove back to the village with a small truck full of things. On the way, Ye Lanshan put all the things she bought into her space, thinking about planting all the saplings at night.

  When Ye Lanshan returned to the village, the villagers were all waiting at the entrance of the village. It turned out that everyone's food had already been packed, and they were waiting for Ye Lanshan to collect it at night.

  Ye Lanshan started from the entrance of the village, collected food from the two families, put it into the truck, and drove the truck home. The next day, I drove to the city to buy other supplies.

  Ye Lanshan kept it like this for more than half a month, and finally put all the rice and flour in the village into the space, and asked Aunt Ma and the others to ask for some vegetable seeds, which will be planted after the space is upgraded.

  In the past half a month, the housing agency also called Ye Lanshan. After seeing the house introduced by the housing agency, Ye Lanshan made careful consideration and finally chose a two-bedroom, two-bedroom set in Shangdong Garden Community. Well furnished house.

  This community is a high-end community, and not long after it was built, the occupancy rate is not very high. Everyone didn't know each other, and Ye Lanshan would not be suspicious if they came in and out like this. The most important thing is that the occupancy rate is not high, which means that there are few people in this community, so when the end of the world comes, there will be fewer people and nights that will become zombies, and it will be easier to break through at that time.

  Because it is a high-end community, the surrounding walls are relatively high, and the power grid is also installed. Zombies outside the community are impossible to enter except from the main entrance. It is also beneficial for the night waning.

  And there is a big supermarket on the east side of the community. Half an hour's walk to the west is the pedestrian street. Many large shopping malls are also there, which is very convenient for collecting supplies when the end of the night comes.

  Ye Lanshan signed a one-year contract with the landlord, and then returned to the village to pack up and live in.

  The first thing Ye Lanshan moved in was to install steel plates on the door. The strength of zombies is generally relatively large, Ye Lanshan did not want to break through, the door was knocked open by the zombies.

  Because I live in the community, Ye Lanshan's small truck has no place to park, and Ye Lanshan now only has food in the space, and the things used have not been collected.

  In the end, there was really no other way, Ye Lanshan rented a 500-square-meter warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Small trucks are also placed in the warehouse. Afterwards, everything will be shipped to the warehouse.

  Ye Lanshan originally wanted to return the small truck, but after thinking about it, she dismissed the idea. This area is a warehouse area. If you only enter things and don't get anything out, people will definitely be suspicious. Small trucks come in and out, and inside Even if it is empty, no one else knows, and they think it is shipped.

  After Ye Lanshan parked the pickup in the warehouse, he took out his Hummer from the space and drove back to his home in the city center.

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