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24 years old.

2 hours later, in Tokyo, Japan.

Iʻm furious. There are dry tears on my face. Akasuki is bleeding but he has bandages wrapped around the wound, he had pulled them out of his car. When we had got into the car I made a call to Mei and she had already seemed to have heard what had happened cause she told me she was searching the licence plate.

It doesnʻt take that long for her to get back to me about it because she calls me again before we get to Isamus house.

She speaks immediately when I answer, "Yaz, the car belongs to a small gang in Shinagawa City. Theyʻre called Nasai, But Yaz," she hesitates, "theyʻre supposedly under the control of the Yamaʻs."

I clench my hand, "Youʻre sure?" I grit it out.

Mei sounds worried, "Yes, we always get our intel from the best. You know that."

"Please be careful," I hung up as the car pulled into the driveway. Hopping out of the car before Akasuki could stop me. I grab a gun from my purse holding it behind my back and before I know it Iʻm opening Isamu office door. Slamming it shut behind me.

He looks up at me and notices how tense I am and the dry tears on my face. He puts his pen down.

"They tried to kill me." It's the first sentence I speak into the silence.

"Who?" He asks darkly.

There's so much accusation in my voice when I spit out, "You tell me."

He sits back in his seat, lifting his eyebrows, "You think I had something to do with it?"

"The gang belongs to you."

"Which gang?"


He runs his hand over his jaw, thinking, "I had nothing to do with it."

I take a step closer, "you expect me to believe you?"

His eyes darken, "No," looking me straight in the eyes from across the room "I think you prefer to not listen to anything I say."

I grip the gun behind my back, taking two more steps, "So you admit it?"

He shakes his head slowly, calm, "The Nasai are angry with me right now but Iʻll put them in there place."

I narrow my eyes, "What did you do?"

He gives a dismissing gesture, "the leader's wife."

I give a disbeliveing noise, "You mean I almost got shot because you canʻt keep your dick in your pants?"

He looks up, staring straight at me, "I think youʻll find that she couldnʻt keep her legs closed."

Suddenly the urge to shoot him feels like the only thing Iʻve ever wanted in my entire life. I grip the gun so tightly it feels like my nails have dug into the handle.

"Are you joking?" There's so much venom in my voice that I donʻt even sound like myself.

"I donʻt joke," he says, picking up his pen, and going back to work.

"Are we done, now?" His question sounds dismissive.

He makes me question everything. I walk across the room and slam the gun onto his desk. He doesnʻt even startle. He just looks at the gun then up at me.

"Iʻm pregnant." The words are out of my mouth. I expect him to have some type of reaction but I should have known better.

"I know." Heʻs too calm and I clench the gun on the table.

"That's it? That's all you have to say?" Iʻm tired now as if heʻs been draining me since the moment I met him.

He shakes his head and continues to sign papers, "It's your choice to do what you want with it."

It was her choice to have it.

The sentence he had said to me when I called him that night when Haru was born. I stand up straight, backing away.

"I choose to move out." he looks up sharply, "And Iʻm taking Haru with me."

"No." He speaks, a flash of anger in his voice.

"It's my choice. Iʻm moving back home with Haru." Iʻm turning away and I start to walk towards the door, gun in hand.

"Haru is mine." There's a possessiveness in his voice, "And youʻre not moving out."

I stop walking, shaking my head, "Haru isnʻt an object. And shooting sperm into another person's body doesnʻt make you a father." I glance over my shoulder, "Iʻll take two of your men. Not to make you feel better but because Haru favors them."

I continue to walk, opening the door, before I close it I look directly into his eyes, my hand on the handle. "Donʻt try to stop me, Isamu. You know heʻll be safer with me," I can see him shaking as if heʻs going to explode, "Everywhere you go, death seems to follow."

I slam the door shut and Akasuki is standing there, he looks worried. Looking down at the gun then up to my face. He wants to say something but I stop him, "Do you live in this house?"

He nods hesitantly, "I live down the hall."

"You and Toru are coming to live with me. Pack your stuff." He hesitates again but then he hears something through his ear piece and nods heading down the hall towards Harus room. Toru and Akasuki walk out of his room when I see Haru sleeping in his bed.

I go over and gently shake him awake, "Yazzy?" He asks. His eyes sleepy as he opens the

"Yeah," I say softly. "Do you want to come live with me?"

His eyes widen but he doesnʻt shake his head. I continue, "Iʻm moving out and I want you to come with me." I say, touching his hair.

"But what about papa?" he asks, worried, "Sometime when he thinks Iʻm sleeping heʻll come in and brush my hair. He won't be able to do that if we move."

I must have looked shocked because I hadnʻt known. Most nights I slept in this room with Haru. I hadnʻt realized someone else came in while we were sleeping. I wouldnʻt have guessed it would be Isamu.

"He can visit us whenever he wants to." I told Haru. He nods, excited. "Go pack whatever you think youʻll need for the next few days. Iʻll send someone to get the rest." He hops off the bed.

When weʻre all packed an hour later, Haru and I walk down the hall, Toru and Akasuki following us with bags, and before we reach the stairs, Haru stops. Looking towards Isamus' office with a hopeful look on his face.

As if he hopes his father will come out and say goodbye.

But the door doesnʻt open and Haruʻs hope is crushed. 

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