1 - the meeting

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I am jolted awake as my taxi hits a bump in the road. I rub the sleep from my eyes and look out the car window into the summer streets of Philadelphia. I just arrived on my flight from St. Augustine, Florida. There I was visiting my parents. I always dread being with my parents because they are the most judgmental people I have ever met. Always berating me about my dating life. And this time was no different. They want to see a replacement for my ex, Paul. Sound like an old man name? Think again. This man has not one grain of maturity. It was a messy breakup that I'm still recovering from. Which means the the last think I need is someone else. Before I know it my car is pulling up to my apartment building.
"This is you're stop, miss," the taxi driver says.
I hand him his payment and thank him. As I step out of the car, I throw my backpack over my shoulder and retrieve my suitcase from the trunk. Moving trucks crowd my street so I have to walk a couple yards to reach the entrance of my building. I breathe in the sweet, warm air and step into the familiar lobby. I say hello to the front desk woman, Sherry, as I walk to the elevator and press the button for floor 4. The elevator doors open on my floor and I see my hallway crowded with movers. This peaks my curiosity. I walk down the hallway and as I pass the open apartment door that the moving team was filing in and out of and I try to steal a glimpse of my new neighbor, but they are no where to be seen. My apartment is 2 doors down across the hallway and as I reach the door I pull my keys out of my pocket and slide them in the lock. The locks of this building are finicky so I wiggle the key around a bit and with a familiar click the door opens and I'm met with the smell of oatmeal raisin cookies baking. My roommate, El sits on the couch and jumps up to greet me.
"Ahhhh A, you're home!!!" she squeals, hugging me, "How was visiting your parents?"
"Oh well you know how it is with them," I respond.
I've missed El so much the past 2 weeks I was in Florida. Ever since high-school, El has been my closest friend.
"What's with all the movers? Have you met the new tenant yet?" I ask.
"No. Rumor has it, it's some big name celeb that they're trying to keep lowkey. Maybe it's like Tom Holland or something," she says, breaking into a grin.
"Yeah like some big name celebrity is gonna move into our crappy apartment building in Philly. Probably Mrs. Finley is just spreading rumors again," I say, Mrs. Finely is our neighbor down they hall who is in her mid seventies and has nothing else to do but gossip.
"And is that oatmeal raisin cookies I smell?"
"Yes! You're favorite recipe! It will be my going away present to you. I still can't believe your trip to florida and my trip to Seoul overlap so poorly. I suppose you'll be grateful to have the apartment all to yourself for 6 months." El crosses over to the oven and takes the cookies out.
For the rest of the night we chill on the couch and watch Edward Scissorhands and eat the cookies. They were delicious, as per usual. At around 10 we both retire because I have to drive El to the airport at 6am.

I wake up to the abhorrent sound of my alarm going off . I groan and roll out of bed. I shower, brush my teeth, and throw on some clothes. I look into my reflection in the mirror above my sink. I don't particularly like the way I look but I don't care too much. I study my pale complexion and dark brown eyes. I guess all the melanin went straight to my hair and eyes. I don't feel like putting my contacts in so I put on my glasses. El is standing in the kitchen brewing coffee with an almost full face of makeup and her hair done as I walk in. She always looks so beautiful. Guys are constantly throwing themselves at her. But she's only had eyes for her current long term boyfriend Christopher. El's eyes meet mine and her face lights up.
"There she is! Want some coffee?"
I nod and throw her a smile, like that question even needs an answer. She pours me some and as I sip the black coffee the bitter taste energizes my brain.
"So," El begins, reciting her travel plans for the 100th time, "I'm going to meet Christopher at the airport and we're going to drive to his apartment. Then we're going to get lunch at his favorite local restaurant and then we're going to walk around a local farmers market to end the day. The next morning...." I begin to drone out her voice and let my mind wander. My eyes drift to the clock on the wall above the stove and I realize it is time to go. El and I each grab a suitcase and El carries her cary-on bag. We walk to the parking garage and get in my car and drive to the airport. I say goodbye to El and drive back home. When the elevator doors open on my floor I see all the moving people have left and the hallway is empty. The familiar curiosity creeps back into my mind. As I pass the apartment the movers were moving the boxes into. Part of me wants to knock on the door and introduce myself to the new neighbor, but I reconsider with the state of my appearance. My mid-length brown hair strung up in a low ponytail and my greasy skin with my glasses on my nose. I look down at my large t-shirt and sweatpants. Yeah, I think I'll wait. If it is Tom Holland i do not want him to see me like this. I go into my apartment and prepare for my shift at a local coffee shop called "The Buzz". I put my contacts in and throw on some mascara and head out for my shift.

2 hours into my shift the shop it's packed. It's 9am and I have already had 2 people spill coffee on me, 4 people demand a new coffee because it was "too hot", and 3 people return a pastry because it wasn't hot enough. So I think it's safe to say I was at the end of my rope.
"Hi welcome to Buzz Kill what can I get started for you?"
"Hi welcome to Buzz Kill how can I help you?"
On and on and on.
"I can help whoever is next in line," I say, un-energetically as I'm looking down at my monitor.
"Hi, I'd like a-" the startlingly English accent stops its tracks. I look up. The most beautiful man I've ever seen is looking back at me. He's tall and lanky with a perfectly sculpted face with striking electric blue eyes. His blond hair is pushed back and reaches almost to his shoulders. He's wearing black jeans and a black button down short-sleeve that unbuttoned a couple inches down his chest to reveal tattoos. His hands are full of rings and his nose is pierced. His phone is in his hands and his mouth is slightly agape and I realize mine is also. I snap back into reality and quickly close my mouth. My stomach is squirming with butterflies.
"A...?" I ask,
"A- a-... umm... Just a um... large black coffee.... please."
God that accent is sexy.
"Okay can I get a name for the order?"
"Oh uh yeah it's um ...it's Jaime"
His name is Jaime.
"Alright Jaime, will that be everything for you?" I ask him.
He's staring at me so intently I wonder if there's something on my face. He shakes his head no.
"Alright that will be $3.27."
He hands me a 10. Cash? Interesting.
"A? What's that short for?" he says, pointing and my name tag.
"Oh um y/n."
"...y/n" he repeats.
"Yeah y/n, but no one calls me that. Except my parents." I say, as I hand him is change.
Our hands briefly touch and it feels like I'm being electrocuted. The butterflies are having a stampede.
"Well, A, thanks for the coffee." Jaime smiles.
"Yeah... uh- you're welcome." I try to return the smile but I probably look like a grinning idiot.

The rest of my shift flew by. All I could think of were those striking blue eyes and toned cheekbones and perfect smile. All which I will probably never see again. His accent is from England so he probably is too. Which means he's not from here and probably won't stay. I try not to think about that. The shop closes at 4pm and after that I decide to head home. I make myself an early dinner and watch Game of Thrones till midnight. I get ready for bed and as I slip into my cool bedsheets my mind drifts back to that man from the coffee shop. Jaime. Why didn't I ask for his number? God I'm so stupid. Like he would have wanted my number anyway. He's too perfect to not have a girlfriend. But the way he was looking at me...

Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT! It's 10. I've overslept! I throw my sheets off and run to the bathroom. I furiously brush my teeth as I grab some clothes off my floor. I throw them on and rinse. I grab my bag and throw on some shoes as I am running out the door. Shit. Shit. Shit. How could I do this. If I just wasn't up so late last night fantasizing about some random dude from a coffee shop... I practically run down my apartment hallway and jam my fingers into the elevator buttons. It's taking too long. I run to the stairs and sprint down them. I can't be late again. Perriman will KILL me. Mr. Perriman is my boss. About two months ago I got a job at a library while I finished up college but then I dropped out... So now I just work there because the coffee shop isn't nearly enough money to fully support myself. I need this job. And Perriman said that if I'm late one more time, it's over. I run through the lobby digging through my bag for my keys when WHAM. I half run half walk right into someone and their coffee spills all over me.
"HEY! What the hell??" I start and then I look up.
It's the man from the coffee shop.
"Wha- You." I say, utterly shocked.
He looks blankly at me.
"What was it? Jaime?" I say.
He nods still staring.
"It was uh A right?" he finally says still staring.
"Um yeah. May I ask what the hell are you doing in my apartment building?" I ask.
"Why, I live here!" Jaime replies.
"You- you live here?" I ask, bewildered.
"Yes! I just moved in!"
Suddenly it hits me. The man I just fell in love with in that coffee shop is my new neighbor.

uncovered - A Jaime Campbell Bower FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now