4. Do you like her ?

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Author's POV

Lee rang and Do hwa left the room and they both headed towards the reception.

''Excuse me, I will do the needful. You can go.'' Do hwa said surprised by Lee rang's actions.
''Im just paying up, you can do the formalities.'' Lee rang said nonchalantly.
''I'll do that too.'' Do hwa said confidently.
''How much is it ?'' He asked the receptionist.
''It's 1.8 billion won sir.'' The receptionist said smiling.
''What--what ?'' Do hwa stuttered.
''Let me explain sir, the price for a normal or private ward would range to 20,000 - 4,999,99 won. But since you requested for a 'VIP premium' ward it totals up to 1.8 billion won.'' She said smiling.

By the time she was explaining Do hwa, Rang gave her the card with which she made the payment.
And he started walking off when Do hwa stopped him in his tracks.

''Do you like her ?'' Do hwa asked annoyed.

Lee rang turned around and walked towards Do hwa.

''Why ? Cant I ?'' Lee rang said smirking.
''No one waits for a stranger all that time like you did outside Kim jisoo's house and then shifts them into a VIP ward just because they got unconscious.'' Do hwa said suspicious of Lee rang.
''She's not a stranger to me.''

Saying that Lee rang left poor Do hwa in riddles.

Meanwhile y/n was checking her phone for messages and calls. There were some texts from her dad and a few missed calls from Ji ah. Y/n lived alone while her dad lived abroad.
She texted her dad saying she was busy with work. She didn't want to tell him what had happened for obvious reasons.
Next she called Ji ah.

''Y/n are you alright ? How are you feeling now ?''
''Im good now. What about the wedding case ?''
''I dont know what to say... You remember the red headed man we saw yesterday ?''
''He's the suspect.''
''I knew it. He just gave off really weird vibes the moment I saw him.''
''I've sent you the video. Check it out.''

Y/n watched the video and got back to Ji ah.

''The CCTV couldn't capture his face because his umbrella covered it.''
''So even though we know his face we can't do anything.''
''I'll find a way, dont worry about that. Im meeting someone tomorrow who'll probably give us something useful.''

''Okay. But one question, even if he's the suspect we have no evidence that he has something to do with the bride. I mean there's no sign of him running away with the bride.''
''I know. We can't prove anything without solid evidence.''

''What about the animal fur ?''
''That's another mystery. It's fox fur.''
''What ? Fox fur ? Now we have foxes visiting weddings too ?''
''I have no idea what's happening. Everything feels unreal.''
''Well I agree. I myself experienced quite a 'once in a lifetime' experience today.''
''Please take care of yourself.''
''Dont worry i'll be back tomorrow.''

Lee rang POV

I still cant believe everything that happened today. I felt like I found y/n and I would lose her at the same time.
But I wont stop what im doing.

It's necessary for my dear brother to know what it feels like when you lose the thing you love the most. He abandoned me for that human. Because of him I lost y/n. I wont ever forgive him.

''Lee rang-nim !'' Ofcourse. Yuri must have lots of questions for me.
''Are you alright ? What happened ?''
''Don't worry. Nothing happened. Only good things will happen from now on.''
''What about that girl ? Is she really y/n ?''

I just nod with a smile.

''What ?! Really ?! Wow ! That's great news !''
''I know. But now we have to focus back on our mission. I'll be meeting that human tomorrow.''

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