2- the date

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"I'm um sorry about the coffee." Jaime says, sounding truly apologetic.
"Oh it's okay." I respond, all thoughts of Perriman have left my mind and the only thing that matters is Jaime.
"No, it's really not. Your shirt is ruined. Let me make it up to you. Drinks, tonight?"
Holy shit. He just asked me on a date. And I'm gonna say yes. Im gonna say yes to a man I don't know. Whom I met yesterday. He could be a serial killer. I should say no.
"Yes. Drinks. Tonight sounds good." I smile and he returns it.
"Great! Uh meet here at 8? And you seemed like you were in quite the rush so I won't keep you."
No. No no no. I need to keep talking to him. But suddenly the urgency of the reason I was rushing floods back to me.
"Oh shit yeah," I smile, "Sorry about the coffee."
He bashfully smiles, "No I am, it was my fault."
"No i should have been looking where I was going." I say.
He's looking at me again in the way he was at the coffee shop. Like he was never going to look away. We look into each other's eyes for what felt like a full minute and then we both start to blush.
"Well I better go change, see you at 8." I say.
"See you at 8."
God I could look at that smile for eternity. I sprint up the stairs again and run into my apartment to change my shirt. As I am leaving Jaime is in the hallway, struggling to unlock his door. He sees me.
"Oh! It's you. Wow we are on the same floor. Guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other," he says with a grin.
"You've got to wiggle it a bit." I say.
"Huh? Oh the lock! Yeah I just haven't gotten used to it yet I suppose."
"Here," I walk over and wiggle and turn the key and the door unlocks, "Easy peasy."
"Easy Peasy," he repeats, looking into my eyes.
I blush and look away.
"Well I really need to go..." I start.
"Right, sorry! Oh here," he reaches into his pocket and brings out a pen and takes my hand and scrawls his number on it. His touch sends shivers throughout my body. "Just in case." He smiles again and enters his apartment.

I curse under my breath as I walk up the steps to the library. It's 20 minutes past the time my shift started. I enter the building and Perriman is standing behind the librarians counter. He spots me and I see a flash of annoyance in his face.
"I'm so sorry-" I start.
"Save it," Perriman says, "I don't give a damn about your sob story. You're late. And I told you what would happen if you were late again."
"Mr. Perriman I-"
"You're fired. Considering your warnings I do not feel the need to give you notice."
"I understand. I'm really truly sorry Mr. Perriman." I say and I leave.
I needed this job. UGH what am I going to do?? This has been the best and worst day of my entire life. My dream man asked me on a date and I got layed off of the job I needed to support myself. I'm fucked.

At 7:30 I begin to get ready for my date. Is it even a date? Who cares. I'll take whatever I can get. I decide on a floral dress that has thin straps and reaches just above my knee. I put on some short, thin strapped heels and I put some soft curls in my hair and some light makeup on. As 8 o'clock approaches my stomach starts to churn with anxiety. When the clock turns 8:00 I head down to the lobby. The elevator doors open to reveal Jaime standing with is back towards me. When he hears the doors open he turns around and his face lights up. He looks at me for a minute straight even after I walk over to him. He's wearing some trousers and a white button down, again with a few buttons undone revealing his chest tattoos. He has on a light wash jean jacket. His hair is slicked back and he looks absolutely incredible.
"A, holy shit. You look... You look... Wow." he stutters.
"You're looking pretty good yourself," I say with a laugh, "Shall we be off?"

We take a taxi, since we will be drinking. We go to a bar in downtown Philadelphia. It's a quiet bar that kids don't party in. Exactly my kind place. We walk in and the man at the door asks to see our ID. He lets us through and we grab a table and order some drinks.
"So Jaime, what do you do for work?" I ask.
"Well I'm an actor, I'm a little surprised you didn't know that."
"Woah, the humility is just dripping off of you," I laugh.
"Well I didn't mean it like that. But I am a pretty well known actor. And I was in a band." Jaime says, laughing.
"So what are you doing living in my shitty Philadelphia apartment building if you're a famous actor?" I ask.
"I wanted to get away for a while, lay low. I guess I was feeling overwhelmed from all the pressure."
Oh my god. Wait till I tell El about this 'big name celeb trying to keep it low-key.'
"So you're not going to stay forever?"
"Well I guess I'll see. I mean nothing really is forever." he says thoughtfully.
We sit and talk for 3 hours. We talk about family, about London and St. Augustine, we talk about some of our friends, hobbies. At the end of the night I feel like I've known him my whole life.
"So, have you eaten yet?" Jaime asks.
It is now 11:22 and I shake my head no.
"I guess I didn't think we'd be talking this long." I say with a smile.
"How bout some pizza? We can take it back to my place."
His place.
"That sounds great!"
As we wait for a taxi I start to shiver. He gives me his jacket and I accept it gratefully. It smells like bourbon, cigarettes, and cologne. I could breathe it in for eternity. We hail a taxi and drive to the pizza place and then home talking and laughing the whole way. We get on the elevator and as we ride we sit in silence for the first time this evening, both soaking in everything. I cannot believe I have only known this man a day. We arrive at his apartment and he struggles with the lock again. This time I only instruct him verbally and he unlocks it by himself. His apartment is a mirror image of mine but unfurnished. There are boxes everywhere and a table half assembled on the floor. A few guitars lay on the floor throughout the apartment. The only piece of furniture is a couch in the center of the room. We sit down on the couch and dig into the pizza. After we had devoured over half of it, Jaime gets up and walks over to a record player in the corner. He puts on Frank Sinatra and walks over to me and extends his hand.
"May I have this dance, m'lady?"
"Why of course, kind sir." I say mimicking his accent and taking his hand.
He sweeps me off my feet and we begin dancing around the room laughing and tripping all over the place. At 2am he walks me back to my room. We stand gave to face with my back to my door.
"This has been the most wonderful night," Jaime whispers.
"I agree." I whisper back.
He takes my hands and holds them. Our faces are inches apart. We stand like this, looking into each other's eyes for almost 5 minutes.
"I should go to bed." I say softly.
"I don't want to say goodnight." Jaime whispers back.
"Goodnight." I say.

uncovered - A Jaime Campbell Bower FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now