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26 years old.

10 months later, in Tokyo, Japan.

Me and Haru are sitting at the kitchen island, studying. He needed some help so both me and Akasuki were helping him. The baby was in his crib, sleeping. I named him Levi, he's only six months old. Mei was watching him.

Akasuki places two bowls of ramen on the counter in front of me and Haru. I give him a smile and Haru thanks him.

Haru excuses himself, grabbing his bowl and book, "Thank you for the help. I'm going to go study in the living room."

He was only six but he was really smart. I nod, "don't study too hard."

"He's smart," Akasuki said, eating some of my ramen.

I hit his hand away, narrowing my eyes and he just gave me an innocent smile, "He really is." I was a bit nervous. I had told him I wanted to tell him something but then Haru had walked in so I wasn't able to.

He walks around the counter, his arms coming around me and I smile when he kisses my shoulder, "What did you want to tell me?"

I blink, "what?" confused for a moment.

He pulls away, turning me around in my chair, "You wanted to tell me something?"

"Oh," I give him a nervous smile and laugh, "Yeah," but I don't finish my sentence.

His brows furrowed in worry, his hand reaches up, brushing my hair behind my ear, "are you okay?"

I nod and swallow, "uh, yeah." I look down to the floor.

I've killed men. I've had a child. I've been through shit. We have been together since Levi was born and yet I can't tell him this one thing without being nervous.

He cups my face with one of his hands, "hey," I look up towards him, "you can tell me anything, You know that right?"

I nod, closing my eyes, I lift my hand, placing it on his wrist. I take a breath, "I'm four weeks pregnant."

He doesn't process it at first but when he does he just lets out a breath, "I thought you were going to break up with me."

I blink, confused, "What?" I blink again, "Why would I-" cutting off, "did you not hear me? I said I'm pregnant!"

He smiles, "I did hear you."

"You're not," I try to find the word, "annoyed?"

His thumb brushes my cheek as his eyes soften, "of course not." his eyes are sincere, "I'm here because I want to be. And if you want to have this baby," he places his other hand on my waist, his thumb brushing my stomach, "then I support you. And I'll be with you every step of the way."

I smile because he's amazing. I have no idea what I did in my fucked up life to even deserve him.

I kiss the Jasmine tattoo on his forearm, "You promise?"

His hand brushes through my hair as he brings me closer, kissing me on my forehead, "I promise."

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