3- the fall

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Throughout the next month Jaime and I see each other practically every day. We go to my favorite museum, my favorite play, his favorite plays, his best bars and restaurants, whatever we can think of. It is pure bliss. Anytime I am working he visits me at the coffee shop. It's déjà vu of our first meeting every time. I haven't figured out what to do about my lack of adequate employment. The Monday comes around marking the 1 month anniversary of when we met, though it feels like it's been a lifetime. I wake up to a knock at the door. It's still dark outside. I look at the clock and it reads 5:30. Who the hell is knocking on my door at 6am. I get up out of bed and go to answer the door. A tall silhouette of a man is standing there and he grabs me and sweeps me off my feet.
"JAIME. What the fuck are you doing?!" I scream, laughing.
"It's the 1 month anniversary of the day we met. That's means for a celebration isn't it?"
"I suppose, but why so early?"
"I have a whole surprise day planned. First we're gonna watch the sunrise. Now go get dressed! I'll meet you in the lobby in 10!"
I smile and do as he says.

10 minutes later I arrive in the lobby dressed in jeans and a graphic t-shirt. Jaime wolf-whistles and walks over and tackles me in a hug.
"You look beautiful, A" he says softly.
"You flatter me," I say pulling away and looking him in the eyes.
"Right, off we pop. Got a tight schedule to keep with don't we."
He grabs my hand and we walk to his car. We drive to a hill overlooking the city. The sun is just breaking over the horizon. Jaime and I lay on the hood of his car and watch.
"This is beautiful," I say quietly, "Im so excited for today."
"Before we get started with today," Jaime says sitting up, "I have a question for you."
I also sit up.
Jaime smiles and blushes.
"A y/m/n y/l/n, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks.
I look at him and smile.
"It would be my honor, James Campbell Bower."

After the sunrise I feel giddy. Jaime and I are boyfriend and girlfriend. I feel like I'm in high-school again. Girlfriend. It's just a word but it makes me feel so whole inside. We drive to The Buzz and get coffee. We sit at outdoor seating and chat while we sip our coffee. After coffee we go all over town doing all the things we did as dates over the past month. Closing it off with pizza and wine in my apartment.
"Jaime today has been wonderful." I say as I lay my head in his lap as we sit on my couch and watch Jeopardy, our favorite show to watch together.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did." Jaime says.
I turn over and look up at him.
"Okay, I have a question for you now."
"And what's that, darling?" Jaime says, eyes still in the TV as he sips his wine.
"Kiss me."
He stops mid sip and looks down at me. I sit up and look at him.
"That's a statement not a question"
"Oh whatev-" he cuts me off by clasping his mouth to mine. His soft lips fit so perfectly in mine. This feels so right. He cups my cheek with his hand and turns his head to kiss me better. I run my fingers through his blond hair and my hand lingers by his face. He pulls back and smiles at me.
"Well that was long awaited."
I gently kiss him again and pull back to look at him and we look in each other's eyes for a minute. I lean forward and touch my forehead to his and close my eyes.
"You make me feel whole." I whisper.
"You make me feel whole too, I'm glad you're my girlfriend." he touches his lips to mine. That night, Jaime and I slept intertwined on the couch. I feel so safe with him and so comfortable.

One evening, weeks later we sit at his kitchen table as I fill out job application forms. I notice Jaime is staring at me and I look up at him and smile.
"Have you ever been in love?" he asks.
I hesitate. I haven't told him about Paul yet. For some reason I feel like if Jaime doesn't know what Paul did to me, it didn't happen . It's not real.
"Yes. Once. A long time ago."
"What happened?"
"He betrayed my trust. He hurt me. I slept with him. He was my first. And he cheated on me. Slept with someone I thought was my friend."
"Oh A. I'm so sorry." he gets up and walks over to me and wraps me in a hug, "I wont let anyone hurt you ever again." he softly kisses me and I kiss him back.
"Anyway, enough about me," i say, as I wipe a tear from my eye, "Have you ever been in love?"
"No, I don't think so. Being 'famous' made me feel like I couldn't open myself up to people. Like everyone was secretly using me. I know it's stupid."
"No! It's not stupid. I can't imagine how hard that would be." I say, as I stroke his hair.
He leans into my touch and closes his eyes.
"That is until I met you." he smiles and opens his eyes. I guide his face to mine and kiss him gently.
"I feel like you're the first person I've ever felt fully safe with." he continues, his face inches from mine.
"I feel the same way, Jaime" I whisper.
He kisses me softly. His lips feel so perfect agains mine, I never want to let go. He pulls away and gets up, grabbing my hand and leading me to his bedroom. We are already in our pajamas so we slide straight into bed. He holds me as we drift to sleep and I want to stay that way forever.

uncovered - A Jaime Campbell Bower FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now